***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

UPitt just sent an email with an interview update. For those that are accepting to interview in the fall, and are offered admission at UPMC, they will have upto 1 year to transfer to UPitt GAP.

That’s an excellent decision by UPMC.

My D got an offer too and debating. Wondering if you got more insight into this program?

My D got an offer too and debating. Wondering if you got more insight into this program?

Hello all. I would like to ask your opinions on my options at the moment. I have Northwestern’s HPME; Rutgers Newark’s BS/MD with full merit ride for the 3 years of undergrad; John’s Hopkins undergrad with $39k merit per year. My first choice is HPME and money is not a big issue for me, but my other options are still very good and economically smart. Please let me know what you think!

Has anyone consider the Coronavirus outbreak when you make your college decision? How would the Corona affect our college lives especially in some heavily hit areas?

Isn’t every decision based on the assumption that things will be normal by Fall 2020 ? Please consider the scenario what if things are not normal by then in your decision making process ?

It seems you have already made up your mind- NU HPME.

Great point, I was thinking the same.

Perhaps Fall 2020 would be online then

May be they should extend all offers by a certain period and/or allow people to transfer later during the academic year. Their yield calculations will not be accurate this year.

What if you pick a college in non-hard hit area and by the college time that area become an epicenter? Point is you don’t have control on it either situation (hard hit or not), so I won’t consider it in my equation.

Would not it be safe to stay home ? Stay home and do virtual learning.

During this college pick time that is not a choice one has, it is beyond control of applicants.

If you are all in 100% for med school then HPME seems like a clear choice as you would get a top ranked school for both undergrad and med and no stress to go to top ranked school in the future except maintaining the prereqs. The aid at John Hopkins (10 ranked) is awesome and will give you mo many options as well but then have to stress to get to the top ranked school if that matters to you.

I don’t know much about the Rutgers program so will let others comment on that.

NU has virtual learning now and probably continue in future if necessary. So if NU is one of the choice, pick it.

This is not about NU or a specific college, rather any college, a broader question that was posted. Still even for NU or Ivys who went online this Q/Semester, future applicants shouldn’t choose the college based on that, because online learning become a necessity in current environment, not an option.

Better option defer enrollment by one semester and stay home if you can.

Wonder what are medical schools going to do with M3 and M4 students next Fall ? What impact it will have on residency match in later years ? May be USMLE step 1 becomes a numeric score (non P/F) again.

How that helps to be freshman students?