***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

I would also recommend Union.



If she will be ok with any feeder schools, then look at costs and if any of her friends are going to that feeder school.

Hi @bluemonkey33 @TheElusiveGod Is there a facebook group for Drexel BSMD? I tried looking it up but can’t seem to find it


Reminds me, at the Penn State/Jeff program, think for kids who come in with lots of AP credits, they have the option to substitute some of the course work with research participation (there may be a Max cap though).

You may want to find out if Sienna too has some such arrangement with AMC, and if so then she can get a decent exposure to research in the 4th year undergrad, which may well justify going there despite not offering a dual program. It will be even more awesome and justified if she can get her name on a publication or two in that process (like my former colleague’s son I was mentioning recently who will be joining UPenn residency)

And of course basically she needs to like the vibe of which ever of the place(s)/program first and all other things will follow.

And just a quick reminder to people that have already counted out some programs they were accepted to or have committed elsewhere… Please let them know so some waitlist movement can start happening :slight_smile:

To give a real world perspective on direct vs. traditional route of going to a medical school, I am listing real students mostly from our office:

Harvard…2 yrs gap…mid tier MD
Harvard…1 yr. gap…mid tier MD…psych
Harvard…Caribbean med school
Columbia…top 10
UPenn…dropped out of pre-med tract (dropped from now on)
Brown…2 yrs. gap… DO…OB/GYN
Brown…1 yr. gap…mid tier MD…IM
Brown…2 yrs. gap (hard post B)…dropped
MIT…2 yrs. gap… mid tier MD
Wash U…dropped
Cornell…3 yrs. gap…??(dropped??)
CMU…2 yrs. gap…DO
JHU…2 yrs. gap…DO
RPI…top 25
NYU…mid tier MD
NYU…1 yr. gap…DO
NYU…Caribbean med school…IM…pulmonology…
U Mich…2 yrs. gap…mid tier MD
BC…low tier MD
Stony…1 yr. gap…mid tier MD with partial merit scholarship
Wesley…2 yrs. gap (easy post B)…mid tier MD …surgery .
Williams…top 10…anesthesiology
U of Rochester…DO
Swarthmore…2 yrs gap…??
Hunter College…2 yrs. gap… mid tier MD
St. John’s U…DO
Brandeis…3 yrs. gap…??(dropped??)
Virginia Tech…DO…neurology

Sophie Davis…Caribbean med school…IM
Sophie Davis… anesthesiology
UIC GPPA…Oxford(MS)…anesthesiology
Brown PLME

Good luck everyone!

@upstream Thanks for compiling some data points. Can you provide the context? When you say your office, are you a practicing physician in some private practice office or current MD student or current resident?

Get the main point you are trying to share. It is not an open door, just because you do your UG in top college.

Most of these students are our patients, who have attended top high schools. Yes, I am a physician in a private solo-practice.

My point is … yes you can follow your dreams, but you also need to be realistic about your chances. If you are one of top students in a given university, you will have no problem completing the “pre-med” tract. But if you barely get into a “tough” university, beware of the consequences!
One of our patients got into a dream school with beautiful campus, but that dream became a nightmare for her. Even though she stayed up till 2 A.M. every night, her GPA did not budge above 3.2.
As a pre-med student, it is wise to choose a college where you will be a top dog!
At a certain top University, about 1/3 of pre-meds will dropped out of the tract after 1st year.
Therefore, one must read pre-med stats published by universities with caution!

Good luck everyone!


Amazing you could collect so much data just from your office =D> :slight_smile:
BC=Boston College?
Good to know from the statistics DO is a viable alternative for even students coming from good schools. As I mentioned from my own acquaintances in recent past, there is a mix in the bag, I personally don’t consider any school as mid or low level, since the best of each school always shine, but categorizing based on what people normally conceive by rankings and what not:

MIT → 1 year gap → mid level instate MD → left after a year not liking it
Cornell–> low-mid level MD
JHU → low-mid level MD
JHU, BME–> JHU MD (turning down Stanford)
Vanderbilt BME → St. George’s MD (Carribean)
BU → 1-2 yrs gap year, no placements yet

Also, Princeton → just graduating → no plans of going for medicine right now (sensitive matter to talk about) → will be looking for a job

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Thanks… We have many motivated Asian patients in our office of 5000 patients. I have been providing free consultations for our patients, who are interested in medicine as a career pathway.

More data:

Duke…2yrs gap…??
Duke… dropped (became pre-law)
BC(Boston College)…1 yr gap … mid tier MD

Research is not the only answer…people are looking for special person who has magic…the magic can be many things…it can be sports like captain of football or baseball or etc …or music as playing an instrument or singer(this was my gig as district, state and All Eastern playing…or humanitarian like foot kitchen read to blind, bingo for elderly…research in high school is very rare due to most serious labs wont participate

Wow… same case here with Princeton student… afraid to ask

@upstream your posting sound strange to me or logically doesn’t make sense to me. How come you have only sick patients from all over the country? Sure you are not running a private practice in every timezone. I am lost on what message you are trying to convey.

@upstream What kind of medical practice are you running? Patients get free help beyond physical health advice. Usually, most doctors I know, do not have any time to chit-chat.

I just have to say that my kids’ pediatrician takes the time to chit chat with them and even asks them about their favorite books, subjects, what they did recently etc. He was also husband’s pediatrician and is so very adored by all his patients and parents. Kids do go away to college all over the country so the same doctor can have patients attending colleges in different places and some stay in touch.

  • my husband’s pediatrician