***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@atx789 that’s super cool that you’re from Austin too! I’m applying to a lot of the same ones that you are including UMSI, Drexel, Rochester, Northwestern, and UAB. But I am applying to PLME, FAME, and WUSTL USP instead of Baylor, Penn State, and Temple.

@tripledouble2000 That’s cool! I can’t seem to find the website for UTSA FAME though…

@atx789 I just checked and it appears that you are right. Do you think they have discontinued the program?

See post 3108 in 2017 discussion thread.


I guess it was discontinued bc UTSA is not on the complete list of bs md programs for 2017 either

https://www.premedhq.com/2011/07/list-of-bamd-programs.html it looks like UTSA is not on this list either so I guess it was discontinued

https://www.premedhq.com/2011/07/list-of-bamd-programs.html it looks like UTSA is not on this list either so I guess it was discontinued

I talked to the FAME program director, and she confirmed that UT FAME has been cancelled.

Yes, @Indivisible thanks for clarifying. I sent Tracy Lopez (FAME director) an email on Sunday asking about FAME and she replied yesterday saying it has been suspended. It’s a real bummer, I was really counting on applying there.

Does anyone know what’s going to happen to the other Texas BSMD Programs, like Texas Tech and UH?

@Indivisible Both of their websites are still up so I think they are continuing this year. I think it was just UTSA that decided to stop FAME.

I was wondering about the academic requirement for the Pitt GAP. The requirements page reads that students must have achieved “the highest grade point average available in their high school in the context of a curriculum showing the greatest academic rigor possible”. Im worried because there were honors and AP classes that I did not take in my freshman and sophmore year which might disqualify me from even applying to the program. Does anyone know if I actually HAD to take EVERY AP and honors class avaliable to me?

@JayShayy Unfortunately UPitt has not changed the req info to be more clear and actual value. But they do invite folks to apply even if it is not perfect 4.0 GPA nor all the course are taken only Honors and/or AP. But more important for you is to evaluate yourself if will qualify to get invited to apply or will qualify to get an interview. It is a top tier program and expects top notch academic and all other key criteria’s. My D was asked to apply though she had only 3.92 GPA & ACT 36 but never got the invite for interview.

It is possible UH program will move to second/third year recommended applicant program because they are missing out on the number seats vs how many matriculate.

This is how Texas Tech used to be a few years ago.

@GoldenRock Thank you for the tip! I was really scared that I was not eligible to even apply for the program.

What do you all think of my chances? I just finished my junior year. Here are my stats!

-Chinese American Male


-4.30/4.00 weighted GPA
-1550 SAT (760 CR+W, 790 M)
-Class Rank: 10/589


-Frosh Cross Country- 2 years
-JV Track & Field- 1 year
-Hands4Hope Club (Charitable Organization)-3 years served on the committee for planning 2 service projects
-40 hours shadowing (multiple specialties)
-National Honor Society- 2 years
-Scrubs Club Member- A club for future medical professionals


-Hands4Hope Club VP- 1 year
-Student Leadership-1 year
-Hands4Hope Organization Youth Board- 1 year

Community Service:

~200 hours volunteering in Hospital
~150 hours volunteering with Hands4Hope

Research Experience:
~50 hours working in a research lab at the University of California Davis Medical Center

-Presidential Service Award


  • Can speak 3 languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese

Currently, my top program is the Pitt GAP. However, I am looking at other programs such as Drexel, GWU, Rochester, BU, Penn State, and TCNJ/Rutgers. Do you think I have a fair shot of gaining an interview at any of these programs or any BS/BA-MD program in general? Thanks!

Hi! I currently have an internship at a biotech company for the summer. However, the commute is long, I have to work full time (so I don’t have time to do much else), and my boss has so far given me tasks of little value (data entry, editing other people’s papers, etc.). I am unsure of whether she will give me more meaningful tasks in the future, and I’m hoping she will. In case she doesn’t though, I could quit the internship and volunteer at a VA hospital nearby instead, as I have very few hospital volunteer hours. My question is, does an internship where I did not do much at a biotech company look more impressive than hospital volunteering? Should I continue with the internship and keep about 50 hours at the VA hospital, or quit and have about 200 hours at the VA hospital? Thanks!

@JayShayy It is futile to chance any one. You have covered the key areas. At this point, work on your essays, various prompts response since they are also very critical. If possible visit some colleges, especially if you are in west coast since most of the programs are in east coast so that you can narrow down the list of colleges you want to apply. GL.

@GoldenRock Thank you! I have in fact visited colleges on the East Coast. Most of them are in pretty nice areas although some such as SBU and Siena are very isolated and others such as Temple don’t have very good surrounding neighborhoods.

@lookingood99 personally I think having any research experience or in your case, an internship at a biotech company (which is very impressive by the way) always weighs more than hospital volunteering since most applicants to colleges even through the traditional pre-med route will have volunteered 100+ hours at a hospital, so it is not very special. A bs/md program is not likely to reject you only because you have so few hospital volunteering hours. Not many applicants can boast having an internship at a biotech company (though I am sure you’re not the only one, especially in the bs/md applicant pool). What I suggest is to continue the internship (it’s still a big commitment and quitting it anyway will not look good) and perhaps ask your boss if there is anything new you can do. It is, in my opinion, more valuable to your application than extra hospital volunteering hours.