<p>Okay, so I am a white female.</p>
GPA: 3.82
Rank: top 10%
SAT: none
ACT: 31
SAT II: USHist- 700 Eng- 700
AP: 5 - EngLang, 4 - USHis, 3 - Psy
Currently taking: AP Cal AB, AP Gov, AP Lit, AP Bio, and AP Studio Art (on my own time)
Teacher Recs: One is good, a bit generic; One is great
Counselor Rec: Did not see it but I'm guessing it was great.
Academic Awards: Honor Roll (all 4 years), Math Award for school (10), Kiwanis Club Honors (10,11,12)</p>
<p>EC's: Science Club (11, 12) Pres., started a recycling program at school and Green Team, Swim Team (12),
Biking and Triathalons: do not want to give names or they may reveal my location but I was a on a team outside of school all 4 years of high school, fundraised for each of these, completed 6 100 mile bike events, 2 100km bike events, did MS150 for 3 years, competed in a Half-Ironman, completed a Half-Marathon, won 1st in my age category in an Aqua-Bike, won state championship in my age category for bike speed trails, won second in another time trial
Volunteer: Volunteered for World Championship Ironman Competition in Kona (massage tent)(full day), Biking events I could not compete in (20 hours), Green Team (5 hours)
Job: Personal assistant for local DJ</p>
<p>Interview: went extremely well, she liked my scores and such and looked at pictures of my cake sculptures (long story, haha)</p>
<p>Essay: Inspirational essay about overcoming a mental block in a bike event, realizing how much I unconsciously restrained myself, going over my set boundaries in the event and applying the philosophy to life in general.</p>
<p>Financial situation: around 65,000 a year
Hooks: First generation applicant, underrepresented zip code</p>