***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@moodybluepapaya - I see that you have all apps coming through moving to next level - Congrats.

No, not at all, not even close… Rejected pre-interview Baylor/Baylor and GWU

Oh Ok. Good luck with others like temple, amc, VCU, rutgers BU, Penn State…should be having a solid profile for all these …

My D just got an interview from Union/AMC

@HairVayu when did your D submit her application to AMC?

@Empire007. Thank you for putting things in perspective. I completely agree with you. Kids who plan, prepare and apply to the BSMD programs are among the top of the high school seniors who will graduate this year. I have to believe that they will all go on to have successful futures and make us all proud. Once again thank you @Empire007.

She submitted the AMC app on 27th of Dec.

I got into UToledo’s Bioengineering BS/MD program! Is there anyone else on this thread who also got in?

@bachelormd Congrats on your acceptance!

I read somewhere here all BS/MD programs look for the same factors. Can sb tell what factors they are looking for in a med interview?

@HariVayu congratulations. did your D apply other feeder schools beside Union?

@bsmd101 my DD applied to PLME and have not heard back for an interview. @moodybluepapaya Congratulations!

Has anyone heard back from/know when URoch emails about interview for REMS?

Hey, I heard something interesting while talking to other parents. Are they doing away with all bsmd programs within the near future or making them assurance programs?

Yes she did apply to RPI but have not heard from them at all.

Any one got any update on RPI UG admission status?

Those who got a call from BU, what are the dates of interview?

I have mine the 25th @cd2030 . They have other dates though, and they’ll probably call a week and a half before the date, like they did for me

@cd2030 we got the RPI UG admission, but rejected by 7 year program. no intention to go even we have the RPI medal.

Thanks @Metsfan7860 & @Colleg2018 . Waiting for that BU call still. Got AMC interview via RPI/AMC, but no news about UG? Those who got interview for RPI/AMC, did u get any update on UG admission?