***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

So… I’m really seeking a hook for bsmd apps and I was thinking I could take the MCAT. Before forming an immediate negative impression please read through.

On a practice I got 490 with strength in CARS and chem/phys (I know quite a bit of organic chem and am pretty passionate about learning chem - planning to take USNCO next year as well); I’m fairly confident I could get 127 in both these sections with some practice [just looking at the questions I missed].
Right now I’m a sophomore and haven’t taken AP Bio yet (so I could definitely improve my score - I know next to nothing about bio/biochem and failed on that section)… What do you guys think of this idea?

The fairly substantial downside I can see to it is that AAMC NEVER wipes your MCAT record so if I don’t end up getting into any BSMDs med schools would see this.

Also, this pursuit would be fairly time - costly so if this doesn’t pan out it wouldn’t be great.

@suecollege only 500 applied to siena?


@8thgradekid, so you are going to be a “9thgradekid” in a few months? :))

Siena doesn’t have a medical school by itself. It has some kind of arrangement with Albany Medical College along with two other colleges. So there are 3 feeder schools to AMC. If you look at the total DISTINCT applicants to AMC through these 3 programs, it may be in 1000-1200 range or more (with some applying through more than one of these feeder schools).

What may determine anyone applying through one of these programs is how closely the program is aligned to their interest(s). I have heard of one kid couple of years ago opting for Union program since he very much liked the business exposure there (even as he got selected into few of the BS/MD programs).


Quite interesting, you may be adding a new dimension to this process and setting a new trend here :)).
I have no opinion about it though.

Try to find out if old MCAT taken few years prior can have negative effect.
KIds taking SAT/ACT in middle school won’t be impacted by them later during college admissions process. They don’t have to report those scores even to those schools demanding all scores of any test(s) ever taken need to be submitted. So hopefully similar policies regarding MCAT, may be?

Please do not take mcat until the right time like after you have taken correct courses in college

The mcat stays with you and if you get a weak score even at 506
It stays with you
Just be yourself
Volunteer food kitchen
Habitat for humanity or just be a high school student
If you want to enrich yourself take a college course- I took psych and then a Chem during high school at night
During the summer
I fished , ran track , jogged , watched pirates and enjoyed life as a high school student

I am telling you as someone who has four family members who were or are in bsmd program
Be yourself and try to life high school for high school and then college for college

Time goes by so fast

@Hakhan You are just a sophomore in high school. Get a life and enjoy high school days. Where did you take an exploratory MCAT test? Kaplan gives UGs an exploratory MCAT test. Have you taken college level- Bio, Chem, Organic Chem, Biochemistry during high school? I think you are over-estimating your capabilities regarding MCAT scores. One data point (from a practice test) does not indicate anything statistically. I suggest taking Kaplan’s exploratory MCAT test first. DD did it during her first semester in college.

What did your resume look like when you applied to the Rice/Baylor program?

Have taken organic chem w/ MIT OpenCourseWare, AP/Gen Chem and AP Physics (mechanics). As I said, no bio/biochem. I really don’t think I’m overestimating… The chem on MCAT is really nothing too difficult [obviously this is IMO, but I don’t think the chem is anything too crazy], and the physics is not bad at all either. I also think I’m naturally good @ CARS.

Ok, I’ve decided against this decidedly radical plan… I’ll have to think of something else lol.

Regarding my previous comments:
I’m not extremely intelligent by any standards… I hope nothing I said above insinuated that and my intention was not to communicate that

@Hakhan If you are so confident, please do take MCAT. Taking AP Chem, Physics, Calculus (AB/BC), Bio, Computer Science tests is very common among ORMs. Anyone can take free Openware courses on numerous topics. There is nothing extraordinary here to give you an advantage over other ORMs in BS/MD admission process. It seems that you are an ORM(read Asian).

@grtd2010 @Hakhan why do a BS?MD when you can just skip to the MD? XD

However, on a more serious note those ppl have also completed college by like 16 or something…

That’s literally my point… I need something to distinguish me so if I can spend a year studying (and acheive something noteworthy) than why not.
Yes, I am an ORM (basically the most average of the average bsmd applicant lol [I also live in an Uber competitive region])

Also, like I said, I’m not more intelligent that any other of these applicants (I’m dumb xd). I was asking advice on this forum in the context of an average applicant, not some genius know it all. I guess I was really asking if y’all thought it would be possible for me to take the MCAT.

@Hakhan Based on my experience in the BS/MD process, I would STRONGLY advise that you NOT take the MCAT as a possible hook. If you score well, it demonstrates your intelligence and readiness for medical school, but in my humble opinion, that is not what gets you accepted to BS/MD programs. Hundreds of applicants are intelligent enough or qualified enough for these programs, but ultimately I believe that those that are selected are chosen because of additional factors such as passion, maturity, and genuine interest in activities inside and outside of medicine. Please instead pursue a genuine passion of yours and excel in it - that will be much more valuable.

Yes, sorry for the confusion… I have already decided against taking the MCAT, I was simply justifying my previous comments to @grtd2010

Again, I really appreciate your great advice.

is a 3.89 GPA good enough for bsmd programs?

Created new thread for 2018-19 applicants. Request all the experts to continue to share the input and guide the future doctors!!


Hi All,

Found the following on usnews regarding residency matches. We have had some discussions regarding D.O/O.D. alternatives here. And some students were seriously considering that alternative. If they chose the option, congratulations, looks like you don’t have to worry about future*. If not, don’t worry enjoy the journey and do your best, future will take care of itself.

  • I am not a fan of us news in any way, especially their rankings. However thought of sharing since it may throw some light on state of affairs. Also this can be very dynamic scenario and change in future, so do your own research and analysis and ask around.

Only a handful of med schools chose to participate in the survey though. Almost half of the schools listed are Osteopathic. Heard of Nova South Eastern’s program last year when one or two of D’s high school batch/class mates opted to go there (and one of them is in fact child of a pediatrician, in preference to very decent undergrad traditional routes).


Hello, When will be BSMD college prompts for essays be released? Is there a webiste that provides the compiled list of prompts? Thanks!

Did anyone get into the baylor/baylor program? If so, can you please post your stats?

Could anyone give me any points for my resume so far?
I am a rising junior.

I am also a terrible test taker. I had an A in AP Bio both semesters (first student ever to do so in the last 4 years), but shookingly recieved a 3 on the AP exam. And to add insult to injury, scored a 750 on the Bio M Subject test. Will this hurt the chances of me getting in?

SATs: have been hoovering around high 1400s on Khan Academy, but will prep intensively and hopefully get a solid 1500+ score.

Rank: 1/300ish, 4.0 U/W, 4.3W

Great essays, good rec letters… hopefully :slight_smile:

Medical ECs: Cancer research $5000 stipend, 100hrs at ucla hosptial, pre med scholars program, 300hrs at local hospital, nuerogist shadowing, IYNA staff, published article on nueroscience. Main EC: started a pre med club at school, raised 800hrs+ through various internships, programs, volunteering oppurtunities. Raised $500 through halloween and christmas fundraising for medical research and charities. Planning on using the cancer research stipend plus help from dad’s work (water solution company) to travel to india and help with water pollution and build water piping, etc.

Other ECs: speech and debate (qualified for regionals both years of high school, science bowl (bio guy) placed 3rd locally, aca deca (scored highest on math and science, which was biology, on b team), volleyball (really love this sport!!!) league champs this year!, leadership (was in charge of multiple programs ie pink day.

Awards seem week: few gpa school awards, president awards, certificates for completing med programs, cpr certified, most improved for vball, nothing to crazy.

Anyways, kinda went off on a tangent… will a 3 on bio coupled with a 750 on the bio m test severey hinder my chances of getting into a bs/md program. Ive had my eyes set on drexel, case western, northwestern, and bu. I plan on taking APES next year (hince my plan on going to india), and will self study for math 2 and chem subject tests.

I know I still got junior year ahead of me, but I am set on becoming a doctor. However, if you see anything that you want to point out, please let me know. College confidential is a great place, and has helped me have a great sophmore year. Thank you