***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***


“I could not find any Rice/Baylor profiles but will keep looking”

You might check the 75th percentile Rice 2017 freshman applicants from below link
(these 6 Rice/Baylor BSMD students should be in 75th percentile)

Here is acceptance rate of Rice Baylor 2017 BSMD program from FAQ

What is the acceptance rate into the Rice/Baylor program?
For the Fall 2017, 746 students applied for the Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program; 233 applicants were admitted to Rice and given the opportunity to compete for admission to the Medical Scholars Program. Twenty-five of those students were selected as finalists and invited to interview with Baylor College of Medicine. After the interviews, 6 were offered admission to the Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars program.

IMO, only top students can get in Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars program.

@redman108 That is not true. Just glanced their web site and the req and here is the cut and paste.

""The program provides early application privileges but does not guarantee acceptance to the School of Medicine.

Interview with SLU School of Medicine at the end of sophomore year."

Agree, though many BS/MD programs have conditions like GPA and MCAT, all of them will have the interview completed by both UG and MD schools committee now before you accept UG college before May 1st.

But SLU allows to have the interview by end of 2nd year, which is no different from many other programs which offer the early admission programs. In fact SLU also calls it Medical Scholar Program and do not call BS/MD program.
Also not getting a good feel that student must do 14 credit hours every semester (excluding AP or CLEP etc). Only GPA is reasonable like 3.65. Did not see what is the expectation for MCAT score.

@RedMan108 See results thread posts 28 (accepted), 14(rejected)


In any thread, open and go to the bottom and click the search icon and put whatever text to see the specific posts about any school or topic.

Hi! I am a senior, and I am applying to different BS/MD programs. I was wondering if I should still submit my subject SAT chemistry score to schools that don’t require it? I got a 750 on it. I will be sending my other subject scores though: 800 on Math Level 2 and 790 on Biology.

No. Send to only schools which are asking. Did you do AP Chem? what is that score? If that is good, list that.

Question on volunteering - My son has an option to volunteer at a nursing home and at a local outpatient clinic. Any suggestions/thoughts on which one might be preferred while applying for BSMD programs? Would volunteering at a nursing home/rehabilitation center count as clinical volunteering or would it fall under just regular community service?

I got a 4 on the AP Chem test. Is that good enough to report?

^ Similar question to above. I got a 4 on AP Bio Exam. Should I still report the ap score for “transparency” even though it’s not perfect? Bio’s my major.

In general, does it come off as an alarm if you took an AP course, but don’t report the AP Exam score?

Is November too late to take subject tests? I want to retake my Math 2 subject test because I got a 710 on it the first time. My earliest deadline is Nov 15 for REMS, but scores for November don’t come out until the 27th…

I guess I could send the scores when I take the test, but I want to see the score before I send it out in case it’s bad.

Hi Everyone,

My DS has received invitation to baylor 2 baylor’s Medical track event on Nov 3. We are trying to find out if there are going to be interviews at this event? Based on previous threads on CC, it seems like some applicants have said there were interviews and others have said this is more like an open house. Can anyone who’s been through the process please share whether they had interviews at their medical track event in previous years? Thank you for your help.

@impressivemediocrity check the application requirements for each program you are applying to, they will clearly say what the test deadlines dates are. Those dates could vary depending on when the school wants your applications in.

@impressivemediocrity as far as REMS is concerned it maybe too late to take the test again. If memory serves me correct from a few years ago with my DC, all test scores had to be in prior to application deadline dates.

@Empire007 Oh no… so how much do you think it matters that I don’t have a Math 2 score? I know they don’t require it, but it seems like everyone on here has it under their belt.

My other Nov. 15 deadline is for Pitt’s GAP. I couldn’t find any requirements on their site concerning sat subject tests, but I heard somewhere on this forum that they don’t even want you to send them, that if you send them they won’t look at it? Is that true?

@Empire007 aight, sorry for all the questions, but i saw on post #76 that you said stonybrook would be competitive because of it’s popularity among NYS residents…Would you say the same competition is true for xxxx/NJMS schools? I’m not from NJ, so I want to weigh my chances before I apply to somewhere that might be biased towards state residents. Thanks!


“My other Nov. 15 deadline is for Pitt’s GAP. I couldn’t find any requirements on their site concerning sat subject tests, but I heard somewhere on this forum that they don’t even want you to send them, that if you send them they won’t look at it? Is that true?”

Pittsburgh (GAP) program does NOT need SAT subjects based on Pittsburgh BSMD admission officers.


"Would you say the same competition is true for xxxx/NJMS schools? I’m not from NJ, so I want to weigh my chances before I apply to somewhere that might be biased towards state residents. "

Here is a clue based on TCNJ/NJMS program. (There is NO bias for state resident for this program)

Question: What is a typical numeric breakdown of the high school senior applicant pool for the Seven-Year Medical program at TCNJ?


of students who apply 400

of students academically eligible to interview 200

of students who receive an interview at TCNJ 100

of students who receive an interview at NJMS 80

of students who are accepted into the Seven-Year Program 40

of students who enter program Fall semester 20

Recent average SAT of accepted students 1534

Recent average GPA of accepted students (Unweighted) 4.72 or 100.05%

Good luck.

@impressivemediocrity only submit to programs only what they require. No need send them anything additional in terms of standardized tests. Stony Brook is popular to NYS residents because their instate tuition is unbelievably inexpensive and the facilities they have there are excellent along with the Medical Center being a Trauma Center plus the fact the location is very safe makes it a very desirable destination. They know all these factors are in their favor so the are extremely selective. I believe every years class has only 5-10 students. With all that said of that small number acceptances I believe only 25% are OOS. NJMS has multiple feeder schools so the amount of students they accept are considerably higher, so that works in your favor. I am not aware about NJ residency requirements helping or hurting applicants so I cannot comment on that. I do know from last years thread that quite a few people who were not NJ residents did get accepted to the feeder schools.

Does anyone have any idea as to how competitive the Drexel BS/MD program is as opposed to ones like TCNJ, HPME, Pitt GAP and others? I’ve heard it’s “low tier” but the admission rates are much lower than the ones I mentioned above.

Also, at which benchmark does retaking the SAT become useless? I’ve heard that if you’re 1580+ you should be fine, but what about scores slightly lower?

Should I submit a BioE score of 730? Or should I not include it at all?