please chance me

<p>okay, so i know my scores/grades aren't like, CRAZY AMAZING, but hopefully my extracurriculars will make up for it...maybe?....please?....</p>

<p>gpa: around 3.8 unweighted, should come up significantly by the midyear reports, if that helps, and im from a SUPER DE DUPER competitive specialized high school in in top 10%
APs: world history, US history, French, English Lang (my school has this stupid "major" system that makes it hard to take math/science aps if you're in a certain "major")...all 4's and 5's </p>

<p>APs this year: economics macro and micro, english lit, psychology (i know its fluff...but like i said i had no choice...thats how my school sets it up) </p>

<p>sat: 2100 (i know, i sorry) 700 reading, 730 writing, 670 math </p>

<p>satIIs: (my saving graces!) 800 us history, 800 literature, 800 math II </p>

<p>i'm african american and native american, and a female, which will probably explain my extracurriculars:</p>

<li><p>volunteer for the Native American Rights Fund, where we basically raise money to pay lawyers for Native American lands rights related court cases</p></li>
<li><p>volunteer for Build the Dream, an organization that collects money to fund building this super awesome memorial/library for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington, DC </p></li>
<li><p>volunteer for the National Museum of the American Indian, both in NYC and DC, volunteered as part of the geneaology research project over the summer </p></li>
<li><p>model united nations and model congress for 4 years (a bunch of awards, president of model congress, and secretary of communications in model un) </p></li>
<li><p>founder and president of political science club for 2 years </p></li>
<li><p>run school club websites for the clubs listed above </p></li>
<li><p>golf team for 2 years, varsity </p></li>
<li><p>theater and guitar at local performing arts center for 2 years </p></li>
<li><p>volunteer for the Barack Obama campaign for a year and a half ...a lot of holding up signs (sometimes in the rain lol) and making phone calls...totally and completely worth it, btw! </p></li>
<li><p>worked at DSW for a summer </p></li>
<li><p>RESTORATION! i love restoring old stuff with my grandpa...i've restored tables, dressers, clocks, wood floors, etc. my FAVORITE thing that i've restored is a pocket watch from 1830! it's mine now, actually</p></li>
<li><p>tutored little kids at my dad's math/science enrichment program for minority students </p></li>
<li><p>a few other summer science programs, taking little kids camping, etc. </p></li>

<p>okay, here are the really big extracurriculars:</p>

<li><p>published a fiction novel (coming out in a few weeks) that i wrote in response to congress's refusal to approve some changes to Appalachian Regional Development Act, which would allow locals in the Appalachian region to start businesses there and help them stay open. I became interested in this when i discovered that in my grandma's hometown, most stores close after a round six months because they can't compete with monopolizing competition (like walmart, lowes, etc). i spent a total of 4 months doing field study there, interviewing locals, and just getting a feel for what life is like there (worked on a horse farm, LOL) before writing it. </p></li>
<li><p>wrote questions for a PBS presidential debate! my dad got chosen to be part of a panel that questioned obama and mccain about education in america for a pbs special and all the panelists were asked to write questions...since i love politics my dad let me do it. turns out, pbs absolutely LOVED my questions and asked me to write the questions for everyone else too! i was like, crying my eyes out when i saw it on TV. it was CRAZY. </p></li>
<li><p>a few awards from oratory contests, 1st place in school wide science fair, national acheivement semifinalist </p></li>
<li><p>my personal life is a little hectic too...i have to travel a lot on weekends and i have a weird counselors/teachers explained all that in my recommendations, which were really good, i think. one teacher wrote about how everytime it was someone's birthday in our class i would make the whole class sing for them...she called me "the one-woman birthday committee" </p></li>

<p>so...what do you guys think? haha, and if it wasn't obvious, i'm obsessed with politics and advocating for people's rights...i actually have a huge poster of LBJ on my wall in my room LOL....and some paintings of the US presidents playing poker</p>

<p>extra acts look good but gpa and sat not so good…</p>

<p>APs??? not enough</p>

<p>8 APs isn’t enough??? i wanted to take more…but like i said, my school is weird</p>

<p>As a double URM you probably have a damn good shot.</p>

<p>Plus your EC’s pwn :D</p>

<p>oops i thought it was 4 APs</p>


<p>yeah extra acts are beastly </p>

<p>its Harvard so…dont get your hopes up… i know 4 people who have ten times better gpa sat and extra acts than you… they all got rejected except this black kid… lol… he got accepted but he decided to go to yale </p>

<p>the other 3… they all decided to go to Yale. they pretty much got accepted every (Princeton, Brown, Cornell, ect…) where except harvard</p>

<p>^ dude madjoker, look at her ethnicity haha.</p>

<p>I would almost guarantee your acceptance. You’re one of very, very, very few Native-Americans applying to Harvard. And, N-A plus black? That’s like something out of my college application dreams. Affirmative Action to the max. With those SAT II scores (whoo! Lit 800 buddies!) and ECs, you’re good to go.</p>

<p>jeez lol i cant read… sad… haha</p>

<p>you’ll probably get in if you dont screw up your essays</p>

<p>haha thanks :-)</p>

<p>my essay is about writing the questions for the PBS debate</p>

<p>oh and talked it over with college counselor, and decided to take the SAT one more time…what score do you think i need to make me solid?</p>

<p>you will get in no doubt… I mean come on, double-URM and you wrote a book and your ECs are great, they will look past your scores which aren’t even bad</p>

<p>Very cut and dry applicant. Your ethnicity might get you waitlisted, but I wouldn’t say you’re immediately in anywhere unless you get lucky.</p>
