***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@Rainiertx Sadly, no my son went to the event last year. They basically invite everyone who applied and then start cutting down in the winter once all apps have been filed. It’s basically an open house. It was a great tour they showed us around campus and introduced us to many BS/MD students. Very interesting! Baylor is a beautiful school but my son ended up going Brown PLME

Baylor is trying to recruit national merit students with this event and impress them with the school. It is a good deal for both students and the school since some who may not attend the school despite the full tuition scholarship may end up attending once they have visited the campus. There are only 5 seats but the students coming to this event are very high profile in most cases since it involves a medical seat.

The actual medical school interviews are conducted at Baylor college of medicine. However, Baylor U has to submit the names to be interviewed and so most show up for this round in order to qualify for the next round.

"Baylor is trying to recruit national merit students with this event and impress them with the school. It is a good deal for both students and the school since some who may not attend the school despite the full tuition scholarship may end up attending once they have visited the campus. "

In order to qualify Baylor a full tuition academic scholarship

You MUST BE a National Merit Finalist AND select Baylor as your first-choice college.
(nothing to do with visiting campus
and at this moment National Merit Finalists have NOT been announced yet.)

And you believe someone will randomly pick Baylor to go there? Why do you think they are pushing this meet in Baylor when it truly has no bearing on the medical school?

15,000 of 16,000 semifinalists become finalists.

The whole point of inviting so many people to show up on campus is to sell the school to top students.

Hi. I’m applying to Bs/Md programs and I would really appreciate it if you guys could chance me.

GPA: 3.93 UW (School uses A+ (97-100) as 4.0, A as 3.8, etc…) 1 A- in Geometry (10th grade math class taken in 8th)
SAT: 1590
SAT 2s:
Math 2: 800
Physics: 750
US History: 800
Literature: 750
Chem: Taking in November

Physics 1 - 4
Calc BC- 5
US History- 5
Statistics- 5
Language and Comp- 5

Senior Courses:
AP Lit
Multivariable Calc
AP Gov
AP Spanish
AP Bio
AP Chem

NHS (11,12)
Junior Scope (raise money and supplies for children’s hospitals 11,12)
Peer Tutoring (11,12)


Memorizing the Quran (9,10) ~2000 hours
Imam at mosque (11,12) ~100 hours
Teaching at mosque (10,11,12)~1800 hours
Volunteer at Summer Camp for kids with disabilities (11,12) ~ 80 hours
Study Arabic Abroad in Egypt (10)~ 150 Hours in 1 month

Research and Medical involvements:
Internship at Infectious Disease Hospital in India (11,12) ~ 100 hours
Shadowing Infectious Disease Doctor in America (12) ~ 80 hours
Orthopedic Research at SUNY Downstate (12)~ 250 hours + Coauthor of paper submitted for publishing

2nd Place in National Quran Memorization Competition 12th Grade
1st Place State Quran Memorization Competition 11th Grade
Volunteer Awards from Mosque
Peer tutoring Outstanding Service Award

Applying to:
U Rochester REMS
Brooklyn College BS/MD
Sophie Davis
Stony Brook BS/MD
Northwestern HPME
Hofstra 4+4

Your comments and thoughts are appreciated. Thanks


You have very good chances to get in BS/MD programs.
(Do you have any sport or musical ECs? Some schools may look for well rounded candidates)

Please focus on writing essays.

Good luck.

Rochester, Case, Brown and Northwestern are very hard to predict. you have good chances at others. GL

Thanks. I really hope I can, as it would save so much stress not having to apply to med school. I have played in basketball leagues and came in 3rd place in a state basketball tournament, but I don’t play for my school team. I stopped playing an instrument in 8th grade because I couldn’t fit it into my schedule.

I think I have very solid essays, as I’m getting critiques from a writer for the NY Times.

I appreciate it.

My D’s Stats are,

3.93/4.0 uwGPA, 4.64/4.0 wGPA, SAT1 superscore 1540 (math 800, reading 740), SAT II Math2 770 and M Biology 730

AP Biology 5, AP Govt 5, AP USH 5, AP Lang 4, AP World History 4, AP Physics 3

4 more APs in senior year, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus AB, AP Literature and AP Psychology.

Her extracurriculars include hospital volunteering, shadowing oncologist, PCP, Nurse, Fund raising for Cancer foundation, Red Cross, blood drives, Indian classical dance etc. No major awards but have a quite a few.

She is applying to Brown PLME, Case PPSP, Pitt GAP, Rochester REMS and GW 7 year program.

Does she stand any chance to get into any?

Thank you

@bsmd2018 - As I said to your previous chance question, all the programs you have listed are extremely competitive so no one can predict. My DS applied last year and his stats are higher than your D’s and he has state and national medals in Science. And he has similar ECs. He didn’t even get the interviews in the first four you mentioned. He got admission to RPI and BU, but decided not to take and went traditional route. We don’t know the reasons. He got admissions in Penn, JHU and Vanderbilt (with full-tuition scholarship). May be essays or regional (CA) or ethnicity/gender (Indian Male)? All you can do is apply and see what happens. GL!

@srk2017 , thank you so much for the response. If you don’t mind me asking, which university your DS is attending now?

@bsmd2018 - You welcome. DS is attending Vanderbilt with Cornelius Vanderbilt scholarship.

Totally agree with @srk2017, it is almost impossible to predict chances on those top or any other programs. @bsms2018, it would be best to apply for many.

My DS is still a junior but looking at some of the responses and unpredictive nature of the BSMD programs, I wonder if the amount of time spent on BSMD program specific prep (EC’s, Research, Volunteering, etc.) is worth. My heart goes out to all those hardworking and sincere HS children. What would be a good mix of schools to apply (covering the broad spectrum with northwestern, Brown, Rice, Rochester being Reach category)?

From the experience I have with people in my school, if your DS can do some significant research while having the other aspects of their application good, they’ll have a pretty good chance at getting into 1, whether it be a top program or one not as super competitive.

For schools to apply to, in New York there are some like Sophie Davis and Brooklyn College where you don’t necessarily have to be super amazing to get into. I’m not sure if they’re restricted to people only in New York, though

@Metsfan7860, I think Pittsburgh Pre professional program may pose some challenge to your application process since they seem to care a lot, whether the applicant has taken the highest level course being offered at their school in every subject and whether he or she got the highest possible grade in each of them, (A+) in your case. Found it rather funny since kids need not be motivated to take highest level course in every thing, for example C wasn’t all that interested in taking AP USH and opted to take honors course instead to spend time and energy on something else more relevant and exciting.

Hello! I am applying to Case Western’s PPSP, Northwestern’s HPME, Brown’s PLME, UPitt GAP, Stony Brook Scholars in Medicine, UMKC BA/MD, and Boston’s BS/MD program, chance me?

-High School does not rank
-ACT: 35
-SAT Subject Tests: Math 2 (790), Chemistry (780)
-GPA: 3.96 UW
-IB Cirriculum

Dance (Since 2010)
Violin (Since 2010)
NHS (Grades 11, 12)
Math Honor Society (grades 11, 12
Cultural Club at School (grades 9-12)
Future Health Professionals (grades 9-12)
Executive Director of locally founded organization (grades 11-12)
Secretary/Treasurer of an Honor Society Chapter (grades 11-12)

Medical Involvements:
Hospital Shadowing (100 hours)
Shadowing a Pediatric Neurosurgeon, Infectious Diseases physician, and Pediatric Urologist (~150 hours total)
Was accepted and attended a medical camp (1 week, about 70 hours total)

PSAT Commended Scholar
State finalist in grades 10 and 11 for Future Health Professionals

Female, Asian American


@bsmdstudent101 you have good credentials, but it would be futile to chance you. My DD applied last year and she had similar or better credential compared with yours. She did not receive interview invites from Case, NW, Pitt, etc, was rejected by Brown. However, she was accepted into Rice/Baylor and several other programs. All the programs are very competitive and unpredictable, so my recommendation for you would be apply broadly and put full efforts on each application. Good luck!

thanks so much!

@dadofd if you don’t mind me asking, which programs did she get into?