***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

No one will advocate for going back to school if it’s not under control. I don’t think any university will open the campus if Covid cases are still high. So these arguments are useless :smile: However Covid-19 won’t be fully contained just like flu.

Stay home and do virtual learning if possible. There is no argument here.
If one is highly risk-averse, one can take a semester break and defer enrollment. It all depends on one’s risk tolerance level. It is an individual choice, may not be applicable to everyone.

Can we go back to USNWR rankings or BSMD vs traditional path :wink:

Hopefully, there will be some mitigating options like a vaccine or some preventive therapies available to masses in future.


wink: how will covid-19 affect USNWR and Times. Which one be more meaningful?

Even if one is highly risk-averse, learning online from home (or any other remote place where it is not brewing) mitigates that life risk. I don’t see any reason for upcoming freshman to delay academics. What you are defining as risk tolerance may fall into fear anxiety.
This may make sense if someone is about to start medical school but take a gap year to relax their mind from all hoopla and travel to a non hit area for a year. But even then, one may loose once in a generations real life experience that may be learned by staying with medical school.
If high risk is paramount, all dedicated healthcare professionals would have walk away from current crisis, but reality says something else.

as meaningful as Hydrochlo… :lol:

I am learning a lot from this forum about med school, pre med and bs/md programs. My DD applied to only one rice/baylor bs-md program and that didn’t workout. Got admissions from Duke, UCLA, UCSD, UCB, UW, Rice, CMU. Will be majoring in Neuroscience/Molecular Biology. Any advice on which program is better? Leaning more towards California due to location choice.

What is your state? Is cost involved in your decision making (did u get any aid for any school?

Assume you are CA and if so, choose what ever student feels comfortable among 3 UCs if cost is in equation. If no issue to pay full price, Rice is a good choice. Won’t recommend UW. Neutral on Duke and CMU.

CMU nothing

@GoldenRock. Cost is not a factor. Did get UC regents scholarship. UCLA, UCSD, UCB is the top three choices but didn;t visit any of them yet.

So they will have 1 year to join UPitt undergrad? what will they do in the mean time? Take a GAP year? Can you explain this to me please?

What if one is not selected for GAP then? Isn’t one is going to be locked with UPitt? This would also complicate if you have other BS MD offers.


what was your D’s college of choice?

Consider the grade deflation at each of them if medicine is the eventual target. Believe all the above mentioned UCs have the issue. Rice seems to be the opposite, grade inflated as per someone’s recent post here. If prestige seeking, Duke will be the choice (but may be tough in grading, find out)


@brainbuilder02 indicated UPitt will allow transfer - this means you can join another college till your interview.
If you get selected, they will give you upto 1 year to transfer from your current college to UPitt - GAP.

Which UC did your DD get Regents? If cost is not a factor at all I would go with Rice.

What was the reason for not applying to BS/MD program? some reasons i can think of -

  1. not sure of medicine as a career
  2. decide medicine as a career quite late in the HS and didn't have time to accumulate medically related experience
  3. wanted to go for prestigious UG

depending on the answer to the above, you need to figure out best course of action.

Based on reasons for 1) & 3) - Duke being T10 could be the top choice. UCLA and UCB would be in-state options. Since medicine is 8+ years financial commitment, California schools will be cheaper in the long run.

If DD has plenty of APs and some medically experience then encouraging DD for early assurance program at CMU MED may provide early guarantee. With your DD’s caliber CMU may one of the easier colleges for her -


USNWR will go by COVID-19 funding received by each school (research ranking) and how well associated hospitals treated patients (primary care ranking) Times will ask how well international students are treated by the school :wink:

Great news. Which program is better PPSP or GAP?


CMU = Carnegie Mellon University

Just as BU = Boston University, referred to almost inevitably by everyone and not for Baylor University or Brown University.