***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

The way it is evolving ivies are in same boat, lots of other colleges are doing something similar. Initial assessment is that it won’t affect prerequisites for SOM but it is an evolving situation and not every SOM has made decisions or communicated them. So at least 3 batches are impacted by this across country.


Thanks @Nvidia20 for your input about UMich, Case and UW. As we could not visit them, your feedback is reassuring. Congrats to your son as well and all the best to him !!

Thanks @GoldenRock for all the valid points. Will review them with DS.

Thanks @rk2017. point noted about Canda goose :slight_smile: We like every thing about BU but just concerned about the grade deflation. Not sure how it true it is but mentioned by many.

Thanks @srk2017. Thanks for the feedback about UC Davis. Will share this with DS.

Thanks @NoviceDad for the details about UMich.

Thanks @grtd2010 @Vicky2019 @PPofEngrDr for your advice and perspective.

I interviewed with NJMS a few weeks ago. My interviewer told me it would take 4-6 weeks for the decision to come out, which would mean the middle of April. Have decisions for NJMS always come out the first week of April? Would my application still be considered even though I interviewed late on?

I asked a student in the program a while ago and he told me he thinks decisions for NJMS came out in the middle of April.

You can take grade deflation out of the equations for sure. BU can be tough for those who go to easy going schools and still get great grades and not adequately prepared for college. Not for students like your son or anyone on this forum for that matter. One can maintain a healthy balance of good gpa, impressive ECs and good social life. That is the reason I haven’t included it along side the dozen or so schools listed yesterday that are notorious for cut throat competition and grade deflation.

Congratulations! on your multiple acceptances.

You didn’t mention your feeder school for NJMS?
You also didn’t mention your state of residence?
Did your S get scholarship with his UG admission? If so, which of these choices is the cheapest for you?

Like @grtd2010, my first pick would be NJMS…however, the above questions would provide clarity.

For those who applied to TCNJ/NJMS:

Did you receive an admissions decision for TCNJ undergrad? I applied November 1st, received the TCNJ supplement, interviewed for the TCNJ 7-year medical program, and was forwarded to the medical school. However, as of today, I have not received an acceptance letter from TCNJ!

Is this the case for all TCNJ BS/MD applicants? What happened to me here? Is the decision available to view in the admissions portal?

As of now, medical school require letter grades in required premed courses. Top tier school also don’t like students taking classes in community colleges to get easy grades. My guess is each school may come up with their own updated policies just like everything else that happens in this country.


BU is known as grade deflation school. All discussions in this thread revolve around taking least risk to become a MD, so I wouldn’t recommend BU as a good premed school unless you have raw data from the school i.e. how many entered as premeds and how many got into medical schools and break down by GPA and MCAT etc… and decide based on that.

Reach out to your individual college pre-med advising, fallout activities are already underway. Initial assessment from National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) collaborative efforts is +ve (general line of thoughts are non-letter grades are being accepted for pandemic time academics as long as announced/forced from UG). Also AAMC webinar last week, a dean from reputable SOM, stated it is not going to hold against candidates (immediate concerned is upcoming cycle of medical school applications)

@helix8 same had interview with TCNJ and interview with NJMS med school. As far as I know they have not send TCNJ UG results yet for all TCNJ/NJMS program. I think they will send all together results as I heard from past year.

Did all RPI/AMC results came out yet as did not get it yet and due to covid interview was cancelled and had phone interview but did not get anything yet, as just want to figure out all together. Got a email for virtual tour of AMC.

yup, i have not heard anything from tcnj ug.

also, i believe cincinnati will be the last program–in an email, they said they will be releasing decisions late april because of covid-19.

It comes down to will they treat someone with As in all premed courses same as some one with 4As and couple of P/Fs same. I bet they answer will be “we have holistic process”. So if possible go for letter grade, if not stop worrying about the things not in your control.

Yes, as long as those P/Fs are from pandemic time and not student choice. If UG forces on students, there is no work around. These UGs are also have their SOMs so they know ramifications. This is even impacting other graduate programs too.

True, but as Goro said it’s sellers market and there may be lot of students with gap years with similar stats (but all graded) and better ECs.

Not match list, for research and clinical volunteering opportunities in the field you may be interested.

Does anyone know if the Brown give Need based scholarship if the income is more than 250k

My child was just accepted to Stony Brook. Bc we could not visit due to coronavirus, can people give me more information about Stony Brook?

I doubt. Do you have any special circumstances?

@NoviceDad Last year or so you wrote about Stony Brook residency list. Do you know where we can get that information? Or can you share that information?