***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@machonacho OU MHSP
By Monday 3/30, but don’t be surprised if you get email during this weekend also

@swuzy01 Since you are a student and stating clear about medicine as a career, go with Hofstra. Though new school, management strong and location and hospital system not going to disappoint you.

@“BSMD mom”

If TX resident Rice, If GA resident Emory. If neither, let your child decide between Rice or Emory and where feels fit. Georgetown can be dropped

@Nvidia20 CRWU.

Congratulations to your child and must say you are the savvy parent and you know this medicine and BS/MD program process better than any one when you have such a success with one child with NU HPME and second with CWRU.

@ohnjmom Agree with your decision to go with your child’s decision.
But I hope it is RPM/AMC than Duke!

@MerkedXD Go with Texas A&M. As @srk2017 suggested do well and get in to UTSW or Baylor residency.


If medicine is parent’s choice/influence go with Cornell
If medicine is child choice/passion go with Upstate. Still if she is keen on Cornell, understand her reasoning. If money is not an issue and if you want your D to be happy, let her choose her choice but ask her to challenge herself and need to be successful in whatever path she wants to choose eventually even if not medicine.

Hey Guys,

I’m currently a sophomore and planning to apply to some bsmd programs like penn state, UConn, hpme and such. I am from pa. Please look at some of my stats and let me know.

3.99 uw gpa
4.42 w gpa
Didn’t take sat - hoping for 1550+, scoring 1520s so far
Class rank - NA but in top 3 percent

Asian American
Income > 150k

Major ECS

Founder of non profit - CEO and Chaiman, does certain service projects and helps homeless communities
Research in hillman cancer center
Tennis - Varsity and JV
Guitar - 10 years
Volunteering at Hospital - 300+ hours
Shadowing - 100 hours
Founder of FTC club in my school, team lead in design and outreach
Boy Scouts of America - Eagle Scout
Survery research project about trauma in 9th grade
FBLA, TSA, Speech and Debate, Science Bowl, Quiz Biwl
(My resume still isn’t complete, this is so far)

Also, let me know if I need to do any other stuff to maximize my chances

Thanks so much for the help


Struggling in your case. May be take a chance and skip GW BS/MD and go with your child choice Duke.

Since you mentioned about financial aid, are you expecting any need based aid from Penn? If so, go with Penn if offered.

Yes, students can join another college after May 1st, if offered admission from wait list. Of course make sure to pay the deposit to whatever college you have firm offer (Duke) but you will loose deposit when join another college.

Founder/CEO/Chairman? Unless this is a big non-profit I don’t give myself CEO and Chairman titles. Smaller ones tend to have President only.

You sees to be doing too many competitive ECs. Any achievements in those? If not, focus on one or two and aim for state level accomplishments. I had a simple rule for my DS when he was in HS, compete only if you can show results. Nothing wrong to try in freshman and sophomore years but once you are junior you need to narrow down ECs and get results.

@smartfish - BU SMED program is a very good program. My only issue is cost. Given that he has excellent UG outcomes, I would personally go big and take UPenn or Vandy /Emory if any merit scholarships. Traditional path offers many more choices. If you are in-state and want to take advantage of liberal AP credit policies TCNJ is a good choice over BU.

If finances not a concern BU. We have known students who gave up full rides for undergrad portion of in state and other med programs to pick BU with no price breaks.

If finances is a concern, TCNJ/NJMS will be an excellent option too where one qualifies for in state for medical school irrespective of current resident status. NJMS is a great med school.

Depends on two main factors. How much your child is decided upon career choice at this point of time and your financial situation (don’t look at overall cost, but rather the difference between the two options over 8 years).

If he/she is still open to perhaps take time to make up mind on the career in a couple of years - may be investment banking, management, academician, lawyer or politician besides medicine alone - and if finances are not a concern, Brown provides Rock solid foundation. Besides a great undergrad experience and guaranteed med school spot if still wants to pursue after some time to reflect upon

If medicine is the only target then you may want to go with the cheaper option. Both med schools are similar in reputation.

No biology. Rejected after interview.

Thank you

Thank you for your reply. Wont qualify for need based aid. Penn is still WL so a lot is up in air. It boils down to Duke and GWU for us.

Folks who have already made a decision:

IF you have MADE a decision, suggest withdrawing from other BS/MD programs earlier than later.
Your timely action may help other kids n the waitlist.


Go for BU-SMED.

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What exactly are your concerns with GW/GW?

Thanks for your comments.

It boils down to his interest in rehashing this whole thing 4 yrs from now and our willingness to deal with more uncertainty in the traditional route.

I think i met you at REMS parents meet in 2017. Three of us parents had a lengthy discussion in the Barnes and Noble book store clothing section on BS MD programs as i recall. Your C was the only one who almost got into all BSMD programs but went to Vandy.