***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@JayShayy I don’t have much to add on, but your stats and ECs definitely look really good so I would not worry about them. Obviously, compared to other bs/md applicants, they most likely look barely above average since most, if not all, will boast similar academic stats. I would say the same thing that you should focus on starting your application essays and figuring out how you will shape your profile to appeal to these programs.

@JayShayy the only thing I think is a little light in your stats is your research hours. Other than that it looks very competitive. If you were a URM I would say your chances are strong, however since you are Asian you fall into the competitive category. It’s smart that you are not just applying to top tier programs, since you are applying to mid tier as well you may stand a better chance of getting an acceptance.

@lookingood99 working for biotech company sounds good, but just like if you were older and working in the corporate world and were sending your resume out, it’s the details that matter. If you could do something of value there other than clerical work you could embellish that on your application. Your age and level of knowledge at this point may be why your boss hasn’t challenged you yet, but if you are given a chance to work under a more seasoned mentor you may thru his/her eyes then at least experience some things that could give you additional bullet points to add to your application.

Joining this thread now as a BS/MD applicant next year :slight_smile:

I was wondering…will BS/MD programs deny me simply because my app isn’t JUST med related?

My main concern is that as an undergrad I plan on being a double CS and Bio major or getting a BA in CS and minoring in Bio while completing pre-med reqs. All of the BS/MD programs I am interested in (Case PPSP, UPitt GAP, and Northwestern HPME) allow you to major in whatever. However, will these BS/MDs see my interest in computer science as risky? I am very interested in the applications of computing to the life sciences, whether it is in research or through clinical technologies/apps…I have ECs that lean towards both CS and Bio pretty much equally.

Also, I don’t have many shadowing hours and don’t plan on getting more (I have a research internship all summer and have many service ECs, I don’t think shadowing is all that productive as my grandparents are doctors so I can ask them whatever and there are so many surgery videos available on the Internet…I could have done this shadowing program but it conflicts my internship…)

Do you think I will fail during BS/MD admissions and should focus my energy on just regular pre-med admissions? I just want to see if I’d even stand a chance with my interest in CS being prominent (I am 100% committed to medicine, but I’m not interested in majoring in Bio…)

Thank you so much!

@LushLillies Your question depends on the program you are applying to. The schools you mentioned all have flexible curriculums and should allow you to be a double major in CS and Bio. Brown PLME is also one that offers a flex program and they say:

"The PLME allows for great flexibility in curriculum planning. A variety of courses are recommended to give undergraduates competency in mathematics and in natural, social, and behavioral sciences, and to provide a foundation for subsequent medical science and clinical courses.

During the undergraduate years, PLME students may:

Work toward an AB or ScB degree in the sciences, or
Fulfill the requirements for an AB degree in the humanities, social sciences, or behavioral science, or
Pursue another interdisciplinary concentration, such as public policy or international studies."

However other schools are not so flexible, such as RPI which only allows the student to get their undergrad degree in Biology before continuing at AMC. More programs these days seem to be allowing more flexibility to their students to pursue different undergrad majors while still requiring certain core courses that would be helpful later on in medical school.

To answer your question I do not think you will fail in your BS/MD addmission because of your interest in CS, but you named 3 top tier programs, I recommend you apply more broadly if BSMD is something you truly want and make sure those programs do allow flexibility in major selection.

@Empire007 thank you so much for your response! It’s good that these programs don’t look down upon multiple interests…all of them it seems offer ABs in Computer Science which are meant to be combined with other interests (which in my case would be biology and all the pre-med reqs). I do know about the PLME curriculum, I just didn’t like Brown’s environment when I visited sadly.

I’m only applying to 3 BS/MD programs because I personally want to really like the undergrad and not be forced into 3-4 years at a school I don’t like just to have a slightly easier path to med school…especially since these programs are so competitive that both students wouldn’t have trouble getting into med school anyways. Even with some undergrads that offer BS/MD programs on my list (aka GW and WashU), I do not plan on applying to their BS/MD programs simply because I’m not sure if I’d want to go to GW’s medical school and WashU has super strict requirements (3.80 GPA, way above average). If I don’t get into any of them, I will just go the traditional route and attend the cheapest school on my list (which are all places I would love to attend :slight_smile: )

@LushLillies Good to know that you have done enough research on your college application process and active in multiple threads in CC. Few quick comments.

  1. Explore to strengthen your passion for medical related activities (whether shadowing and/or volunteering)
  2. UR is also an excellent BS/MD experience and consider for applying. (they have tunnel and it is manageable. by the way, Boston is colder than UofMichigan!)
  3. For regular programs, consider UCB (since interested in CS) and UofM
  4. To contain COA, consider schools which give close to free ride, especially for NMF. Schools like OU give 5 years of free tuition and it can be used for Masters or Professional courses like MD/JC/MBA also. My D gone in that path and plans to do UG in 3 years and getting free tuition for 2 years of MD.(but it is not highly ranked, if that is important skip it).

@GoldenRock @LushLillies #5 is something I plan to do, so you may want to look into it. For example, I plan to apply to the bs/md programs at Drexel, UAB, and Texas Tech (in-state for me) which have all confirmed that they give either full rides or full tuition for NMFs (which I think I will be because of my high PSAT score index of 226). Thus, if I get into any of these programs, not only am I guaranteed an MD in 8 years or fewer, but I will also pay no money for tuition during my undergrad years, and will not be in as much debt as other MDs when graduating. I recommend you look into this option. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I meant #4

@LushLillies there was some debate in the 2017 thread about what you said about BSMD being slightly easier to get into than getting into med school via the traditional route and both students wouldn’t have trouble getting into med school anyway.

There were 2 opinions on this, some (like myself) believe that comparing the two options it is easier going the BSMD route because you are competing with about 1/10th the number of applicants that you would be applying against after undergrad and others believe that a steller student in HS will be a steller student in college. That train of thought about going the traditional route might end up being true and someone opened a thread on that subject to kind of track the experience of students who went that route after turning down BSMD.

My DC started BSMD in fall of 2016 so I had never tracked any stats prior to 2015, but after doing our own research we as a family agreed that if BSMD did not work out, going the pre-med route was not in play simply because to us there seemed to be so many factors in addtition to just stellar grades that had to fall into place in order to get admission to a US med school after undergrad. Other families most definitely would see it differently. Getting into a mid or low tier BSMD as opposed to going traditional route and getting into a top tier Med School is a huge thing to consider no doubt.

Cost is a huge factor and you are 100% right, most BSMD programs are extremely expensive. But keep in mind the requirement you brought up about WashU, you will have to keep higher than a 3.80 if you plan to be in serious contention going the traditional route anyway. You seem to have the right attitude going in, and your priorities are in order. I wish you luck this coming year.

There are exceptions but as a whole, I agree that getting into A BS/MD program is still easier than a traditional route MD program.

Hi CC community. If there are any people wishing to apply to BS/MD programs this upcoming fall and need advice/guidance please PM me. I have a lot of time to kill before college starts, so I’d like to help out in any way! I was in your shoes last year. Just as an FYI, I’ll be attending Stony Brook as part of its Scholars for Medicine program.

@tripledouble2000 Drexel no longer gives full scholarships for NMF. I called them a few weeks ago, and I’m not sure if they even give out any guaranteed money for NMSF or NMF

@GreenPoison thank you for letting me know; I know many colleges that have bsmd programs give full rides to regular undergrad students and when I asked them if bsmd students still get the same full rides, they said yes. I assumed Drexel had the same policy, but thank you for correcting me!

Hi, I’m an incoming sophomore and would be really appreciative if someone could give me some feedback on my credentials and give me any advice on how to go forward with trying to get into to a competitive bsmd program like PLME, HPME, or PPSP.

I have a 3.91 unweighted gap, and a 4.37 weighted ( Florida has really high inflation on their GPAs, but to put it in perspective, the Valdictorian this year had a 6.0 and soludarorian had 5.6, both as seniors)

I took 3 APs this year and am taking another 3 next year( waiting on the scores)

I also took 2 SATsubject tests (and am also waiting on the scores)

For both APs and SAT sub tests I felt really good

My ECs are model UN and wrestling at school. Out of school I am volunteering at a doctors office , I’m looking to get another volunteering job at a children’s hospital, and am starting a research project on interstim placement with the same doctor who runs the office I volunteer at, I’m also trying to shadow one of two orthopedic surgeons, I also helped cofound a charity called little angels worldwide that raises money for orphanages in Croatia and Nigeria, and am going over there this summer to present the money and work with the orphans in Croatia.

If anyone has any advice would you please lend it to me, thanks

@Stephen_G It is nice already you have a strong start with your EC related to medicine and so continue them.
Focus on your school coursework and maintain good GPA. Prepare well for tests and try to get solid scores.
Prepare well for your essays in that summer and finalize selective BS/MD programs and few UG programs also.
But don’t assume or restrict only to xyz program since many times it is very hard to predict the outcome even if you perfect in all the key criteria’s used for BS/MD admission. GL.

Thanks for the help

@Stephen_G I’m not sure how concerned these programs will be by you taking only 6 APs, but your weighted GPA looks good so that’s fine. I would say in terms of ECs, you have a pretty clear focus in medicine, and if I were you I would try to secure that research internship soon since that will be an asset in your application. Also, like @GoldenRock said, you may want to apply to a wider range of BSMD programs since the ones you have chosen are top-notch and have very strict evaluation criteria. Are there any in your state that only accept in-state applicants? Those may be marginally easier to get into.

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could give me a rough ballpark on my chances of admission. I'm from Iowa if that matters.


30 ACT
3.9 GPA
AP American History
AP European History
AP German


Eagle Scout
Norman Borlaug Scholar from World Food Prize Institute
FFA President- 2 years
Participated in Subdistrict and District FFA speech contests
175 Volunteer Hours
Coordinated Children's Veterinary Camp at Iowa State Fair
Summer Camp counselour at an open air agricultural museum
Animal Veterinary Science classes from local Community College
~25 hours shadowing veterinarians.
~25 hours shadowing physicians
Took Biomedical Research classes at DMU (our local D.O. school).

Thanks for the help guys.

@REOSpeedwagon those are some pretty unique ECs, so those will definitely help you stand out. Your ACT score is a bit low. Are you planning to retake it? If you do, you should try to get at least 34. Other than that, I would say you are pretty competitive. Which programs were you planning to apply for?