***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


If you have made a decision, please share your stats+perspectives on the Results Thread. As you have benefited from such information, this will help future students.

Here is the link:

Why are we revisiting @walter2020 @sammyGA moment and judging the results again?

“People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along?” Rodney King 04/27/1992

@novicedad can you please message me? Thank you. (I can’t as I am a new member.)

Sorry, I think I messed up
 This was supposed to be a reply to one of your posts.

Have a daughter who has wanted to be a surgeon her whole life (neuro preferably)
 debating on high school options that will best align college and then med school (Baylor/UTSW ideally):

  1. public high school: graduate high school a year early (she will have all the credits) plus she will have a load of AP
 ideally will go to Rice or Baylor
  2. attend TAMS and graduate high school along with two years of college then transfer to Rice or Baylor
  3. private such as Hockaday

She is at the top of her class. Would like the BS/MD option (which I realize is very tough to get in) but looks like you have to start over and they won’t apply the AP credits
 any advice/comments?

Why do you want to have her graduate early? Every kid wants to be a Neuro Surgeon in their whole young life but very few kids stick to it. Most don’t decide until they do clinical rotations in medical school. So don’t make decision based on that.

I know kids who attended TAMS and I still don’t see big benefit of going there than finishing undergrad early. I don’t believe it’s a competitive UG.

Since you are in TX, best bet is send her to a competitive public school, try for instate BSMDs if not go for traditional path.

Does anyone know how BS/MDs are dealing with testing, specifically subject tests? Since the tests are going to be online and they’ve canceled the subject test for the first online test run for SAT, are some BS/MDs still going to require them?

Not sure if I understood your post. And not sure if you want only BS/MD programs based in TX.
Lot of BS/MD programs allow AP credits. Just not for Bio, Chem and Phys.

Is UNE’s program a BS/MD or a BS/DO program?

BS/DO program

see for details -

@Konohakatu - No one really can predict something that might or might not happen in future. However, there is really no need to worry about this since you are not alone. There will be a lot of kids in the same situation.

Per my guess, Colleges are quite likely to make it “test optional”.

Take the tests if at all possible. If you are unable to take the subject tests due to whatever reasons, don’t worry too much

@Vicky2019 thanks!


College Board will roll-out online testing - it may be August before they start administering them.

If they do, it may be worthwhile to take those online tests.

For colleges that make it test optional, you retain the option to submit the results of such tests or not.

@MarieStephen - All the senior members have given lot of good advice. Here are my thoughts as well -

I would suggest you to take a look at the BS MD 2020/2019/2018 results forums. You will find the stats of various successful kids. Each of these kids has a variety of awards, research, med related experience, lots of APs, sometime authorship in papers, patents etc.

Your kid is really smart and should not limit herself to only a few programs. You will find in the results forum that most kids apply broadly to 18+ colleges that include a few BSMD and regular UGs.

She should look at the profiles of various successful students and find areas to improve and focus on these. Naturally, you should discourage her from graduating early from high school. She should take this time to relax, enjoy, improve in areas that she likes and to grow up some more so she is more mature and ready for college!

@NoviceDad yeah they’re doing online but College Board announced in August only SAT will be available and I was probably going to take the SAT during the other months too instead of subject tests so we’ll see what happens

@Konohakatu I thought that it was in September that only the SAT will be available. The website says that the SAT subject tests are available in almost all months after Septemeber.

Myself didn’t want to spam the results thread, so responding to your post there here. Your D need not feel sorry for having to let GA Tech go in favor of UCF. In general engineering is a tough major to maintain high GPA with and GATech is known to be a very tough school, especially for med school aspirants.

I am sure she will do quite well at UCF with a fraction of the effort that would have been required at GA Tech BME.

@9the0girl7 yeah I wasn’t sure if it was either August or September

Are you limiting your choice of bs/md or medical schools to Texas only ? If so, Baylor/Baylor or Rice/Baylor is what you should aim for. Otherwise, there are many good bs/md programs outside Texas.