***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Anything that gets you within smell distance of patient is sufficient. Key is how you spin it in the essays.

Someone asked Babysitting healthcare worker’s families count as volunteering and people gave various answers and one consultant said this how you should spin

“informal volunteering: During COVID-19, I helped several family members with child care. In addition to usual duties, I assisted the kids with online school work. Being cooped up with three lively children has taught me patience, fortitude, and stamina”

so now you know what gets you into medical schools :wink:

@grtd2010 I heard back from NJIT but not from Rutgers. Is there still hope?

Call Rutgers-Newark and find out.

Have you heard any news from BCM regarding admission?

My S is having two choices as of now 1) 7 year BAMD GW/GW and 2) 8 year Hofstra BAMD. we live in NJ and cost is certainly a considerations but besides cost factors can someone guide which one would be best options for us to consider. I am looking for advise with respect to quality of education, experience, residency match, college ranking. looking for an expert guidance… thank you in advance… Hofstra offered generous scholarship but getting MCAT score in first attempt is catchy proposition and not sure ho difficult is it to meet that requirements.

@grtd2010 - I heard (unofficially) that we are not supposed to quote content form SDN here. So let’s not post SDN stuff here and let people check SDN themselves.

I believe GW has a better recognition both at undergrad and med school levels and harder to get into. I thought GWU also gives a price break of 25k/year for undergrad? Don’t know about residency placements though, perhaps too early for your C or you to start worrying about it.
The 80% ile requirement for MCAT at Hofstra is pretty modest and you shouldn’t be worrying about it either. Let your C decide where he/she feels more at home in spending next 7-8 years at and go with it.

@rk2017- Thank you for your guidance. We haven’t seen from GW yet on any scholarship so reached out so my S earlier today and they are looking into it. GW doesn’t require MCAT and only expects practice test. is that everyone’s understanding as well, correct?

Did any one on the past received rejection from one NJMS feeder and accepted by other? My S was referred by all 3 feeder (NJIT, TCNJ, Rutgers) and received only response from NJIT. are there possibility of landing into program from other feeder or we should not worry about NJMS anymore?

@lovesamranaa- My S received acceptance from Hofstra mid last week.

It seems NJIT and TCNJ have already communicated with those successful for NJMS bs/md. You can always call these 3 feeder schools to find out the decision from NJMS.

MCAT should not be a criterion for decision making here. If one is scared of MCAT now, there are numerous tests along the way on path to being a licensed MD. Any medical school accredited in USA is good enough for getting a MD degree since all follow the same curriculum. Rest is associated with other stuff like prestige and bragging rights etc. Do not worry about residency match at present. The average MCAT score for matriculants to US medical is ~512 which is greater than > 80%. Do not you think your S can do at least that ?

if you are accepted by NJMS, you can choose any one of these 3 feeder schools to attend for UG. In that case, all these 3 feeder schools would want you to join them.

Wanted to ask for advice. I got accepted to Temple’s BS/MD program with a full-tuition scholarship. Also, I got into Vanderbilt UG with a full-tuition scholarship. I’m having trouble deciding where to go. On one hand, I’m a strong student, so I definitely believe I will gain admission to med school the traditional route, but I also am hesitant to give up the guaranteed seat I have in Temple’s program.


Hope everyone and their families are staying safe and healthy!

Quick Question: which program is better, Sophie Davis or St. John’s Pharmacy program? Both are great, and it is indeed hard to choose. Anyone heard from students in either program?

Thank you in advance!

Sophie Davis. Despite some draw backs with the program (shared the link of someone in the program’s post on this thread a month or so ago), you will come out as an MD.

While there may be pharmacists who love their jobs and won’t exchange it for anything in the world, I have known/heard of 4 students who switched.

Couple of them even while attending a very reputed in state pharmacy program. One of them switched to regular premed and got a paper published in neuroscience and went to Albert Einstein. The other, valedictorian of high school, also transferred out to traditional premed route.

Two others, finished the program, worked for a year or two and attended med school. One of them is on a fellowship in Columbia Oncology and the other working.

The common complaint is the necessity of pharmacists to be on their feet all the time. However if one is aspiring to take up a conventional job in any of the major pharma companies, it can be different consideration altogether.

My take on Hofstra is I really liked their evidence-based medicine curriculum and also opportunity to work in multiple hospitals in the Northweil Health System. Plus research at Feinstein was a plus. I shadowed at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan which is part of the system. Residents spoke highly of evidence based medicine curriculum. I agree with rk2017- for most of the students in the BS/MD/Ivy category MCAT should never be the worry or criterion for decision. Thank you

Which Vandy scholarship did you get?

  1. Have the NJMS interviews for 2020 already conducted? We have not received any details of rejection or interview from either Rutgers or Stevens. UG acceptance from both Rutgers and Stevens has been received.
  2. WashU: Are the USPM decision out? We have acceptance from WashU UG, but no feedback on USPM.
  3. UG acceptance from Boston Univ, but no feedback on BS/MD Program (no interview either)
  4. UG acceptance from UPitt, but no feedback on BS/MD Program (no interview either)

UPitt GAP interviews came out a while back, with the caveat that interviews are moved to September due to their bylaws requiring F2F interviews. Which means, one would need to commit to Pitt to obtain the chance to interview. Not sure if this may actually one’s chances to UPMC since not a lot may commit to UPitt just for this opportunity