Oh CC anons! Please help determine my chances!

<p>Okay, so I am a white female.</p>

GPA: 3.82
Rank: top 10%
SAT: none
ACT: 31
SAT II: USHist- 700 Eng- 700
AP: 5 - EngLang, 4 - USHis, 3 - Psy
Currently taking: AP Cal AB, AP Gov, AP Lit, AP Bio, and AP Studio Art (on my own time)
Teacher Recs: One is good, a bit generic; One is great
Counselor Rec: Did not see it but I'm guessing it was great.
Academic Awards: Honor Roll (all 4 years), Math Award for school (10), Kiwanis Club Honors (10,11,12)</p>

<p>EC's: Science Club (11, 12) Pres., started a recycling program at school and Green Team, Swim Team (12),
Biking and Triathalons: do not want to give names or they may reveal my location but I was a on a team outside of school all 4 years of high school, fundraised for each of these, completed 6 100 mile bike events, 2 100km bike events, did MS150 for 3 years, competed in a Half-Ironman, completed a Half-Marathon, won 1st in my age category in an Aqua-Bike, won state championship in my age category for bike speed trails, won second in another time trial
Volunteer: Volunteered for World Championship Ironman Competition in Kona (massage tent)(full day), Biking events I could not compete in (20 hours), Green Team (5 hours)
Job: Personal assistant for local DJ</p>

<p>Interview: went extremely well, she liked my scores and such and looked at pictures of my cake sculptures (long story, haha)</p>

<p>Essay: Inspirational essay about overcoming a mental block in a bike event, realizing how much I unconsciously restrained myself, going over my set boundaries in the event and applying the philosophy to life in general.</p>

<p>Financial situation: around 65,000 a year
Hooks: First generation applicant, underrepresented zip code</p>

<p>Sorry, I’m just jittery. This site makes me feel like an ant in the Jurassic period.</p>

<p>hmmmm, unfortunately I don’t think you could get into Harvard, but possibly some of the other Ivies. The thing is, 35,000 people applied this year and it’s now harder than ever to be accepted. Your hooks are good, but you should try to get 770’s or higher for Harvard since you don’t have the best EC’s or GPA. Don’t get me wrong, they are outstanding, but Harvard want the best of the best.</p>

<p>wants* :P</p>

<p>Oh, sad days. I was just wondering. The only Ivy I applied for was Harvard. I personally thought that my scores and EC’s weren’t even good enough to get out of my state, yet alone into any Ivy. Last minute I decided to take a flying chance and apply for Harvard. I also applied for Stony Brook and Tulane, but otherwise I will be stuck in AR. Maybe I should try to transfer next year to a better university.</p>

<p>Hey, you never know. Some people get in with a 3.4. Just remain positive, and if you don’t get in, WHO CARES?? There are many other amazing schools out there.</p>

<p>Haha, thank you. I’m keeping my cheer on high and my expectations on low. I have passion and I expressed it in every way I could. They can take it or leave it. Although I was considering using my humour on the admissions office. :p. That may not be necessary though… My interviewer got alot of that. My stats are low, my EC’s may be low, and I’m not too tall myself; but I’m exploding in personality and they definantly got that. Time to sit and wait with ya’ll. :)</p>