***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

How much are we talking, 10K or more difference?

Congratulations on clearing the final hurdle!

He is a good test taker. My recommendation is take Penn over GWU BS/MD and Duke. To be frank, GW is not worth the price for kids like him. As you know my S took Vandy over BU and RPI/AMC, Penn and JHU and he is 100% happy with his decision. It’s not as bad as people project here. They get to experience college only once.

Two things people point out is kids changing their mind about medicine and gap years (if they stumble). There is nothing wrong with kids changing their mind and going to different fields. I rather have a doctor who is 100% committed to medicine than one who forced into medicine by parents at age 17/18.

Taking gap years is actually encouraged now a days to give them more experience . Two kids I know from T20 schools deferred their admission and took gap year to get industry admission. I also know some one who took gap year in a 7 year program to be a competitive applicant for residency. So lot of different pathways and not just BSMD.

if you are Texas resident go with Texas A&M. Nothing beats TX tuition. You can aim for UTSW or Baylor residency.

He is wait listed at Penn, may be get in later. May be accept GWU BS/MD for now while wait for Penn to open a slot for him.

Still I would take Duke over GWU.

Awesome! Congratulations to you, your D & family

Congratulations! on ur PPSP acceptance. Wish you the best


Yep, AMC’s tuition is about 5K-10K/ year cheaper as compared to most private schools.
Harvard’s tuition is around 67K; NU is about 64K; UPenn is about 65K; Jefferson is about 62K - to give a few examples.
Total annual cost at Harvard is over 97K; UPenn ~92K; NU around 89K.

@novicedad @goldenrock @rk2017 @srk2017

hello all! following the thread for a long time. thanks to all the senior’s for their advice. much respect!!!

Our DD has narrowed choice to the following:

A) Upstate Medical (bs/md)

  1. no mcat
  2. total undergrad cost for 4 years: only 30k (commuting)+ scholarship for 12k
  3. total medical tuition including books for 4 years: 190k + living exp (say 100K)
  4. all undergrad summers involve courses at upstate medical
  5. met quite a few traditional MD students at Upstate with undergrads from IVY’s like Duke, Cornell, Upenn who gave favorable feedback about prof’s, research and clinical
  6. Upstate is allocating approx 85 seats of it’s 170 seats to BSMD. This means come 2024 the traditional MD seats would be halved making Upstate much more competitive for traditional route.

B) Cornell
a) traditional pre med - neuroscience
b) IVY degree
c) total undergrad cost: 320K
d) potential of being in T10 medical school - total medical cost another 320k
e) No guarantee so live the whole college experience all over again - EC’s, research, volunteer and then 17 apps with essays

DD leaning towards IVY as she feels it’s more prestigious than BSMD undergrad (SUNY Poly). Peer pressure is not helping.

As parents we see 640K (+loss of guarantee+ extra stress) versus 290K total cost.

Is it worth the difference and the extra stress for student and the family? Especially when we met quite a few IVY undergrad students (doing MD) who were very happy with Upstate? Also from what we have heard that doctor pay depends on specialty and residency.

Still waiting on a few BS/MD. I wanted to know what people felt of undergraduate at Rice, Emory or Georgetown. Simply based on the undergraduate experience and medical school acceptance.


You probably know how grade deflated and cut throat co.oetitive it is at Cornell, right? Yes, if your C is fine with attending undergrad at a branded name and won’t mind exploring other options if not medicine. But if medicine is a strong desire, either go with a BS/MD or any non fancied school traditional route where she can shine brilliantly and pursue all the ECs comfortably.

For a change I will agree with my friend @rk2017 :smile: I am all for taking calculated risk but not for suicide. Cornell is known for severe grade deflation and better be avoided for premed.

All the people I know going to Rice love it. However, I was told that it’s tough to get the kind of UG GPA that med schools want

@“BSMD mom”

Congratulations on acceptances. All great choices. Believe Georgetown doesn’t give any non need based awards, Rice a little and Emory more. If you get decent price break, Emory will be ideal. CDC is right across and the med school there is awesome for pursuing research and ECs. A student of your C’s caliber need not worry about the much talked about weed out there and Emory is a reasonably manageable school also to excel at.

Pretty much every undergrad school with an affiliated med school has early assurance program (sophomore year of undergrad). How better is Georgetown’s over others? Any figures?

Hi I was accepted by Hofstra’s BS/MD program. The requirements are 3.6 GPA and 80th percentile MCAT on the first attempt. I also got accepted to Georgetown and am trying to decide between the two. Moneywise, I got a scholarship from Hofstra, which puts Hofstra’s cost way below Georgetown’s cost. Does anyone know anything about grade inflation/deflation at Georgetown or anything about the pre-med track at Georgetown? I am basically 100% sure I want to be a physician, but what if I don’t end up as a physician and have a degree from Hofstra? Any advice would be really appreciated!

OU mhsp people any idea when they will release interview results ?

Feel you don’t need to worry about the GPA and MCAT requirements. As long as you don’t end up becoming a party beast there, you should be fine with the GPA and 80% ile is a modest requirement for MCAT.

Consider other aspects besides these two in your decision making, like the location, social life, campus vibes, your impression of med school there during visits and interview, undergrad curriculum, freedom/flexibility in course and major selections etc.

If D is committed to become a doctor, go with Upstate BS/MD. Cornell UG does not guarantee a T10 medical school admission.