***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

hey guys, for the Rochester REMS program, are we expected/required to schedule an off-campus interview before finalist selection. Like is there an interview that is a part of the initial application process for the rems program?

In general many of the top colleges expect this to demonstrate your continued interest in their college after applying, even for UG admission. Brown, CWRU, Rochester, Vanderbilt, Rice, Lehigh all had. For Rochester they also visit big cities at multiple locations and you need to schedule a time to meet. If the date and time did not work out, I think you can have a phone discussion.

@rk2017 Im not applying to the Pittsburg program, but thanks for the input. I never studied for tests until last year, which is why I don’t have a higher gpa.

@dadofd Rice/Baylor??? Thats amazing. Congrats to her

Does anyone know eligibility for merit based scholarships require FAFSA to be filed?

@Metsfan7860, Oh, just PPSP(?) on your list sounded like Pittsburgh med program :slight_smile:

Hope the info may be helpful to others who may want to know about that program. I sent an email asking why D was not considered even for an interview which we were in high expectation of, and that’s the response they gave.

@techhv For Merit scholarship there is no need to file FAFSA. That is needed only for Need based.

Thank you @GoldenRock ,

I have been reading on the internet that it is sometimes needed by colleges that we file for FAFSA and CSS, even for merit based scholarships, so a bit confused.

@techhv In general every one strongly recommends to file FAFSA/CSS all the time, irrespective of merit or need based. But based on the feedback I got from parents, we felt it is a waste of time in our situation and hence we did not file FAFSA/CSS. But my D got Merit scholarship at OU. If the income situation is on border line, it makes sense not to take any chance but if the income is pretty high, (especially if both parents working and earning $200K+), mostly it is not needed. Use your discretion.

@rk2017 PPSP is Case Western’s med program. I appreciate the info though. I’ll definitely pass it on to people I know applying there

@rk2017 I know you said UPitt really values that students take the most rigorous courses and that they get A+'s in them. but do they consider senior year grades or just 9-11? I have managed to get 93 or above for all of my previous courses in freshmen through junior year. It’s just that this marking period, i slipped up and got an 85 in my AP literature class. All my other grades this marking period have been great though. But does it matter to Upitt (and other bs md programs as well) that I got a B in an otherwise “clean” record?

@impressivemediocrity, congratulations! Your name beguiles your reality :-). In general most of top schools, including some bs md programs do ask for the 1st semester or equivalent grades of senior year too. But they also understand that this is a stressful period to most, due to application process, standardized tests, challenging senior year course work (some high schools are not so willing to let the kids take too many APs prior to junior or senior years) etc.

Also a course like AP literature can be very challenging grades wise and also depends a lot on the toughness of the teacher. I am sure the admissions folks know and understand all that. So you don’t have to worry. Just focus on your studies and continue to impress :-). But in the worst case if certain school / program does care and holds it against you, then who cares? It may not be even worth attending such a program with such rigid selection frame work, mindset and criteria. Good luck with everything.

Does anyone know how the baylor 2 medical track interviews work? Is it a 2-parter with the Medical Track Day, then an interviiew at some later date?

Yes, 2 times need to visit Baylor. That is how it was in 2015-16 cycle. At least now they are offering the event 2 times 11/3 and 1/19. For students who need to travel and take few days off it may not work, especially if there are 1st semester final exams in school around Jan 19th.

Thank you, @GoldenRock!! I know you had mentioned possible bsmd dates elsewhere, but would you mind again sharing that location, and we’ll find it. You must be so proud of your DD at OU, what a great program!!

@ppst Not clear what your ask is. Baylor has 2 visits / stage. First one, more of an open house but for selective students and that open house is offered on 2 dates 11/3 and 1/19 depending on the cut off dates student applied. After this, some short listed students will be called for the actual interview with Baylor Medical College some time in March / April. I remember there was a student who got admitted last year and you can message to get any specific details about this program.

That answered it; thank you @GoldenRock!

Has anyone heard back from Baylor/Baylor yet? Decision emails are supposed to be sent by November 8th, so it may be sent tomorrow, but I’d just like to ask and check.

It looks like they’re pushing the decision emails back to Nov. 10, due to the huge number of applications for that and I2E @dangkat5.