***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Got rejection email from AMC - union (not selected for interview). Question is : whjat happens to my RPI - AMKC application…its also indirectly rejected?

i mean RPI - AMC

When did you submit your AMC supplements and when did you hear back?

@2018bsmd if you already submitted the supplement and you have not received another rejection letter for physician scientist program you are still in the running for a potential interview.

Union - AMC submitted on 12/11, RPI - AMC submitted on 12/26. Heard back today 12/27 about Union-AMC as not selected for interview, so am I indirectly rejected for RPI-AMC as well

Just wondering if anyone else is waiting on receiving the RPI/AMC supplement
Haven’t heard back for a long time
@2018bsmd I believe that it won’t disqualify you from RPI-AMC

It is still rolling through March and unless RPI or AMC rejects you, it’s not over @medhopful0

@ppst Great! Thanks for the heads-up
also how similar is the RPI supplement to the Union one?

Dunno, because my DD applied to Siena and not RPI. I think there may have been previous posts addressing this very thing:)

@medhopeful0 Here you go! I actually thought my application was pretty average in terms of medical EC’s and a little bit light on the non-medical EC’s. My essays probably made the difference though. Good luck on getting into your programs!


Unweighted GPA: 3.94/4.00
Weighted GPA: 4.30/4.00
SAT I: 1550/1600
SAT II Subject Tests: 750 Chem, 750 Bio, 790 Math II, 760 US History
AP Scores: Bio 5, Calc AB 5, APUSH 5, English Lang 5, Psych 5

Non-medical Activities

-Vice President of community service club (12)
-Local Organization Youth Board Member (12)
-Approx 250 hours of service with local organization (9-12)

-Member of school student leadership and student council (12)
-JV Cross Country (team captain in grade 10) (9/10)
-JV Track & Field (10)
-I also do a lot of long-distance running independently

Medical Activities

-320 hours volunteering at a hospital (10-12)
-Spent approx. 75 hours assisting with research into osteoporosis/osteoarthritis (11)
-Approx 60 hours of shadowing (pediatrics, oral surgery, general surgery, radiology, oncology, ENT, allergist) (11)
-Also participated in the National Youth Leadership Forum: Medicine

Other stuff:

Race: Chinese American
Income: >$150k
Hooks: Unsure.

Did anyone get a supplement from Siena?

I submitted my Union-AMC on 12/7 but I still didn’t hear back.

@Rghanem : My DD is also submitted Union supplement on Dec 7th and got rejection letter / interview on dec 20th.
Looking like you are fine

Congratulations to those who have made it to the next step. Sorry to those who did not, hold on tight he/she will make it into the school that’s right for him/her.

Regarding interview for AMC. Not sure if this is true but I read somewhere that if DD /DS applied to both union and RPI, they won’t evaluate them for the interview until both supplements are received/reviewed.

did anyone received VCU Honors acceptance yet? VCU honors acceptance is required before the GMED interview.

@appstatus I was notified by mail for VCU.
I don’t think they notify through portal
Are you out of state? Maybe that is why the mail takes longer to reach?

I think VCU notifies by mail for ug admission and Gmed applicants would be notified by the end of January for interviews in January, February or March per website and @medhopeful0’s earlier post.

are you notify for VCU UG or VCU Honors too? normally VCU sends two separate mail for UG and honors program

Thank you for the dates, but all this info is from the website, so I guess we’ll wait!

@ADMission18 Oh, well I got my information from the website so disregard what I posted previously