***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***


No point in getting nervous about future now. Let me say this. To have been selected into BS/MD program, you should have gone through certain regimen so far in high school. How comfortable are you to continue the same, perhaps at an even higher level for next three to four years?

If you have a “dream” something then I would encourage you to pursue that. But evaluate the above question and also how comfortable will you be if by any chance you can’t make it to medicine at a later time (I know some are fine with that). Also be sure to find out if the “dream” may actually turn out to be a nightmare as it happened to some kids in the past because of intense competition and grade deflation at some of the places. GL with whatever the decision.

Both my D.are applyimg.for BS/MD program. At present they are Sophomore… lookimg.for research Opp…How do yoy connect to reaearch prof who are willing to take HS School.students?

@path2md @rk2017 How do you make sure who is qualified to provide advice on these forums? Very tricky 2nd amendment issues may arise by restricting free speech.

@Thinkbigger if you check with the head of your HS science department they quite possibly may have a list of professors at nearby colleges that offer research positions. If your HS has a science research class most surely they will have that information available.

@grtd2010 minor correction… 1st amendment is freedom of speech which is what you meant, 2nd amendment is the right to bear arms.

@grtd2010 No one has restricted anyone from expressing their opinion/free speech. I don’t understand your question. I expressed my opinion as you can see.

This a free anonymous site, so no one can sue for giving your opinion!!!

I am glad no one is talking about attorney-client privileges…


@path2md Exactly anyone is free to express their opinion regardless of their qualifications as long as they adhere to 1st amendment. You can not impose any restriction on public forums.

@Empire007 Thanks for the correction.1st and 2nd amendments are important.

Dear all. The whole purpose of this forum is to exchange ideas and share personal experiences with the group. Although some people may have more experience than the others we essentially are all novices sharing our limited experience with others so that we can learn from their experiences. It is like four blind people touching different parts of an elephant and drawing conclusions what an elephant looks like collectively instead of individually. The hope is to get a better idea about what an elephant really looks like by sharing individual experiences. If someone thinks they are getting professional career counseling here they are seriously mistaken. However, we should appreciate people who are willing to share their ideas and experiences and provide advise and input based on whatever limited experience they have because that is what makes this forum a useful resource and every bit helps in getting a true picture of the elephant. (Some people may prefer the pieces of the puzzle analogy). Everyone asking questions of course need to do their own due diligence before making a final decision for their career paths. A difference of opinion with rationale behind it is actually a healthy thing for discussion on such forums. My two cents.

@grtd2010, I did not impose restriction. I expressed my opinion. Please read my comments again.


2nd amendment also is appropriate here, we have had some fireworks here :))

My DD is accepted into Union Albany Leadership in Medicine Program.

Even though I am a physician, my knowledge of BSMD programs was limited till this year. I really appreciate the help my family received from this forum. This time, we are hoping for help from the veterans here and those who know the BSMD programs associated with Albany Med.

We are in a quandary here. We wanted our DD to attend college as close to home as possible for family reasons, so only applied to schools less than 3 hours from home. AMC was always our top choice of BSMD program as it is close enough and a relative attends AMC through Siena Albany program and Loves it! We visited both undergrad schools Siena, Union and Albany med as well. We honestly loved all three places without reservations. As she was accepted into Siena Science Humanities Medicine program in mid-February, we were happily ready to go there. Now the much awaited Union AMC Leadership in Medicine Program decision came and she is in. Both programs are 8 years each, 3.5 GPA requirement and no MCAT. Students in both colleges seem friendly, smart and my DD would fit in either place perfectly. She will visit both places again soon. My DD has talked only to Siena admissions office directly and they’re super-lovely people. Siena has a community service focus and wants students who are smart, kind and service-minded, which fits my DD’s personality perfectly. She also has numerous leadership positions, done healthcare policy internship and worked with a CMO of a healthcare technology company last summer. So both programs fit her very well. We feel very blessed to have these two opportunities and hope she will choose the one that is most suitable for her. Please let us know if you’ve any suggestions, pros/cons.

@TTV2018 Personally will go with Union program. But go with what her heart says!

Just wanted to add that Union Leadership in Medicine gives the opportunity for 3 degrees in 8 years, including an MS or MBA in healthcare administration.


Do either give the option of finishing or graduating the undergraduate BS a year early?

If both do not, then would recommend going where the money tells you to.


Congratulations, that’s awesome!
Does Sienna too give the option for a dual degree, perhaps like a MPH?

Not sure if you noticed, but some one else on this forum from TX also got into the Union program, in case if you want to private message and compare notes and share thoughts. You can check the messages from the past week for their info.

Thank you @rk2017 Someone from the Siena AMC program did an MPH also, but that was after they started med school at AMC. He matched into a very good residency in general surgery this year, but he was an overall stellar student as well. No dual degree during undergrad year. They do take AP credits, but have complete 4 years if undergrad.