***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Hey everyone! Here are my options for medical programs (I am out of state for all). Really confused as to which I should pick.

Oklahoma MHSP
UCF Burnett Medical Scholars
UPitt (interview in September)

Please let me know if you have any insight.

@aniiiiiii @aniiiiii
OU mhsp. Pretty good program. If NMF you get a massive scholarship
 great school UG experience.

plus you may get to see sooner schooner tip over. Search youtube

The interviewees are bound by non-disclosure agreements not to discuss details of interview.

Does anyone have experience with being wait listed and getting scholarships? If one possibly gets off WL is there any chance for them to get scholarships or its pretty much a foregone conclusion?

The reason for disappointment was most often in regards to the relationship the students had with the medical school staff while in undergrad. They felt that the staff showed a lack of interest and proved unhelpful when the students where trying to learn about the medical school. They found that being in the program really didnt help them anymore that being in regular undergrad and were unhappy with the school and med school. Also, a decent proportion of the students of the students in the program end up going to medical schools other than Uconn, because they often show disappointment with uconn med school’s curriculum and rotation oppurtunities when compared to other medical schools. Some other people I know who were not in the spim program, but went uconn med school reiterated the idea disappointment they had with the med school curriculum, the rotations, and quality of the education in general. I think with all the options you have available, it would be wise to consider VCU or penn over uconn, as people seem to have better experiences and more success in those programs than at uconn.

Please see my PM.

@aniiiiiii when was your amc interview & when did you get the acceptance. My dc interviewed (phone) with amc mid March but hasn’t received any response from them yet.

Everything is possible. UPenn put you in WL in first place probably because there may be a full pay alternative for your slot. It is a business to run a large University. Upenn has projections for revenues from tuition fees and a budget for scholarships. WL should be considered as a polite rejections.

My son, a Virginia resident, got admitted to:
University of Virginia, Charlottesville
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Emory University, Atlanta.

He plans to do pre-med with Biology major for his Medical path.
Which undergraduate school is the best choice for him?
Please suggest. Thanks in advance.

well, our journey of BSMD came to an end on Thursday when we heard DC was rejected from NJMS final interview. It came as a total surprise, but then again this whole process is not for faint of the heart :smile:

I will post the stats in the results thread once the dust settles.

We had UMichigan, UNC, UPitt honors (with considerable scholarship), GW (Presidential scholarship), Rutgers Honors College and Emory Waitlist.

DC decided to commit to UMichigan although we are still waiting to hear from them for scholarship and honors decision. We have to embrace the traditional route and it’s probably for the good since DC always wanted a big school with great school spirit. We are happy at least we had decent UG choices. Not going to lie, it was disappointing not to have a BSMD option to consider.

Would appreciate any tips about UMich for their premed track. We are currently leaning towards Neuroscience but also choosing a double major or a minor.

I have learnt a lot from being on this forum, wish I was on it last year this time, would have gained a little bit more insight.

Are you from Michigan (Wolverines) ?

My S did not get into any BS/MD.
Interviewed at NJMS
No other interviews out of 5 schools in the tri state area
Sat 1570
Gpa 4.0(uw)
Standard volunteering
Research with Rutgers
Standard EC s , nothing extraordinary.
Options are
Rutgers Honors college with 10000 dollars only
Stoney brook with full tuition and fees
NJIT Full ride.

Was accepted to BS DO in Lecom

Should he take it?
No MCAT needed and more importantly no need to look for outstanding EC s, ruling out uncertainty.

Suggestions are welcome

With 4.0 UW GPA and SAT 1570, please consider Rutgers-NB or NJIT or Stoney brook as UG. Take MCAT and apply via regular route MD. There is no hurry to take on alternative DO path. NJ residents get preference at NJMS and RWJ when applying via regular MD route.

We are OOS, not from Michigan.

It is very cold and harsh winter out there worse than NJ.


UMich is a great choice. Everything is relative and students at that age can get used to that weather. Don’t sweat too much about which major or minor or double major. If Neuroscience interests the child, start there and tweak as needed within after 1 or 2 semesters and stick with it. End goal is important and it does not matter which path you take. A.K.A, so no slip in GPA!

Thank you. This is really helpful.
My S looked up the PSU website and feels he can get 45+ credits for his APs and he wants to pursue research opportunities!

For SBU, I will ask my S to enquire regarding the possibility of instate tution for Stony Brook medical school.


With the profile, no need to commit LECOM DO.

Go with Rutgers or NJIT and and focus on regular MD cycle in 3 or 4 years.

My pick would be University of Virginia. It is really a good university. Your son also has instate tution here. Biology major seems appropriate as well. Also, he will be close to the family in his UG years :slight_smile:

Wish you the best!

As I said before, you need to know your (your kid’s) strengths and weaknesses to make a final determination on which path and program to take whether it’s BSMD or traditional path. If the candidate went thru a rigorous or very competitive HS,
got good GPA (3.8+ UW) with AP 5s and 770+ in SAT IIs and more importantly didn’t feel burned out of such environment then they will succeed at any program. As a parent sometimes it’s hard to admit or understand stress levels of the kids.

I spent two hours this morning with a friend (and his D) of 30+ years to help them decide between 3 BSMDs and two traditional paths choices they have. His question wa it worth spending $250K more on a mid tier BSMD program vs two instate programs and regular UG choices they have. Since I know her strengths and weaknesses I gave my recommendations. It’s very hard to give that kind of advice here.