***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Congratulations @ivyhunter !

Thanks to all - this was her only interview invite thus far, thus a bit of relief. She is still awaiting Brown PLME and Stony Brook BS/MD, SLU is not in play due to a combination of their med program being currently on probation by LCME and due to the fact that it not guaranteed program (even if you meet their grades criteria).

@ivyhunter Congrats! Must be a relief!

My DS was also denied a Wash U interview, though honestly, I knew the chances were very small. Any school that pays to have you interview is not going to invite a lot of students.

@Mimic17 Thank you for pointing out the Wash U requirements. I had not realized how strict they were.

Congrats, @ivyhunter !!!

Received email this evening from WashU, not in next round.

@ivyhunter :Congrats!!!

Congrats! @ivyhunter You must be immensely proud. RPI/AMC is a terrific program!

Congrats @ivyhunter
BTW does RPI give any merit based aid for undergrad? Thanks


Yes I am in NU HPME program, it’s going on good so far, but very intensive though well rounded and open course work.

Congratulations!! @ivyhunter

@bsmd1826 RPI does give merit aid. The RPI Medalist Scholarship was in 2016 worth $25,000/year. I also know some students we know say they received a Presidential Scholarship which was at the time worth $18,000/year. If memory serves me correctly there may be one more as well which is of a lower value but I cannot remember the name. I believe this admission cycle the award values are still the same but I am not 100% sure. The Medalist Scholarship winner is notified in junior year of high school, so by now you would know whether or not you have that. I am not sure when the Presidential Scholarship recipient is notified.

Are there any firms like MedSchoolCoach to guide in case we end up going undergrad route which most probably will be the case for us. She will be attending a top 15 undergrad institution. Guidance has been a big drawback for us, both from non medical background and my daughter being the oldest in our family and first generation immigrants.
She is high stat kid, perfect and near perfect scores, with EC’s good but not stellar like any major national awards.

congrats @ivyhunter

I called Northwestern this morning. UG office/HPME Liaison told me that HPME has already chosen all of its interview candidates.

About an hour later, we got the rejection email.

GL to those interviewing for HPME

Just a quick update for all NJMS applicants: called the school today and was told that invites have already started being sent out via email. Last interview they offer is on March 23, so that’s the time frame for interview invites. Has anyone received an invite from NJMS yet?

@Dermerk I have not received anything yet.

I have not received it either.

I applied to Rutgers/NJMS and I have not received the NJMS interview invite yet.

Just a general comment for students who are planning to go for traditional route. It is very competitive to get into any medical school through traditional route. I know people with 3.8 GPA from a school like Cornell not getting into any med school. Also a couple of years ago a son my friend who had 3.95 GPA from Rutgers had a hard time to get into a med school. Finally he got into a low tier college and was really relieved. Name or the prestige of the undergrad school is not as important as some people think it is. So consider going to a college that is closer to home and where you think you can get a 4.0 GPA. College especially at junior and senior level is quite difficult. A lots of kids also get lost and relaxed when they leave home, therefore it is advantageous to not go too far from. Of course it varies from person to person but do not fall for a big name school because purpose of your undergrad degree is not to a job but to go next to a med school. Also the interview process after undergrad is a lot more rigorous than BS/MD interview. I would recommend even the lowest tier BS/MD over Ivy League if med school is your ultimate goal. Maybe that is just me because I have just seen too many outstanding students fail to succeed.

@bsmddad is absolutely correct, if you can get into any BS/MD program it is way better to go to an ivy and could not get into a med school upon graduation. BUT the operative word is that IF MED SCHOOL IS YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL. Lots of kids graduated from HS and did not understand what becoming a physician takes, 75% of the premed freshman dropped out of premed because one thing or the other and academic is NOT the only cause. If you are not absolutely sure medicine is your goal, an Ivy offers lot better alternatives for carrier choices in other disciplines.