***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Congratulations! on your acceptance to multiple programs. All these are in different states. Please share your state of residence, your/family preference regarding location/cost, how important prestige is for you.

Obviously Brown is the most prestigious (both UG and Med School) with easy requirement for matriculation to med school, but comes with a huge cost.

Since you are not able to decide right away, you must have some reservation?

Do share some details.

Congratulations! on your acceptance to multiple programs.

Please share your state of residence, your/family preference regarding location/cost? Also, what scholarship did you receive in each of these programs?

@medislife1 Would you be able to do us all who are waiting to hear back from NJIT a favor by checking your NJIT portal and seeing what it says underneath the “Decision for the Accelerated Program is” section? greatly appreciate it

Someone going thru traditional path this year has 18 interviews and they posted their feedback. I am posting the ones for BSMD programs.

Case - 7/10
Overall Impressions: Very cool school, although a larger class size for me (215). Also was a bit drawnback by the 2 week intensive anatomy with 3D after, would rather take my time in it. Admissions was friendly. Student and faculty interview, sandwiches for lunch. Student host took me to a party lol.
Curriculum: 1.5 preclinical that is extremely case based focus with so called “IQ” sessions. Cleveland clinic is right next door, and students have a lot of opportunities to work in the system. Also have the option of a public hospital for rotations. Utilizes 3D dissection, but with a 2 week cadaveric intensive anatomy course beforehand.
Wellness: Everyone was happy and said they didn’t regret coming. Would be worried about getting close with the students though.
QoC: Holy Cow the newly built medical school building (which also houses dental, PA, etc) is STUNNING. Looks like something from a scifi medical show to be honest. TONS of glass, light, and white paint.

BU - 6.5/10
Overall Impressions: Very nice school. Admissions staff were friendly and very frank about the costs of the school (was probably one of if not the most expensive school I interviewed at in terms of COA). Sandwiches for lunch, only one interviewer. Be aware there is one interviewer (naturally the one I got) that is very hard on research questions, but apparently is also very fair in grading. Be aware when you are coming to interview there is one segment of the street crowded by a lot of addicts, etc. BU is located near a more impoverished area, and as such they have a huge focus on helping this demographic. They were probably the most social issue oriented school I interviewed at.
Curriculum: Kinda outdated 2 year preclinical, although they have a lot of electives, such as intro to surgery, to help students get acquainted to specialties. Also have the option of rotating at off campus sites, such as in rural areas or other parts of Boston, for those interested. BU gets a LOT of ER traffic.
Wellness: Extremely chill, helpful students. Larger class size (180-200 or so), and no house system to help make it feel smaller.
QoC: Building seemed a little older, not as nice as some other schools I interviewed at. However, the hospital was pretty nice (and has a huge ER dept).

Baylor - 4/10
Overall Impressions: Was ok. Extremely large interview group (at least 70), that kinda turned me off after having interviews with small groups. Inteviewers didn’t seem as focused on me (one looked at phone at one point). Two interviews, facutly and student, and sandwiches for lunch.
Curriculum: 1.5 year preclinical. Has both the Taub safety net hospital, along with a private hospital and strong research through the Medical center.
Wellness: Larger class size (about 200 iirc), bit has a college system to make it feel smaller, along with ‘squads’. Students are very active and freindly. Houston is very nice and cheap from what I saw, especially compared to northern cities.
QoC: Campus building could look a bit nicer (see: JHU). Overall was nice, but a little older feel. The medical center is pretty big, so a lot of walking.

If you want to know who got 10/10, check SDN premed thread for 18 interviews :wink:

If you did not hear yet, it should not give you false hope. They get a list from NJMS and communicate to those on the list

You are just paranoid. No clear communication from NJIT about NJMS means not selected by NJMS IMO. Do not have false hope.

No they just want walter to join TCNJ. Give up his other options.

Congratulations @starplatinum @walter2020 @medislife1 and others on NJMS!!! Well done.

TCNJ is very sneaky to “reconsider” their decision after NJMS deemed you worthy of a spot.

It is the Harvard of Mercer County for sure so please consider it.


How do i search the interview feedback on sdn. Can you share link here or by pm. Thanks.

Even those with near perfect stats will have good medical ECs and essays. It may become easy for administrative folks to use a filter and then read those filtered applications. Sometimes they may give other pile a look. With thousands of applications for BS/MD, it is very competitive. There is nothing unfair about fair competition among candidates.

If they did not communicate with you directly yet, do not have false hope.

Are you a NJ resident ? If yes, go with NJMS with a feeder school of your choice. Other wise if one have spare at least $600k (without taking any student loans), go with Brown PLME.

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@grtd2010 I agree, there is no use for false hope, but it doesn’t hurt to keep our options open. In such a stressful time, being discouraging can be very damaging.

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There is no option here if you did not receive a letter of acceptance from NJMS regarding bs/md. It seems that NJIT has already communicated the results to those selected by NJMS. There is no discouragement here.

It seems both NJIT and TCNJ feeders have informed those selected by NJMS. May be you or your C was not selected by NJMS. See posts by @medislife1 @starplatinum and @walter2020, they have received emails.

@bsmdparent1234 just called the admissions office and if it says the message about “pre health scholars” on your admission page then you didn’t get in. Just received the same news :confused:

@ducky37952 , did they by any chance say that they stopped sending out emails?

Go to Pre-Medical - MD section on SDN and you should find it.

Treat Ivy WL as a rejection, very few acceptances from WL especially for ORMs (prestige obsessed so very few decline). I would say go with cheapest .

Thanks for your answer. We are in a state - CA - unfortunately with age limit for EMT. In lieu of, is EMR responder something valuable and worth the time?