***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Great decision by UPitt.
This surely makes life easy for most GAP candidates.


Go to HPME - great undergrad plus great med school.

You are taking a break for a semester and staying home. If things are not normal in Fall 2020, what are options - stay home and do virtual learning if offered.

I won’t advice on pushing back academic progress for current student or delay to start academics. Rather go with the college decision. Its a entire country phenomenon, not an anomaly.

@BAMDHopeful @brainbuilder02

COVID19 is a temporary incident - even if it takes a few weeks/months, it is temporary.
As @PPofEngrDr indicated, best to keep it out of the decision making process - you are making a decision that will last atleast 4 years if not 7 or 8 years.

With current situation in USA and world, who can predict when it is going to be normal ? Yes, one can go on and plan one’s future as if nothing happened !!!.

You can only plan for things that you have control of in your life, not the things that you don’t have control. For that it is risk mitigation that every responsible authority doing it.

Are you saying we are going to live with COVID19 for 4 years? 7 years? 8 years?

If yes, no amount of deferment of college will help. And in that scenario, the virus will be in all locations - every major location will be an epicenter.

If no, then you agree it is temporary. Then why make your long-term decision based on a temporary factor.

My guess is this will be under control by end of summer.

No, just take precaution because in next few months, there is uncertainty. It is a risk mitigation strategy for short term, e.g. Folks start selling stocks and go into short term treasuries as a way to mitigate uncertainty in near term.

Are you suggesting to do same for mortgage? One size doesn’t fit all.

This is/was not a financial advice to any one but an example of a risk mitigation strategy for short term widely used by investors.
What do you mean mortgage - it is a debt to some one else. If you can not pay your mortgage, work with the lender.

Unless you are talking about mortgage backed obligations (MBOs) that are sold as securities of various tranches to investors. The analysis of MBOs is complex and depends on many factors.

I meant sell your house too because you have some financial hardship in current environment. Finance lens doesn’t work everywhere, like current situation, throwing money in market will not find vaccine. Same way delaying academics is not going to solve the underlying issue whether its a grade, a MCAT, a rotation, or residency. In fact it will force some students to apply for med school after a year as lack of time, opportunities weakens their overall profile. One can’t find a substitute for time.

Some folks may do what you have suggested to avoid foreclosure or for some other reasons. It may be a suitable option to them. There may be short term solutions and strategies that may work for some. Sure , time is a critical element in all this.

Are you talking about UPitt school of medicine? what other options do you have?

And you think in adverse finance conditions in world, someone will buy that?
Your solution for academics delay is like that, current application cycle for UG or BS/MD that is not advisable. If current environment continues in fall, there may be some substantial savings on room and board as one is studying online, i won’t use that as reason to join but that is how your financial arguments to delay sounds like.

@NoviceDad @srk2017 @rk2017 @grtd2010 @dblazer

Thank you all for your advice.

In my view, life is more important than anything else. One can always get a MD degree if alive. One is safer in home. Do you see the rising statistics every day.? Even Michigan and IIlinois now have rising numbers in certain areas. It is not certain how this is going to progress in coming months. Stay home, Stay safe.

Are there anyone in this group currently accepted into GW 7 year BA/MD this year ? can you please ping me one on one ?

Ofc, that is why universities are doing online classes, not on campus. Life is not jeopardize when you are studying online from home and not hindering academic progress. So you defy your own argument to delay academics for upcoming fall.