***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@rk2017 , @Westerngirl @hs2md-bsmd

Your medical college has bearing on you in terms of opportunities offered and peer group you graduate with. They can also help with their own hospital network system (to an extent).
But for residency matches, the key things that matter are your STEP 1 score, your grades and your choice of specialty. Your likelihood of matching to a PLASTIC SURGERY or ORTHO will be very less at a STEP 1 score of 210 (even if you are from Harvard Medical School) but will be high with a STEP 1 score of 245 (even if you are from a “mid-tier” medical school) - assuming you have the grades, research, publications, LORs and other requirements.

Yes, as many folks know on this forum, I am a big proponent of looking at residency matches - as in my view, it gives an indication of the strength of the medical program. And I do NOT want to re-hash last year’s discussion on this topic so I will leave it here.





part of BS/DO program. She could complete UG in 3 years and just used fourth year to do shadowing in home town and apply for colleges.

My daughter is a junior and she is trying to go through the list of colleges offering BS/MD. Tulane’s TAP-TP and TPM are bit confusing. Can the students apply to both? They have not given more details about TPM anywhere. They only talk about TPM. Can someone please give me more details about the program?

Hello, I am a senior in high school and I am going to apply to some bs/md programs this year. One program that caught my eye was St.Bonaventure/GW, and while I was looking at the requirement to matriculate into med school it said that the MCAT was required; however, the score that was required was not listed. I was wondering if anyone had any insight into what score requirement that program has or if there is even a score requirement. Any insight is much appreciated.

@Stephen_G Contact the director and get it clarified mthomas@sbu.edu • (716) 375-2656.

Most likely student need to meet or above the previous year average of GW. For example 2019 entering students have 513. This is very reasonable score and also the other requirements are very reasonable like 3.6 GPA in UG.

@mygrad2021 Agree, it is not very detailed. But my reading of their site is as follows.

  1. TPM is BS/MD program but Tulane invites students to apply for this program (after student has applied to Tulane UG program). 4+4 years and can do any major.
  2. TAP-TP is in my definition so called Hybrid program (neither BS/MD nor EAP). This is primarily student need to commit for Tulane first and then during May they are asking students to apply for this program and they select 5 students and it is 3+4 and a specific major (Cell and Molecular Bio) must be done. Guess TPM program students also apply (it is not clear).

Best contact Tulane mwoodson@tulane.edu

TAP-TP is there for a long time, during 2016 cycle it used to be during Aug (2 weeks before UG starts) students apply and go thru the process. But now it appears they are doing during May. But what is not clear to me is, by May 1 student need to commit for a college. Not sure after committing to some other college, can student commit to Tulane also and withdraw if not selected for TAP. Mostly it is not possible. So kind of EAP but very early EAP.

@mygrad2021, @GoldenRock

Tulane now has 2 programs. Don’t remember the abbreviated names they give, but one has been in existence for a while. Only meant for students already enrolled and eligible to apply after 1st semester there. Remember seeing some stats also posted on their portal. It is accelerated 7 year, students selected need to work with peace corps or something for a year as part of the program, and have limited choice of choosing field of study or major. Big IF, what the student is not one of those selected few? Will he or she still be fine with continuing at Tulane or wants to transfer out? May not be a bad option for someone getting a big financial aid/merit award for undergrad and like that school (heard it is beautifully and very well maintained).

The other program introduced a year or two ago, not accelerated (8 year), one knows upfront they will go to their med school - subject to maintaining the requirements -and have lot of flexibility of study. I think both the programs have a handful of slots, like 5-8 each.

Tulane has 3 programs. 2 as I mentioned in the above post. The third one is classic EAP and caters to students who are in interested in liberal arts major and it takes around 14-20 students (no MCAT needed if accepted) during end of Sophomore year.

The TAP-TP Hybrid program takes 10 students and TPM (BS/MD) has not stated the number of students admitted.

Suggestion is to apply to Tulane UG first, then see if you get invitation for TPM.
If decided to go to Tulane UG, then apply for T AP-TP. But if not planning to go to Tulane just for UG alone, then do your due diligence to ensure where ever you committed to join on May 1st is not going to be invalidated by accepting Tulane also.

Yeah, I didn’t include the classic EAP at end of sophomore year of Tulane, bcoz most of the schools with affiliated med schools offer that anyway.

Thank you so much @GoldenRock and @rk2017 ! I will email them if they can clear the doubts.

This is the response I received from Tulane.

TAP-TP is a 3+4 with part of the third year doing public service. You do not have to be invited to apply but you must be in the honors program and have certain AP scores to be able to complete the program.

TPM is the traditional 4+4. For this program, you would have to be part of the honors program and be invited to apply from Tulane. The invitation comes from the undergrad admissions office.

As for the commitment question, that is a question for the undergraduate admissions office. The interviews for the TAP-TP program takes place over the summer with decisions being made in July. The interviews for the TPM program takes place over honors weekends and those decisions are made shortly after that.

It appears St. Bonaventure website has conflicting information.

If you check their flyer/ fact-sheet (link here):
– https://www.sbu.edu/docs/default-source/fact-sheets/gw-dap-fact-sheet.pdf?sfvrsn=10
it says “Accepted students cannot take the MCAT exam; however, they are encouraged to take an MCAT review course before matriculation to the M.D. Program.”

However, the Dual-admit webpage (link here):

it says “Successful completion of the MCAT exam is required.”

I suggest you contact SBU - Dr. Monica Thomas, Director, Franciscan Health Care Professions programmthomas@sbu.edu • www.sbu.edu/GWMedicine or email GW at medadmit@gwu.edu.

check out this thread on CC:

@mygrad2021 Unfortunately the reply does not address the question related to TAP-TP. Basically it implies that only if a student is committed to Tulane can try that in the months before starting the freshman year. That is why I call this a Hybrid program when it is not BS/MD nor EAP. This program is more of EAP with better options like you will get to know if you are admitted early (than the traditional sophomore year) and also it is 7 years.

Can I apply to NJMS BS/MD program through more than one undergrad institute out of 7 listed in previous posts. (I mean if I like couple of undergrad schools can I apply through both?)

Thanks @rk2017 ! @GoldenRock, I know the response doesn’t answer the question properly. Thanks for your help on this.

@ghytu12 Yes unless any change in the recent years.

I happened to check Tulane’s common data set. They seem to be generous overall with merit awards. Section H2A of common data set shows 800 out of 1900 being awarded an average of 24k a year.

That’s good! Thanks @rk2017 !