<p>It's mid-December, and it's time for college admission letters! When U Chicago posts decisions (either this week or next week), post your results and stats to help out future applicants. Use this template: </p>
<p>I got in through Questbridge, so I know earlier.
730 750 770
800 chem 800 US (though they don’t consider)
Probably good letters of rec
4.4 GPA (3.87 UW)
38 outta 774 (competitive school that requires 145+ IQ [yes, it’s a stupid criterion])
some ECs, too many to name. same with work experience.
Some awards and several prizes
Russian immigrant. Low income and all that stuff.
I think a pretty good supplement and common app essay.
First in my family to attend college.</p>
<p>Not necessarily true. I live in Florida, have a graduating class of 749, and the program I’m in requires IQ’s of at least 130. (Gifted IB kids yay.)</p>
<p>Anyway, I didn’t get the Questbridge scholarship (according to them, not enough financial need) so I’m waiting to hear from U Chicago on Monday. o_o’</p>
<p>^Not I, though I could ask the same of you I’m kind of like a vampire, in that I go to bed around dawn, except for the fact that I have to get up pretty early in the morning to go to school, then I have hours of ECs after school…LoL.</p>
<p>Yeah I agree with Spazzity, my sleeping schedule is horrible for school. I focus better at night, like night meaning 2AM, which doesn’t work out so well for school and after school classes at community college and extra-curriculars… I’ll probably pull an all-nighter all night because of how little I accomplished this weekend… only four more days though! And hopefully Chicago decisions tomorrow!!! Please!!!</p>