***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@GoldenRock My bad, I was wondering if there were people who met these expected standards and still did not matriculate. Considering that almost no non-BSMD St. Bonaventure students make it to medical school, I would much rather prefer going elsewhere. Thank you for answering my question though!

Should I make my personal statement for the Common App different from the essays Iā€™ll write in the BS/MD apps? My CA personal statement atm is essentially a narrative of an interaction I had at a retirement home with a resident with Alzheimerā€™s Disease that inspired me to pursue medicine.

Iā€™ve heard elsewhere on CC that itā€™s not necessary to make your personal statement about medicine, but is it dis/advantageous to do so? For me, I think I would have trouble thinking of a more powerful experience in my life than the one at the retirement home.

What about making the personal statement more narrative and having my BS/MD essays talk more about myself and how my research links to it?

Here is my message to all you applicants (I posted this in another forum, if this seems familiar) :

As I can see through all the CC posts about BSMD applicants, everyone wants to fit this perfect mold to get accepted. They do a bunch of hours of hospital work and get perfect scores on all these standardized tests. But thatā€™s not what you really need. Through my personal experience, Iā€™ve seen that it is just as important to show outside interests as it is to show interest in the medical field. During interview sessions I noticed that many of the other interviewees were stressed and it was obvious they were forcing smiles and acted rather awkward. My point is that applicants should be themselves. Even though I had very few hours of hospital work and not-so perfect test scores, I was accepted to the RICE/ BAYLOR program (which is where I will be attending). I just showed the admissions committee my idiosyncrasies versus trying to act like a perfect student. In fact, more of my application comprised of my flaws that I admitted versus my successes. Bottom line is that future BSMD applicants should not be super concerned about these CC posts and just mold themselves the way they are and also have their application reflect it. Letā€™s be honest. Would the admissions council want a bunch of cookie cutter models or would they want to fill their class with interesting and dynamic individuals?

Also, have a little fun too

Hi, I just got my AP scores for my freshmen year, in which I was taking 3 AP classes AP BIO, AP Human Geography, and AP Computer Science Principles(which is the first year for that AP). My scores though weā€™re all 4s and no 5s l, is that anything I should worry about, I know I canā€™t do anything now, but will that be a real hiccup in my applications or will it make me something special, if anyone could reply that would be great, and thankyou

@Stephen_G yeah bro youā€™re done!

Iā€™m kidding. Donā€™t worry about AP scores as much. GPA and standardized testing are way more important. 4s and 5s are really good scores. Those wonā€™t ā€œmakeā€ or ā€œbreakā€ your admission chances.

Thanks so much, I was kind of getting a little stressed

Anyone have some tips for writing the BSMD essays? Iā€™m currently working on the essay for Drexel University and once Iā€™m done with that I will move onto the Stony Brook essay.

Does anyone know the admissions stats for Boston Universityā€™s program?

@JayShayy "Does anyone know the admissions stats for Boston Universityā€™s program? "

20 to 25 students each year for Boston University (Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program)

@Jayshayy ā€œAnyone have some tips for writing the BSMD essays? Iā€™m currently working on the essay for Drexel Universityā€¦ā€

For a Drexel essay, please focus on ā€œwhy you want to be a physicianā€.

Hello! Iā€™ve noticed that several programs around the nation have cancelled their BS/MD Pathways. I live in southern california (near Newport Beach) and I was hoping to apply (and get into) UCSDā€™s but they also cancelled it.

Hello, I just got my sat subject test score for biology, and I got a 740, Iā€™m going to retake the test to try and get a better score, but if things donā€™t turn out as planned is 740 still a strong enough score to be a competitive bsmd applicant?

@Stephen_G Based on what I have heard and seen, the averages for BSMDs are between 730 and 760!

does anyone know if the bs/md programs of boston university, case western reserve university, university of rochester, university of pittsburgh, and penn state university have early devision options?

@drktao BSMD for CWRU and Penn State both offer ED application. However, if you donā€™t get accepted to PPSP or combined Penn State-Jefferson and you apply ED you are still committed to attend as non BSMD.

Would anyone happen to have some idea of interview dates should my dc get asked to interview? Mid Feb is usually all district and all state music in many statesā€¦ But there are priorities!!!

@Stephen_G "but if things donā€™t turn out as planned is 740 still a strong enough score to be a competitive bsmd applicant? "

I suggest you take chemistry subject test as well. either biology or chemistry gets you a better score, use a better one to apply bsmd programs.

Hi! Iā€™m a rising senior and looking to apply to BS/MD programs. Based on my stats, should I apply to the programs I have listed below? Or would I be better off applying to more 4 year schools?

Personal: Indian American Female, from Michigan


  • 3.97/4.00 unweighted GPA
  • PSAT: 1470 (National Merit Index: 219)
  • 35 ACT (35 W, 35 M, 34 R, 35 S)
  • Class rank: none
    Extra Curriculars:
  • Color Guard/Marching Band (3 years)
  • JV Tennis (3 years)
  • National Honors Society (1 year- starts junior year of high school)
  • Spanish Honors Society (1 year- starts junior year of high school)
  • Operation Kid Equip- partnering with Mai Family Services (Charitable organization) (3 years)
  • Cavalcade (Literary Magazine)- 2 years


  • Color Guard Captain (1 year)
  • Tennis Captain (1 year)
  • Operation Kid Equip President and Founder (3 years)
  • Junior Editor on Cavalcade (1 year)
  • Head Editor In Chief/Senior Editor on Cavalcade (1 year)
  • National Student Leadership Conference in Healthcare and Medicine

Community service:

  • 150 hours volunteering in hospital
  • 400 hours volunteering with Operation Kid Equip
  • 40 hours volunteering at health clinic

Research Experience

  • 200 hours working in a research lab at the University of Michigan (Immune mediated signaling in the pathogenesis of lung fibrosis)
    o Published on a paper, in process of being on another one
    Shadowing Experience
    -40 hours with Internal Medicine doctor


  • AP scholar with distinction
  • Outstanding Scholastic Accomplishment

BSMD programs applying to:

  • Northwestern HPME
  • Brown PLME
  • Wayne Med-Direct
  • UPitt GAP
  • Case Western PPSP
  • Boston University SMED
  • University of Miami Florida HPME
  • Penn State PMM
  • George Washington BA/MD

Traditional 4 year schools:

  • Michigan State University
  • University of Michigan
  • Cornell University

Does anyone have any advice to give me in terms of writing essays? I have many to write and am currently freaking out over the amount! Thanks!!

I forgot to mention that I recieved a 750 on the Bio subject test, a 770 on chem, and 800 on math 2.