***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Guess BS/MD option should be open from kindergarten, why need to study (post) up to high school.


If you have asked a question or been lurking around, please share your stats and perspectives on the RESULTS thread


This is very helpful to all future students, just as the results threads of previous years students may have helped you.

The poster’s C went to a very competitive public magnet HS in NJ which does not offer many AP courses. It explains a 3.9+ UW GPA and 5 APs only. Probably can do well at BU UG based on rigor of high school.

RE: Age of matriculating students to medical school

The median age is 24 years - not 25.
The median age for Asians is 23 years.


So, let’s not get too much carried away with age differences among BS/MD and regular students and social impact, if any, with respect to this.

@grtd2010 your assessment is correct. For her HS, 3.92 UW GPA is exceptional, and she has taken the highest number of APs you can take in that HS. Perhaps should have taken APs outside of the High School setting. I tend to see 11 APs being references very commonly.

BS/MD vs traditional

One more data point — Only in US/ Canada and some Caribbean schools - training for medical is a POST graduate affair.
In Europe and Asia, students pursue medicine after high school or 12th grade.

Also, ~55% of students matriculating via traditional route know they want to do medicine while in high school and ~77% by first 2 years of college i.e. by age 20.
So much for the argument - how could a 18 year old know he/she wants to do medicine.

Agree - too many lurkers are active now!
Hope they share their stats+perspectives on the results thread.

D attended a County Health Academy (a highly ranked public magnet school) in NJ so I know how competitive these HS can be. One third of her graduating class is attending Rutgers-NB and will probably apply via regular route MD.

If you are just throwing your stats in the results thread, it’s useless. Talk more about ECs and essays and why do you think you got into or didn’t get into the BSMD programs you applied.

I was talking about penn state, not upenn. I looked back at the numbers and see your point. Penn state medical school, however, is cheaper than stony brook medical school, though I dont know if that matters much. I agree that cost wise stony brook will probably be a bit cheaper. I was previously assuming there was no scholarships. Considering penn state is a 7 year program, saving the year is well worth it, especially if you know you want to become a doctor. That is just from my own experience.

Thanks for clarifying, its for the parents and student to know their strengths to compete. Best of luck.


Based on the choices you have it would be crazy to think of a T10 transfer.

It takes an easy year to get your feet under you to understand how the school works, what classes to take and position for right EC not just to check the box but actually make a difference.

All applicants bsmd or traditional path will have same boring headliners… shadowing, club, leadership etc… what you did to change the status quo will get you the interview and offer.

Stay the course and be laser focused on building a profile. The stats are just table stakes to make first cut.

My DD will post her stats once she decides… She had competitive stats but not perfect. She applied to 15 bsmd and 3 regular schools. She got a 70% interview yield, declined 2 interviews, and got a 100 percent offer yield after interviews. All her interviews incl NJMS were a real deep dive into her ECs. They can easily sniff out if the candidate really has a passion for this or is being pushed by parent to become a doctor.

In one panel group interview, for why medicine, one candidate said "i went to country x and saw so many poor people and so much suffering and i want to help them… " well he could easily accomplish this by opening a soup kitchen… one said… " my dad is a doctor and i have been going to his practice since i was in middle school and interacting with patients… " well where do we start with this one and HIPPA laws…

The point i make is: you need stats, ECs, passion and maturity. Your essays and LORs show last 3 and interviews confirm it. Dont waste time transferring from T15 to T10. No one cares that much.

Now if you want to transfer from michigan state or ohio state to michigan, that makes sense. LOL.


  1. EAP programs do not allow transfer student. Only Mt. Sinai has EAP from any college (since it does not have UG school). Review from your UG admission list which offer EAP and include in your overall selection criteria.
  2. Better not to plan for transfer. Distraction and readjustment and it is not needed for any career path. For any professional path, consider Topx during master or higher education.
  3. Doing UG at T10 has no distinct advantage for MD admission if medicine path is firmed by student.
  4. All your 3 WL choices are good, though the perception for JHU is harder but it is closer to your home base (if that is critical). Vandy dad and another parent in pre-med thread were happy and reported good things only. Rice is also a great option. Location is good for opportunities due to health district is just next door.
  5. In your current firm offers, Washu, Emory and BU are stronger but need to study well and I doubt it should be a concern with your student. Though NJ schools are lower tiers, being in NJ has its own benefits if proximity is a critical factor for the student. If medicine is a clear choice, it does not matter which UG. But it is understood, things can evolve and peer pressure for not doing UG in so called Top school. Many posts indicated BU has EAP and can edge for location and opportunity.
  6. Last. Don't take it too hard. Student can easily get in via regular MD cycle. But if BS/MD was a dear to heart, then wider net should be cast (only 5 and 4 are the top most BS/MD. Even for NJMS, should have applied for many feeder schools like NJIT and TCNJ). Bringing up this point not to add oil to fire but for future students / parents. It is not that you need to apply to 25 programs but at the same time if some thing is important to your unique situation then school list selection is equally important This item is much more critical during regular MD cycle.

I would also very much consider VCU program. It is a great program and having the undergrad in Richmond Virginia will give you a very fulfilling undergrad experience as well as a plethora of research and internship oppurtunities. I honestly dont think you can go wrong with choosing VCU or Penn state program, though I am a big fan of 7 year programs. I would say pick from one of those and and then see about the stony brook waitlist.

Thanks @rk2017

@Doctor145 Can you please expand on UConn SPiM students having bad experiences?

Suggest for folks weighing in for UConn:

If UConn is the only choice, go for it. If have choices, search all previous years threads (both discussion and results) for UConn or SIPM and review and also reach out to any current students.

If my memory serves well, there was some student who also felt some disappointment. I may be wrong also since my memory is so bad and I don’t even know at times, what I eat for today’s breakfast!


Rice is a great premed option. 90percent premeds matriculate. Yes there is a committee letter so there is a weed out. The school will give you great opportunities. Super grade inflation so that helps a ton. Small classes.


Well put.

First of all need near perfect Stats to get initial interview with feeder schools and subsequently from NJMS. Then ECs, Essays and interview for the kill.