***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Nope, it just says I got accepted into Undergrad, and there is no financial aid stuff yet

Hey everyone, I have been fortunate to be accepted to the 8 year Rutgers-NB/RWJMS or 7 year NJIT/NJMS (both UG schools give full rides).

Which one has better the better honors college, and even though both medical schools are the same cost and have similar rankings, is one med school better than the other(research, etc)? And does the extra year at rutgers make a big difference?

Can you guys give me your thoughts on the schools? I am thankful for any help!!

Always remember when you’re selected to few BS/MD programs, always look at both UG and Medical schools rankings and ratings.

@johndoe0 ---- In this case, I would say go for 8 year Rutgers-NB/RWJMS than 7 year NJIT/NJMS, since Rutgers is a better UG school, unless tuition cost is a major factor for you.

Same applies for others, like NU HPME than CW PPSP, or Rice/Baylor than Baylor/Baylor, BU SMED than Penn State, etc.

Good luck.

No update on tcnj paws yet!

When did you receive your acceptance to Rutgers/rwjms? @johndoe0

@rk2017 Thank you so much for the great input. Yes both programs have pros and cons. We already went to McCombs for the accepted students day and he loved everything about the prog. Now we will be visiting Union for accepted students day and then he will make his decision. Unfortunately they do not have a tour of ALbany med included .
He also got into Emory but obviously would prefer McCombs or LIM as he comes out with a career degree in both vs Emory.
Thanks again!

@“Havequestions 1234!”

Good, sounds like a plan. I am sure you know this but just saying, Emory has a great medical school, but their undergrad is tough, heard they weed out a lot of brilliant kids in premed.

Also you can probably ask for some sort of self guided tour of Albany Medical college, if possible. This may get you a chance to sniff around the place and get a feel and who knows you may even get a chance to speak to some important people there. You may have to make pre-arrangements for that so start contacting the open house folks soon.

Also, please please, don’t go by the rankings some one posted earlier today on this forum and by their view of RPI/Albany (I know yours is Union/Albany). That is someone’s personal ratings on a blog, so very likely to be highly subjective ( I was in fact surprised he didn’t rate Brown’s program as 1st :). I am not a believer in rankings, but if you MUST follow ratings try to get a comprehensive view by checking out multiple sites - just US News is not that good enough, in fact bad - and try to get a feel. But you are better off not doing that at all.

this whole thing about rankings is crap. Frankly, as a physician, no one cares about rankings. I have never seen a n actual doctor talk about how highly ranked of a medical school they went to. You can become a good doctor no matter where you study.

Need advice in deciding between colleges-

Brown PLME (40K/yr) vs. Top ~20 Full Ride

Everywhere on forums, people say absolutely do not take out loans. My parents claim to be able to afford it, but 160K is a lot (and med school is worse), my only working parent is retiring this year, and I have a younger sister too.

Not super decided on med school at the moment, but seems likely. People seem very split on whether or not med school admissions are difficult

Thank you!

My daughter has gotten into a number of BS/MD programs. Now she needs help narrowing down.

  1. selecting among BS/MD programs - UIC GPPA vs Penn State/Jefferson PMM
  2. Selecting UMKC 6-yr? Any significant advantage?
  3. Attend brand name (e.g. Wash U or Georgia Tech) undergrad and then apply for Med school

Which is the best option if the goal is to become a doctor? Thanks for your input.


If you’re in an unstable financial situation, don’t sign up for a 404 + 754= 460K 8 year commitment.

Which top undergrad? Certain top undergrad’s are not very conducive to a pre-med environment (i.e. cornell)

@2beDoc Share few details like is finance going to be a factor in the final decision, aid provided by any of the college options, your home state, any pref for your D to be closer to home versus far away?

Review the last few pages in this thread to get a feel for the perspectives from many posters.

If you are clear about medicine, then choice 3 is out. Choice 2 is out if you are not a IS since UMKC is very expensive, even if you can afford. Choice 1, is Illinois or PA your home state to provide any advantage during UG on finance front?
Or the closer proximity weighs on your selection that may swing the decision among the 2 in your first item.

@pantsmalone MD education is expensive. It does not matter whether you go to Brown or other UG school. So I would ignore that cost in your equation now.

So the key question now is, can you afford $160 for your UG? Is it worth that money to go to Brown?

Some other details may help to provide. Is the full ride, need based or athletic? Do you think (or researched) some thing of that nature is possible for MD education based on your situation? If so, and if you assume MD education may cost less, then can you afford this additional $160k?

@dblazer @GoldenRock thank you for your insights.

thank you for your help!

@TulipBox I believe the last day for Union/AMC decisions is April 9. Apologies to anyone still waiting for results for LIM, Albany lost a couple of its key admission officers this year so they’ve been a bit behind.

Does anyone know about pre-med at the University of Michigan?

@pantsmalone I would be tempted to pick Brown PLME despite the costs - one of the few programs that has almost no compromises as far as undergrad/med school. You would be essentially starting from scratch with your alternative undergrad option, with more stress and no guarantee that you would make it to as good a med school as Alpert.

@johndoe0 Don’t think the rankings differences between Rutgers/RWJ vs NJIT/NJMS are appreciable and one year does not make a significant difference in the long-run, so if you have a preference for one path over the other based on other factors, go with that

@2beDoc GPPA and PSU/Jeff are both solid options that I would definitely choose over UMKC and probably any of your top tier undergrad options as they will put you in the position to achieve your goals while offering security. As far as choosing amongst the two, they are both similar caliber so I would use factors like cost, location preference, perceived fit, etc. as the deciding factor.

@pantsmalone Congratulaitons!! You have have very impressive accomplishments! would you mind posting your stats and results on this year’s results page for the future students? Thank you!!

Thank you @GoldenRock. A few more details:

  1. Home state is IL
  2. Finance is certainly an important factor. We’re thinking that we can fully fund her entire education and give us debt free start once she graduates with her MD as opposed to having 100s of thousands in debt. A bit (same) of scholarship from both programs. So, keeping the financial factor out, which one would be a better direct Med route between UIC and Penn/Jefferson?
  3. She is not keen on distance part. Okay to go far as long as program is good enough.
  4. Only thing with option #3 is having a brand on your resume. But, we don’t think it matters in a long run since she is very clear about becoming a doctor.

Based on these details, would you change your opinion?