***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Hey, so is VCU GMED coming out tomorrow? Does anyone have a definite date?

Also, congrats to everyone that got into PSU/Jefferson!! :slight_smile:

Congrats on acceptance to Stanford. When and how did you receive notification from Stanford?

Hey, message me with your facebook name if you want to join the Accepted PMM students facebook group!

Itā€™s great to hear some good news on this threadā€¦ I personally was rejected pre-interview to 4/7 of my programs. This whole process is so unpredictable, but Iā€™m so happy things are starting to work out.

Hi guys, I was hoping you all would be able to help me with something. I recently had an interview, and before I left the interview room, my interviewer gave me her business card for any questions and concerns. Afterwards, one of the other interviewees asked the interview organizer for business cards for his interviewers and they said they could not give out interviewersā€™ personal info, and that if they wanted to email thank you, they could do it through the BSMD email. However, since my interviewer gave me her info, should I email my thank-you to her directly (as I am assuming it is why she gave it to me) or should I go through the BSMD email?

@owcollegeappbsmd - You can email the person directly. My son went couple of interviews last year, he sent them thank you emails directly after finding their email ids on the school website.

@owcollegeappbsmd Always follow the institute protocol that you were interviewing for, who knows that interviewer is not aware of it and made a simple mistake or organizer simply give you misinformation. Irrespective, best option is to follow institute protocol.

@owcollegeappbsmd - I would email the interviewer directly since she said you could. My son did the same, he asked for contact information and sent thank you notes directly to them.

If you want to join the ā€œPSU/SKMC Class of 2021ā€ Facebook group, just search it up and request to join!

For those awaiting BS/MD results post interview, if the kid has advanced to National Merit standing, is it a good idea to inform the college of the NM status?

Hello past Baylor 2 Baylor interviewees. Can you folks and others please provide input on how to prepare for the BCM interview? Thank you all in advance

Received interview from New Jersey Medical School!

Congratulations @TheElusiveGod Which feeder school did you apply to? Still waiting btw.

@NewJerseyFan Thank you!

I applied to Drew, NJIT and TCNJ. I was rejected from TCNJ, but Iā€™m not sure whether I received the NJMS interview through Drew or NJIT. I was initially interviewed at Drew undergrad, but I have not heard from NJIT yet. So, this is most likely through Drew.

@TheElusiveGod good news! when is your interview scheduled for?

@NewJerseyFan Not sureā€¦I havenā€™t scheduled it yet.

Got CV Scholarship from Vandy. No news on BSMD front yet!

Does anybody know the format (MMI or traditional) of the AMC/RPI interview?

@xpd600090 Since it is already in March, first wait until you know which college you plan to join before notifying NMSC and College. Also review the NSMC doc and note the critical dates where they send information to colleges with the list of National merit scholars.
National Merit scholar is not going to be weigh in any BS/MD or UG admission decision at this point of time. But it will help to merit aid but you need to finalize which college you will eventually join.

@SomeKid123 AMC/RPI use traditional one-on-one interview format. Be prepared to answer questions on your research experience. GL