***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@any0916 Yes, they were sent by postal mail. I’ll try calling them. Thank you!

I just realized that my school transcript goes with SAT/ACT scores I took in my Sophomore year, whereas I reported only top scores from Junior year. Will that be a problem? I have an option to request my school to take those scores out, but my transcripts go through common App, not sure how the update works.

I heard that RPI sent an email to people who will not be forwarded to AMC yesterday. for those who have not heard anything, it may be good.

Is the 15th[that is today]the final notification date for bsmd at Drexel?

I think mid December is for ED/EA, not for BSMD?

@rdk2018 they just notify whether the app has been forwarded to med but they also give admission status for undergrad

I got a 720 on my SAT 2 Chem. How much will this hurt for Northwestern HPME? Im taking AP Chem right now, and I’m averaging an A in the class. I also have 4 other subject tests with good scores: 800s in math 2 and US History, and 750s in Literature and Physics

My daughter called PSU about interview notifications, she was told that the Bsmd review process is delayed because of a glitch in SRAR system.

Thank you! My D checked the other day and SRAR was highlighted. They were very helpful and fixed problem; I thought it was individual glitch @rbmed18

Any word from Union LIM?

@TheElusiveGod I am still waiting on a response from Albany after my app got forwarded.
I think they said to expect one two weeks from undergrad admission

@Metsfan7860 - 720 is a low score for HPME. However, it depends on what else you have like very strong ECs.

Same @medhopeful0 . I received the status update on December 11, and am still waiting on the email from AMC. Will give them another week and a half before I call.

My son got in to U Toledo Bacc2Md program. Want to know about that program- it says guarantee interview for med school. Any news on how many students do they accept from this program to Medical school. Does it require MCAT. Any other help regarding this program is greatly appreciated

Does anyone know: If an application is forwarded to AMC from Union are the candidates assured of a supplement from AMC, or will AMC scrutinize the application again and then decide whether to send an supplement or not.

Have there been any candidates where the application was forwarded from the UG school to AMC but they didn’t receive a supplement from AMC?

@Empire007 @GoldenRock Any of you who are knowledgeable about Brown PLME, do you know what type of students were accepted in the previous years? Stats etc. I’d appreciate any insights. Browsed through previous years and somehow didn’t find anybody who got in. Thanks!

@narkor- do you have access to the portal? You should be able to check there. Otherwise, it may be a glitch, and worth a call to administration. Good luck!

@narkor good question, from what I remember cause I remember someone asking that question at the interview day, the application does get scrutinized again at AMC once it is forwarded from either Union or RPI. There is no guarantee that if the app is forwarded that AMC will send a supplement.

@TTV2018 a student who graduated from HS with my DC was accepted to Brown a couple of years ago. What kind of student…exceptional academically, finished in top 1% of class with perfect standardized test scores. I don’t believe that student had a tremendous amount of research (if any) or hospital hours, but do remember the student was very active with multiple EC leadership positions during HS. Don’t know much other than that, hope this helps.


Does anyone know If there are more chances getting into NJMS applying through the multiple feeders?


@suecollege, I answered to the best of my understanding in the other thread for 2017 cycle where it seems to have been posted first.

@rk2017 - thank you and it makes sense…