***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***


You still have the junior year to improve your AP and subject score(s). By the way 750 on MB is not that bad, though you may want to raise it further if possible. You may want to prepare now and get over with at the next test date.

3 on AP can impact your chances at NW and BU among the schools you mentioned. Both schools place lot of emphasis on Chem and Math though, that’s why they require you take the subject tests in them, so technically you don’t even have to submit your subject bio score to those two if you don’t want to. But you can give it another shot next year for AP Bio, you may have to plan accordingly to prepare for an additional AP on top of your junior year APs. The problem with APs is that, if the admissions counselors see some top student with a 4.0 gpa getting a 3, they suspect the school to be a grade inflated one. So it can hurt in more than one way. Anyway you have scope for correcting it next time.

I suggest you to try ACT too and see which one is a better fit. Don’t try taking the tests directly without serious preparation first, since it can hurt you if you don’t do well and it goes on record. You can try practice tests on your own or the likes of Kaplan in a real test like setup. They charge a nominal fee and give you analysis and suggestions on where and how to improve.

You may want to start following and posting on the latest thread for 2019. Also don’t spend too much time on CC ;-). Let your parents or siblings do the research for you.

Alright, thank you so much!

And yeah, Im the only child and my parents are clueless as to what I am doing in school: mom doesnt speak english and dad works really far away from me; and I only get to see him on the weekends… however my cousins, one doing residency and other in med school, really advised me to do a bs/md program so here I am.

For the grade inflation; I was the first person to get an A both semesters in AP bio in 4 years. And there were many people that scored 5s at our school in those years. I was super scared going in the test being my first ap. But anyways, would me mentioning that I got an A both semester let the college counselors know that the grades arent inflated?

And finally, how many times can I take the subject test? I was planning to take the bio E test after I take APES next year.

@MaybeIvy2020 Being an Indian, you may know that BS/MD programs are very competitive for Asians and you need to have stellar credentials to compete with other ORMs.You should keep open the option for the regular 4yr BS/BA route to medical school.

Got it, thank you!


As I said earlier, don’t worry too much about the AP score for now. You still have time to improve upon it and will do better next year with the experience gained. Just keep revising whenever you get spare time in junior year to avoid forgetting the subject matter. You can mention the score from that test when you apply.

No, you don’t want to write about how well you did in a class or subject. You will have plenty to cover about yourself in a limited space like 500-1000 word limit, use it wisely to convey a bigger picture of yourself. Let your Biology and other teachers mention in their recommendations about your unique accomplishments in their class(es). That will be far more eye catching and impressive to the admissions folks.

You are fortunate to have cousins who can share their insights and guide you. But also speak to your high school guidance counselor(s). Don’t be shy or hesitant to share your thoughts and plans with them. They can give you valuable advice and opinions based on their experience or will find out for you if they don’t know. They can also give you connections to other kids or alumni of your school who had been through similar motions earlier. In fact, you can reach out to them for some of your questions, even now though the schools are closed, I bet they have summer hours.

Regarding the Bio E test, not sure why you need to take it. If you can improve a little on your Bio M by retaking it since you already know the subject matter and take Math 2 and Chem (both required for NW and BU), you should be done. 3 science subject tests should be enough. Also, I could be wrong, but AP Environment Science (if that is what you are referring to) doesn’t carry same kind of recognition from the admission folks as the core BCPM APs do especially for this kind of programs (Bio, Chem, Physics and Math related)

I already took Bio and my scheduale has conflicts making it impossible for me to take ap chem or physics. So I am stuck with APES, which I dont personally mind.

Would a high chem or physics subject test score be enough for me to get into some programs?

I will be taking ap calc a/b and ap chem senior year.

Why don’t you self study APES and try to fill in AP Chem or Calc instead in the freed up slot? The sooner you take Chem the more the beneficial it will be for you. Checking with your high school counselor may help

Hi, I would be interested to know into which programs your son got into. My D has similar credentials like your son.
She will be applying this fall. Any suggestions/recommendations would be helpful. She also goes to school in VA.

What do you all think of my chances? I just finished my junior year. Here are my stats!

-Indian American Male


-4.00 weighted GPA
-1580 SAT (780 CR+W, 800 M)
-1500 PSAT (750 CR+W, 750 M)
-Class Rank: N/A

AP’s (at time of application):
-AP Human Geography
-AP Biology
-AP US History
-AP Environmental Science

Senior Year AP’s:
-AP Calculus AB
-AP Chemistry
-AP Statistics
-AP Government and Politics
-AP Macroeconomics
-AP Microeconomics


-JV Baseball- 1 year
-Odyssey of the Mind (Creativity Competition)-3 years (Made the World Finals all 3 years)
-40 hours shadowing in the Emergency Department
-Youth in Government- (3 years)
-World Quest (Current Events Competition)-3 years
-Brain Bee- 2nd in the state
-Boy Scouts (Eagle Scout)


-Odyssey of the Mind Vice President - 1 year
-World Quest Co-President - 2 years
-Boy Scout Patrol Leader - 3 years
-Led an Eagle Scout Project, a fitness trail in my neighborhood, which benefitted the health of the community

Community Service:

-200 hours volunteering in Hospital
-100 hours volunteering with Camp Manito (Camp for mentally disabled kids)
-50 hours volunteering with Boy Scouts of America
-40 hours volunteering in communities of economically disadvantaged
-40 hours teaching kids in communities of economically disadvantaged

Research Experience:
~150 hours working in a research lab at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital for Neuroscience

Applying to the following programs:
-Baylor Medical Track
-Case Western PPSP
-St. Bonaventure/GW
-University of Central Florida
-U Miami
-USciences/Cooper Medical School

I’m worried that my GPA will be my downfall, which these guaranteed programs look for, and I don’t know if my standardized test scores do make up for the low GPA. I did, however, show improvement through my three years by increasing my GPA. Any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated.

Hi All,

This has been the thread for discussions on matters related to 2018 admissions cycle. A new one has been started for 2019, though perhaps a little too sooner, which some of the newly joined folks may not be aware of and continuing to post in this. There may not be enough visibility on this thread so please use the newly created one. You may actually want to refer to the following link which has the collection of all the new and old discussion topics, so you can research the old ones also as needed.


Also some tips for the newly joined people:

  • It may help to address the person you are asking a question, like for example @xyzsoandso, their College confidential ID. That way there is a clarity of who you are asking the question.
  • There is also an option to Private message (PM) so the person gets an email notification and can answer you directly. Some where in this thread itself some one posted instructions of how to do it if you are unaware. You may have to search a bit for them.
  • Some of the questions being asked have been already addressed else where, like for example the new 2019 thread or the results thread for 2018. So please research those first before raising any repetitive questions.
  • No one can predict one's chances of getting into a specific or any program, since the competitive landscape is changing year after year and there are too many factors involved. So no point in asking such questions, though you can certainly get suggestions on how to strengthen your background.
  • If you are a student, don't spend too much time on this and other threads once the school reopens. Let others in your family who can help follow and summarize for you.

Hope this helps.

@OVOGang Being an Indian American male, you have very tough competition from other ORMs. What is your unweighted GPA? It does not hurt to apply but to keep your expectations low. This whole BS/MD process is very unpredictable. No one can predict anyone’s chances. Just apply and pray for the best.

Indian Americans are overly represented in BS/MD pool, so @OVOGang you are competing against your own kind. What are your SAT2 scores in Bio, Chem, Math or Phy? If they are not in mid or upper 7xx range, don’t put too much hope in the race.

Hey guys. I always like to put it out there every admissions cycle that I would be happy to answer any questions about the Union College/AMC Leadership in Medicine Program. I’m no expert but I do have a bit of knowledge. Feel free to PM me. :slight_smile:

@Andorvw my D has higher 7xx in Math and chemistry but low 7xx Bio. Did not take Phy. She is thinking twice to take bio SAT next weekend or not. Without higher Chem and Phy are we out of race?

@Undecided3494 _ I am unable to PM you (I read some place that I need to have minimum 15 posts before I can PM).

Do you have recent stats for Union College/AMC Leadership? SAT/ACT/GPA?

I am aspiring BS/MD applicant and currently in my sophomore year. I have Pre-cal, AP environmental science, AP computer science A, essentials to health care with other regular courses this year. Last year took AP US gov. in freshman year. I did volunteering during the past summer in 3 local hospitals with about 160 hours and do weekly volunteer at an old age home and at pediatrician office. I am part of HOSA club and girls robotics team at school. I am also playing girls basketball at JV level currently.

I will continue the hospital for next summer plus trying to finalize the summer research opportunity.
Can you please advise if I should add anything specific to my resume in the next 2-3 years which will help me to be a good candidate to apply. Currently my GPA is 4.0 but that’s just 8th grade(some courses) and freshman year. I did my first PSAT in 9th and got 1210 without studying.

That is amazing . Can you given an example on how to use this date .

@NK202one, your grades, volunteer and extracurricular activities are good. If you could get a summer research opportunity that would really help. Add a few leadership roles… ie
President/VP/ Secretary of a HOSA. I think you should take chemistry and biology. Try to be top 5% of your graduating class. Try to get a higher SAT /ACT score.

Also check out the bsmd 2018 results page