***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@PPofEngrDr Feinberg is in Chicago downtown, a great location, but pretty far from NW main campus though.

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@dadofd Some really good points. As the results from most of top UG and BS/MD are out, some ‘lucky’ students will have to decide between low/mid (or even high) tier BS/MD program vs. a top UG (some may come w/significant scholarship). I think it comes down to personal experience. If you know someone who went through traditional route and got admitted to a solid medical school on first try w/o much difficulties, then you are likely to choose the tradition route w/scholarship. On the other hand, if you know someone who had a hard time to get admitted even with solid 3.8+GPA/90+% MCAT, it will likely affect student’s decision.

@dadofd well agree with you that no matter what route you take, hard working is a necessary evil to succeed.

There are various reason why a 34~35 ACT didn’t make a cut into BS/MD programs. to list few.
A kid didn’t apply to all BS/MD programs out and available for various reasons. One of reason for my kid was he doesn’t want to go to low tier BS/MD program and he remain selective with Penn PMM, CWRU PPSP, SLU Med scholar EAP and UMKC direct-med.
A kid couldn’t apply to certain BS/MD programs because basic requirements are not met. My Son couldn’t apply Northwestern HPME due to subject test that he can’t even give due to his course structure in high school. He has 12+ AP classes during high school and still he got into Northwestern Weinberg UG.

Certain parts of country you may not have those great research opportunists and therefore your profile is relatively weak for BS/MD program.

No-one is suggesting that a particular route is an * ** easy *** route. It always boils down to what are your options, preferences and resources you have for them and how committed you are as a student.
I always tell my kids since their first admission to gifted program in middle school that as you grow, your competition pool is getting narrower and tougher. In high school you got into STEM academy and you stand out among them (Valedictorian in high school is not a small feet) . Now college time no matter what field/college you pick its another narrower and tougher pool.
Eventually you would find your destiny and professional spot.

If all BS/MD programs are so shining, they won’t have higher attrition/drop-out rate. It doesn’t mean those are bad options than traditional route and vice a versa. At the same time all UG students are not ending into med school either.
Every admitted student in any program has to weigh in their options and make a best choice of their available opportunities and circumstances.
A admission in any path is not a guarantee for success rather a guaranteed opportunity and then its upto kids what to make best out of that opportunity.

I made a facebook group for Hofstra bsmd individuals. Link doesn’t show up for some reason, but if you search Hofstra BSMD 2018, it should show up on fb.

@dadofd speaking of distance to Feinberg, with all due respect, I wish I am a professor and have a research lab in my basement. But wishful thinking doesn’t work just like fear mongering. To put in perspective, they have campus shuttles for students, faculties and staff members. Also I am not sure if you realized that it is home for us being in suburbs my son has more logistics support then he can get any other places.

Chem SAT 760 
 Very broad published and lab research profile.

Regular route through a top Ivy is a perfectly good path as research base will only strengthen and regular route will have a more balanced selection committee. Based on a few kids we know who got called, BU seems to have focused on non research profile beyond academics. Without being presumptive, Primary care background of new director probably played a part.

HPME ex-director also publishes routinely on medical education more than medical or patient research
possible biases that creep into evaluation of who makes a good candidate.

This is possibly the greatest time in medical research. Driven researchers need more encouragement

@joyousstardust1 - Princeton is a known feeder school to UP medical school, also very UG education focused since it doesn’t have many professional program (med, law, etc.). GL with whatever choice you find that suits you the best.

Got the Northwestern aid package- basically big fat zero.
Is it same for others?

Let people not make their decisions based on any assumptions. What percentage of Princeton UGs make it to UP med school? Any statistics? I recommend to be very cautious about any such figures quoted even other wise. For example, as I stated earlier in this group, I never believed the 96% placement of Princeton pre med track folks to the med schools. This was some 2-3 years ago when we made for a college visit there and were the words of the admission officer giving the talk to a group of few hundreds. I am sure that figure doesn’t represent the actual field reality on the campus of Princeton where perhaps 70% or more of the pre med track kids get weeded out due to the heavy grade deflation there. The remaining folks should be super stars anyway, for them to make it to med school (any, ranging from great ones to ordinary) shouldn’t be big deal. So be cautious, think well and play safe. GL with whatever decisions.

Also, daughter got accepted at Carnegie Mellon - Computer Science!
Tough choices for her!

Accepted to UIC GPPA!

@NoviceDad believe Northwestern fin aid is need based then merit based, that may have made a big difference to you. My son accepted in Weinberg and we received very generous offer today.

All results are in and I have been accepted to a few BS/MD programs. I have narrowed it down REMS and BU SMED. If anyone has any advise that would help me chose one program over the other that would be really helpful!!
I personally like the flexibility of the REMS programs (no mcat required and ability to pursue any major). However, the BU SMED is accelerated (7-years) and has a much lower gpa requirement (3.2 for SMED vs. 3.6 for REMS).
Additionally, is anyone aware of which medical school is better in terms of residency matching?

@aikon17 - I compared last year and noticed REMS has better match outcomes. I believe it’s a better program, but not much to do in Rochester (may be that’s why they focus more on studies :wink: )


Congratulations on your acceptances! At the cost of being repetitive for those who read this forum regularly, few points.

I don’t know enough about REMS to compare and so will confine it to BU. MCAT for BU SMED students should not be of any concern, especially the artificially lowered 80% ile. Most will probably score in the 90+% ile range without much difficulty due to the rigor and academically challenging environment there. However the 3.2 gpa cannot be taken lightly, it is probably more difficult to maintain a BU 3.2 than say a 3.7 at other schools. BU tops the list of grade deflated schools (posted the info few days back if you want to go check).

One thing BU stands out is in research with world renowned reputation. Also the great location in the middle of what may be considered the health care capital of the country provides many opportunities for students there. Also BU is highly considered in a range of medical allied fields like Molecular biology and genetics, psychology and psychiatry, bio medical engineering, public health, social work, neuro science, physical and occupational therapy. The medical campus is well connected by campus shuttles running frequently between the two campuses with commute times of 20-30 minutes.

On the flip side, one may not greatly like the urban campus which doesn’t distinguish it much from the heart of the city where it is located.

As I am repeating myself, residency match depends more on the student than the school, however in case of BU there may be a slight advantage bcoz of the wide range of exposure students can get bcoz of the location.

By the way please don’t forget to decline the admissions you don’t want anymore and to share your stats on the results page once you finalize everything. It provides guidance for future batches of students.

Send the list
Compare who demands certain score of mcat esp English comprehension
Some g p a are total ave versus other are per semester

Another issues is location and how close to family

Congratulations to you and your son.

I was a little surprised as the net cost calculators seemed to indicate partial aid.

@NoviceDad Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science is absolutely incredible! You should be so proud! If your D has any doubts about medicine, I would 100% recommend that route. Pre-med requirements can still be fulfilled in the SCS and if medical school doesn’t work out, your D will have a top-tier computer science education to fall back on. Good luck with your decision!