***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


No, campus visits have no bearing on the outcomes of BSMD selections. It is for the applicant and family to help decide which programs they will be applying to and will be comfortable attending if accepted since the next 7 or 8 years are going to be spent there.

It seems Penn State/Jeff program is getting highly selective, perhaps they are cutting down the number of slots they are going to accept for.

@Vitawat345 Was the notification via email?

Did anybody receive the supplemental from RPI/AMC? It seems you need to complete 4-5 essays within 7 days, plus $120 application fee.

Based on last year’s experience, Purchase made the referral to Upstate around Dec 16th. Did anybody receive a notification email from Purchase?


The Pitt Supplement is due 1 month from logging in to the application. I was notified via Email from the program and later I was mailed a letter. Hope this helps!

Received the Hofstra Supplemental today. Is taking Casper mandatory? I called the admissions office and they said it was not. Anyone know anything about this?

Has anyone received interview invitation for NJMS via NJIT yet? Last year they sent invitation in January. Just double checking. Thanks!

@Stephen_G My son applied and received an acceptance letter to Siena and within that letter it sated his application was forwarded to AMC for review. We have not received the supplemental packet yet from AMC.

@Vitawat345 , Was your hofstra supplement info notified via email?

@helix8 we are still waiting for upitt supplement. Since its already mid december, maybe we wont receive it at all.

@2FutureBSMDsMom Oh sorry, yes Hofstra was via email. I received my acceptance to the undergraduate last week and was emailed today.

@2FutureBSMDsMom These were the instructions:
To access your supplemental application for the Hofstra 4+4 Program: BS-BA/MD:
Log in to your portal at my.hofstra.edu.
Click on the gold button that reads, “Click here to view your application status and upload documents.”

@NoviceDad @rk2017 @GoldenRock

DO you know stats for BU: Typical apps, interviews, offers, admits. What is the interview like?


I don’t know for the latest batch, but for 2018 cycle, which perhaps is the most competitive one because of the Y2K boomers :-), these were the figures according to the parent of one of the accepted and enrolled students.

Total apps 2000+ (not sure of exact figure) → 81 called for interviews → 38 accepted → 31 enrolled / matriculated.

Interview, 2 one on ones. First with a faculty of college of arts and science and 2nd with a med school faculty.
Expected to to go for half hour to 45 minutes each (especially the latter can be longer).


For BU, my understanding is the following:

Total applications: 2500-3000
Applications taken for further review: ~1000
Interviews: ~100-120
Offers: ~40-50
Accepts: ~30

@rk2017, @NoviceDad , @GoldenRock Do you know the stats for Hofstra ?

My DS got supplement for Hofstra today.

Sorry no, good luck with the supplements!

@BAMDHopeful , we received an invite for the interview mid Nov and finished the interview early Dec. Hope that helps.

Received Upitt supplement Last week

What is their selection criteria thinking not as stringent as NU ?


Re: Hofstra

Total applications: 750-1000
Interviews: ~60 (about ~15 each over 4 days)

Accepts: ~15


Every program have their own criteria - which can differ widely.
As a result, sometimes a student gets a reject from a “lower” “ranked” university and an interview invite from a “higher” “ranked” university.

Till 2 years back, UPitt looked for perfect scores.
Last year, they heavily emphasized NIH level research in their selection, even if one did not have perfect scores.
This year - who knows.

UPitt typically gives supplement to ~ 400 students (except 2 years back where they gave to ~750 students).

They call around 40 students for interviews and give offers to ~10.