***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

CMU is one of the premier University for Engineering, Computer Science and Sciences. Unfortunately, it does not have a College of Medicine.

CMU MED = Central Michigan University - College Of Medicine, did not know it has EAP

@rk2017 , @grtd2010 - Thanks for the correction and clarification. Unfortunately got mixed up with the acronyms!

Unless you have a health professional at home who bravely facing these risks everyday at work pr hospital, you do not the real risk. You can argue endlessly in vacuum with hollow words.

@PPofEngrDr wrote:

Even if one is highly risk-averse, learning online from home (or any other remote place where it is not brewing) mitigates that life risk. I don’t see any reason for upcoming freshman to delay academics. What you are defining as risk tolerance may fall into fear anxiety.
This may make sense if someone is about to start medical school but take a gap year to relax their mind from all hoopla and travel to a non hit area for a year. But even then, one may loose once in a generations real life experience that may be learned by staying with medical school.
If high risk is paramount, all dedicated healthcare professionals would have walk away from current crisis, but reality says something else.


@grtd2010 writes:
Unless you have a health professional at home who is bravely facing these risks everyday at work or hospital, you do not know the real risk. You can argue endlessly in vacuum with hollow words. It is a real risk for us everyday.

Lol you are the one who is talking about high risk associated with fall academics and propelling to delay academics for a semester or so. You can’t spin back that on me as you are risk averse, not me. You didn’t even justify the rationale for whom the delay would be good, just saying high risk? Who is at high risk, students starting academics online or healthcare professionals working in field? Also this is not about hollow words, explaining logically with rationale. Show me one UG school or medical school has floated the idea to postpone academics by a semester/even a month? You are isolated on this topic my friend.

This is not going anywhere. Be safe my friend with your family.

Just quoting joint statement released by UCs Medical Schools Deans from other site

Pass/Fail Grades – Our schools will accept pass/fail grades, without prejudice, for courses taken during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has always been our practice to consider grades in the context of numerous other aspects of the application, and an international crisis certainly provides a unique and compelling context. In making this statement, we are cognizant of the fact that some undergraduate schools are providing an option for students to take courses either for grades or on a Pass/Fail basis. We therefore want to be explicit that applicants should not feel pressured by us to choose the graded option. Students and their families are facing many challenges at the moment – maybe even life and death challenges. The pressure for grades need not be one of them.

MCAT Tests – We will accept applications from individuals who were unable to take the MCAT due to COVID-related test cancellations. For these candidates, we will base secondary application decisions on the information that is available to us at the time of the application. Assuming that MCAT testing resumes prior to October, we will require applicants to have taken the MCAT before we make admissions decisions for the Class of 2025. **Accordingly, applicants should not delay applying simply because an MCAT score is not yet available.**

current environment, safety first for all applicants and their loved ones on this board.

Thanks to everyone for guiding us through this entire journey.
Special Thanks to @Goldenrock,@rk2017,@Novicedad,@Threebrook,@Jbourne5 ,@srk2017 and sorry if I have missed anyone.

Here is my DS status and the results.

Weighted GPA - 4.9/5 , Unweighted - 4/4
ACT – 34 Class Rank – 13 /862 ( Top 2 %)
SAT Bio – 770 ,SAT Chem – 750

AP Word History – 4, AP Human Geo – 4,AP Bio – 4, AP CALC AB – 4,AP Physiology – 5,AP Chem – 4 , AP Language – 4 ,AP Spanish 4 – 4 , Apush – 4 , AP CALC BC- 4
Senior year AP
AP Stat , AP Spanish 6,AP Physics, AP Gov

  • ORM and Income >150 K Club & sports President for few other club. Debate team( JV and Varsity 10,11,12) Red Cross – President NHS( Member) National Spanish Honor Society (Member)

National AP Scholar
Presidential Award for Volunteering

Volunteer /Research
100 + Hours in Volunteering at Hospital Emergency Dept.(Some Interaction with Patients)
Some Research Experience

Applied to the below BSMD

UPitt - Supplement -Rejected -Accepted to UG - 15 K
Hofstra- Supplement-Waitlisted for Interview Accepted to UG Presidential Scholarship
RPI-Supplement Rejected-Accepted to UG with good scholarship
Stony Brook -Rejected -Accepted to UG - 15 K
U Rochester -Rejected -Accepted to UG - with good scholarship
Rutgers Newark/NJMS -Rejected-Accepted to UG - 19 K
Temple -Rejected-Accepted to UG - Full Tution Scholarship
PennState-Rejected -Accepted to UG
Case Western -Rejected-Waitlisted for UG
Drexel- Rejected-Accepted to UG -25 K
Florida State(FSU)-Rejected-Accepted to UG - OOS fee waiver
Florida Atlantic -Rejected-Accepted to UG with good scholarship

Applied to the below UG

  1. University of Arizona(In State) - Accepted
  2. UCLA – Accepted
  3. UCSD- Accepted
  4. North Eastern – Accepted
  5. Emory – Waitlisted
    6.Brown – Waitlisted.

For UG -UCLA and UCSD are great choices but being an OOS with no scholarship and heard it is very hard to maintain GPA , we are still debating if this would be good choice for our DS.

DS is considering Florida State University (BS MD Med Scholar was rejected) and University of Arizona (In State) for Neuro Science.

How good is FSU compared to UofA for UG?

@Vicky2019 D wanted full four year undergrad experience and not a big fan of some of the BS md programs. Also, SAT chem subject test prevented her to apply for couple of programs. D is willing to work hard, prepare well for traditional route if luck plays its part. We heard about the difficulty of maintaining high GPA at UC but looked up many med school students from these schools to make sure this is doable. Duke seems to be a good option but not sure if is worth more than UCLA/UCB for pre-med undergrad.


Sorry to hear it didn’t work out on the BS/MD. I am sure if he continues the good work he will emerge a strong candidate in traditional route.

Here are my takes in traditional.

Arizona being your home turf should be the best choice, unless your S is averse to staying close.

I would not recommend UCs if med school is important. If not necessarily, then they will be great choices.

RPI - wouldn’t because it is a tough school for undergrad, but prepares one well for med school.

Rochester - if the award given more or less matches your in state cost, then yes definitely as long as weather is not a concern.

Had North Eastern given some decent price break, that would have been my top pick. But looks like they didn’t.


Continuing on this, if your hope and intent on possibly choosing UPenn is to be able to continue to their med school, you need to consider these. True, generally any private med school has higher acceptance chances for their undergrads. For UPenn med you need these two things at a minimum besides all other usual stuff. MCAT 520+ (the easier part) and be able to graduate from the undergrad there summa cum laude (top 5% approx, the tougher part).

I don’t know much about University of Arizona except it’s a big school. Find out how big premed classes are and also research and volunteering opportunities. My recommendation will be Rochester since you are indicating good scholarship. With not much there to do, I heard students spend more time studying :smile: However, Arizona to Rochester is a big change weatherwise.

I didn’t realize SDN has high school section. There are some BSMD threads and someone even mentioned “Bird in hand” there :wink:


I like URochester, followed by UPitt, PennState & RPI.

All of them are with cold winters though Pittsburgh has been seeing milder winters for the past few years.

While I have a few BS/MD and UG options; I am also debating on leaving home and my family. While I realize my BS/MD options are 2-3 hours away, I wonder if I should take Rutgers to avoid leaving home. This is the emotional component of decision making that I havent seen thus far being discussed here. Thoughts?

Now an added spin - should I accepted a BS/MD in NY, and go with the UPitt interview to explore an opportunity for a higher ranked med school, while understanding it is 6 hours away :neutral:

@mi2019 any luck with REMS?


When will your NY school starts? In August? you may lose your tuition etc. you paid already in August with your NY school, if you are selected by UPitt in Sept and transfer there quickly. Or you may complete your freshman year in the NY school, then transfer to UPitt, but not sure if the credits transfer works very well between 2 schools to graduate in 4-year (1 in NY + 3 in UPitt). Anyway, there are still several unknown factors…


I believe you will grow in college - more so if you are a little further from home.
6 hours drive is NOT a huge distance.

Go to a “better” college - however you define “better”.

Please don’t make distance from a criteria. Going further will help you mature in so many different ways. my S is only child but I encouraged him to go wherever he wants to and he ended up in south (I know Nashville is not really south) with heightened racial sensitivity post 2016 election.