***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


FSU = Florida State University = EAP

FAU = Florida Atlantic University = BS/MD

@NoviceDad @patatty @bearcatfan @loribelle @zeebamom @zettasyntax

Hello, My son is applying for Baylor2 medical track program for Fall 2020 and planning to attend January event if gets shortlisted. Can some one please reply if you or your family member had experience in attending this event ? How many students will attend approximately and what they would be doing there apart from the touring campus ? What is academic break out session they mentioned on event page? Will there be one on one Interview or will there be a CASPer style interview? I am curious to know about the event and on how they will select candidates for BCM Interview.

Thanks in advance.


Please reach out to @sajju786 - his son had gotten an invite for Baylor/Baylor.

Reposting Goldenrock post:

@mielcita Responding to your PM. Baylor / Baylor has 2 stage in person trips for the BS/MD program. That is the reason, we decided not to pursue with Baylor / Baylor since it is hard for some students who need to travel a lot and also if the first interview in Jan coincides with HS 1st semester exam. Hence I have no idea how and what they do in each stage. Also don’t remember any one went thru both stages in 2016 or 2017 cycle and hence not much info in this forum for this program. Most likely 1st stage is to confirm if the student still interested and may be selection only by the Baylor UG committee and forward to Baylor SOM. Many feeder schools of NJMS also has the 2 stages. But at least they allow OOS to take a phone interview (and expect IS or nearby states to attend in person). But Baylor does not give that option. Also remember, there is some unusual thing with Baylor SOM. It is independent of Baylor UG though the name is the same. There was some post in pre-med threads exactly on that unique thing.

Another post from 2018



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Thank GoldenRock for explaining Baylor2Baylor program processes. Based on my research, the first stage is called “Baylor2 Medical Track Event” (one was held on 11/3/2017; one will be held on 1/19/2018; based on the previous year information, each event will invite 120+ candidates), the second stag is the real interviewing one and it will invite around 20 ~ 25 students for pursuing 6 spots.

As GoldenRock said, it is very inconvenient processes (two stages) for OOS students and I also found Baylor2Baylor program might be preferred to IS candidates (based on IN and OOS student statistics comparisons). GoldenRock pointed out Balyor UG and SOM both have the same name but 2 different schools (Baylor UG is based on Waco while Baylor SOM is based on Houston)

Gook luck to all Baylor2Baylor candidates.

Is this still true that you can only apply to either one, Rice/Baylor or Baylor/Baylor.?

This post is from 2007

Actually, Baylor has 3 BS/MD programs.


It is correct that you can only apply to one of the Baylor programs. One of my friends applied to the Baylor/Baylor and UTPA/Baylor, but she had to end up choosing which one of the programs she wanted to interview for.

Hello, May be there is some discussion already happened on Temple BSMD. Could some one advise is it EAP or Guaranteed Program?

Question- Is this still true that you can only apply to either one, Rice/Baylor or Baylor/Baylor.?

No. These are two separate programs. Students are allowed to apply to both programs.

Temple is a Hybrid program (and not BS/MD nor EAP). There is a parent grtd2010 whose C attends that program and extremely happy about the program and the flexibility it offers. Search in different threads with that handle and you can get answers to most of your questions from her post.

It has 3 or 4 year options for BS and can choose any major. All these info available in their web site. MCAT is very low score and GPA reasonable.


------------------------------ from temple web site FAQ
Does this program guarantee entry to Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine (LKSOM)?
The Pre-Med Health Scholar Program provides provisional, not guaranteed, acceptance to LKSOM. Accepted health scholars must still maintain their academic profile, achieve the required score on the MCAT exam, and submit a special application to the medical school and complete an interview with the medical school during their Junior year of college.

For some reason Temple program seems to fall in the grey region. Something very eye catching is the low number of applicants to the program - they seem to have removed the stats on their portal now but used to be available till the last cycle - despite 1. its very desirable location in Philadelphia and 2. a lot of students selected to the program getting full rides for undergrad.

If you apply and get selected, make sure you get the answer to the question before making final decision. What percentage of the students satisfying the program requirements actually end up matriculating into the med school after the interview?


In my definition, it falls into EAP category as you require MEDICAL school INTERVIEW in your undergraduate years (and not while applying during high school).

TEMPLE medical school is a good medical school and is known for many specialties. E.g. pediatrics at TEMPLE is a top notch program.
They also have a new building and facilities.

TEMPLE as an undergrad is similar to a public undergrad like Univ of Pittsburgh or Rutgers.
When we had visited TEMPLE, we did NOT like the general geography where it is located.

Search and See my specific post to the definition of BS/MD, EAP and Hybrid.
Key distinction.

BS/MD: Interview for MD admission is done prior to joining UG college and the interview committee has a member of the medical college.

EAP: Simply apply only to UG admission in HS. Only during first or second year of college you apply and get admitted to EAP program.

Hybrid: It does not fall in to the above category but has some feature of the above category. You apply to a special Program during HS (and before joining college) but the MD interview is done during college.

Though any BS/MD is conditionally guaranteed, meeting GPA, MCAT score or other ECs are to a great extent with the student’s capability but interview outcome does not belong to this.

Said that, a parent multiple times called out very happy about Temple program and does not foresee. But it is up to the student and family to decide whether you want to apply or not.

Hi, Just read this for Penn state Application -
•One letter of evaluation from the applicant’s high school counselor or high school teacher (typed on the school’s letterhead with the writer’s signature);
Doesn’t Penn state accept the Rec Letter through Online portal?Does it have to be mailed ?If so should it go from the counselor or we can get if from counselor and mail it?

Tried calling the Penn State admission office but looks like it is closed now(We are in PT time zone).
Ant feedback would be appreciated.

@Somo2020 My interpretation of the info in their web site.

  1. Can submit LOR via one of the 3 online options to apply OR it can be done via postal mail. Knowing today at 10/18, it is best to get it done via online option.
  2. It depends on your school policy. In some school, you can not get the LOR from the counselor. The school will have a clear policy and would have told you when senior year started for the application process. They will submit the entire school documentation along with LOR via online. That is what happened in CA school.

@GoldenRock , Thank you. I will send via online

Where do we put the clinical/non clinical volunteering hours in common app? Should it be under activities?


PennState LOR has to be emailed with the PennState Cover Sheet.

The Cover Sheet has your name and PennState ID and has the PMM program name listed.

Your counselor or teacher has to directly email PennState admissions office.

Needs to be done by NOV 1.


One more thing - the CoverSheet can be downloaded from the PennState’s online application site.

How do you get the PennState ID?

@NoviceDad , Thank you for the details.