***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

University of Arizona(ins-state) over FSU( you pay in-state tuition as Floridian)
Best part avoid clod weather in East coast or Northeast

@Vicky2019 ,@Novicedad, @srk2017 -

In our comparison

GW (7 yr ba md) total cost is roughly above 130K more expensive than Hofstra ( 8 Yr bs md). Med school at GW is 30K more than Hofstra. Undegrad is 100k more for GW. The other major difference is GW is 7 yr vs Hofstra is 8 yr and GW doesnā€™t require MCAT vs. Hofstra required MCAT with 512 in first attempt besides GPA requirement. GW residency match seems to better than Hofsra so does rankingā€¦ hope that helps guiding usā€¦ please adviseā€¦

In other words, you are paying 130K premium for 1 year savings and security. Additional ~20K/year seems worth it from finance point of view. Point remains which one you like more as a campus as you are spending next 7-8 years at that place.

SB VS UPMC [UPITT GAP]? at least a 130k difference in cost; but T20

A lot more excellent OOS students apply to multiple feeders schools for NJMS bs/md. This certainly crowds out NJ HS students and competition becomes fierce among them IMO.

Take Hofstra over GW regardless of cost IMO. No MCAT should not be a criteria IMO.

It seems you are already tilted towards GW 7 yr. Go with it. None of the posters here can act as a substitute decision maker for your S. It is your Sā€™s decision and he has to live it for next 7 yr/8 yrs. He should have the final say.

Is finance an issue or desire for a T20 supersedes all obstacles on the way ? No scholarship for UG at UPitts ? Always can go with SBU or closer to home option Rutgers-NB.

80k scholarship so far at UPITT Honors college. This consideration would get tricky if UPITT med school comes through

80k scholarship so far at UPITT Honors college. This consideration would get tricky if UPITT med school comes through


Go to UPenn and attend GAP interview. If you get GAP you have one year to think about it. You can say you experienced Ivy league school also if you get GAP and decides to take it :smile: . No one here has that experience. Remember GAP takes only 10.

  1. Is there a recipe for BSMD success? If so, what are the ingredients? Prescriptive set of essentials and nice to haves.
  2. Are there good counselors, specialized in BSMD? E.g prepscholar is very generalized and not specific to BSMD.
  3. To hedge the risk of BSMD failure, what is a good T20 pre-med UG list (USNWR does not publish a pre-med ranking).

Anyone admitted to Rutgers/RWJ 4+4 Global Health program?

Recipe is near perfect stats, research, ECs, essays, interview skills i.e. need everything and then prayers.

Apply broadly. Without knowing your stats, ECs and state any advice is useless.

@brainbuilder02, @Vicky2019

Thanks for following up and sharing. So this confirms my earlier feel that that the med school portion is in state tuition.

Go to UPenn and attend GAP interview. If you get GAP you have one year to think about it. You can say you experienced Ivy league school also if you get GAP and decides to take it :smile: . No one here has that experience. Remember GAP takes only 10.


@brainbuilder02 - You got wonderful tips/suggestions from various people. Each person has different opinion based on what is important to them. No one else can give you the correct answer - only you have the right answer in this case!

Think about what makes you happy. In the worst case scenario, if you donā€™t get a UPitt BS/MD seat, what is your bottomline for risk. Would you be happy with prestige.? Would you be happy only if you were a Doctor? Would you be happy if you only got a full ride?

Have a frank discussion with your parents. Ask them what they can pay comfortably for your education.

The sweet spot for you is get the best seat (whatever makes you happy) for the money at hand.

Is UPitt your sweet spot or UPenn or SBU BS/MD? Remember, with your calibre you can be successful anywhere you go. The college will only help you so farā€¦your success depends on you!

note: You are very young and its ok to decide based on what you like nowā€¦its likely your priorities may change as you grow!


One suggestion - BS/MD involves tradeoffs.

And know you will NOT get everything you want.

What one values in these trade-offs is a very personal thing.

Thank you @grtd2010 @srk2017 @Vicky2019 @NoviceDad @PPofEngrDr @rk2017 for all your input and guidance! I truly appreciate all the support.

My niece is down to two of her choices - BU-SMED and another.
She says is 98% leaning towards BU but will not tell me what the 2% hold up is.

From my perspective, BU should be a no-brainer for her.

Should I do anything?

Donā€™t ask her what is so called ā€˜anotherā€™. :wink:

@brainbuilder02 - I would not recommend taking loans for undergrad. UPenn is not worth it if you have to take loans to attend it.

Thank you for sharing. My son told me that he loves PSU/SKMC and since it is within our comfort zone cost wiseā€¦we didnā€™t follow up regarding SBU BS/MD.

Based on what I read and my understanding, students need to take loans for med school to meet the residency requirement. If they are depending on parents to pay the med school tution/fees, the student would not be able to meet residence requirementā€¦