***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Awesome! All the best to your child. He/she will be in a noble profession :slight_smile:

Medical pathway is difficult and time consuming and younger generation need a lot of encouragement to get attracted towards medical profession!

So your child is interested in primary care?

How do you experts see the SAT subject tests playing out for next year? Still part of the process?

I know many schools are going test optional but worried my kid getting his subject tests in. He was taking 3 of them in June, so still possible, but doubtful.

Teenagers are not the problem :smile:

@scarlet20 Thanks for posting on results thread. Even though your son didnā€™t make a cut for BS/MD, he has solid profile and can make his way through traditional route. Remember BS/MD is only 5% in grand schema. His thought process reflects in selectively applying to BS/MD programs At this age, lots of kids are indecisive and makes application choices accordingly. We need to hear more and more about results irrespective of outcome.

@BuckleUpBuckaRoo thanks for posting on results thread. Your profile portraits one doesnā€™t need perfect score to secure a spot in BS/MD school, as long as one is willing to settle at any BS/MD program. Just curious, what was your thought process to apply one east coast UG school while rest are west coast?

Are you already committing to community medicine? Most students decide until M3 ie after few clinical rotations.

@scarlet20 - Thanks for sharing stats for your DS. Congratulations to your DS and your family. His stats are pretty strong and evident from the 16 UG acceptances including from several T20 colleges, presidential scholarships in BU etc.

Majority of the kids are not sure during high school about what they want to do. He will have time to reflect and make his decision during UG years. If his ultimate goal is to become a Doctor, he is better prepared now with the experience he gained from the BSMD application cycle. I would also venture to say that he is ahead of the curve since he will know what to focus on from the day one.

Your reflections are very thoughtful and cover all the bases. Your post will surely help the current students to reflect and future students to come up with their plan.

Wish your DS the very best wherever he chooses to go. He has some excellent college options.

I am not sure I would say itā€™s a calling for 16-17 year olds without that much real life experiences. Most BSMD kids are from upper middle class to top 2% families.

@BuckleUpBuckaRoo ā€“ Thanks for sharing your stats. Congratulations on your acceptance to SUNY Upstate Medial University, SLU and 7 Undergrad colleges including T20 UG.

From your post, it is clear that you are sure and pretty confident about what you wanted to do. Also, it looks like you researched well to come up with your list of colleges. The college list reflects that you knew you wanted to become a Doctor via BSMD pathway. Inspite of getting into a T20 college, you choose the BSMD program.

I admire your confidence at such a young age. Wish you the very best!

@BuckleUpBuckaRoo - I was impressed with your college list. Would you be willing to share your thought process in coming up with this list?

Just Declined Union/AMC offer. Someone should be getting off of waitlist :smile:

Not necessarily. I believe AMC feeder schools make offers to more expecting few declines.


Thank you for posting your DSā€™s stats + perspectives.
I am sure there are mixed feelings about how the process turned out.
I am glad to see you are taking it in the right way - as you indicated ā€œThe process helped him to grow him better as a person, to get a glimpse of what to expect in the four years and to know what to focus on in his UG years.ā€

He has many great UG options.
I wish him the very best.


I see a thought-out strategy in your BSMD college list. Kudos on that.

Wish you the very best.

Thank you @dbsmd2027
AMC has been calling a few folks to confirm their acceptances.

I believe your decision will help someone.

I would request others who have made a decision to withdraw from programs they know for sure they will NOT attend.

Also @dbsmd2027 - Please share your stats + perspectives in the results thread.


Anyone hear their decision from Baylor to Baylor program? Still waitingā€¦


I see it potentially falling out in 2 ways:

  1. Some programs MAY relax the subject test requirements - e.g. will allow Bio instead of Chem or may it completely optional.

  2. Some programs MAY change the application / last date to take Subject test deadlines to give more time to students to take the tests.

The more prolonged the SAT tests remain cancelled, the more likely it is for the colleges to opt for the Option 1 .

We will only know more once the current application cycle is complete and ADCOMS start planning for next year.

It just came out.