OH DEAR.,..Why hasn't UM gotten back to me yet? I'm worried!!!!

<p>Hi to all,</p>

<p>Well, the title says it all. It seems like everybody has gotten their admission decision to UM and I haven't. I thought beforehand that I was a good candidate for the school (not for many others lol,) but I guess not!? I'm confused and I don't know what's going on, but then again nobody really does anyways. Is there anything that could calm me or is it normal and half the people don't know either?</p>

<p>Jeremy here is the deal. Most ppl have not found out yet. U can count the number of ppl on other UM threads that have stated "ive gotten in." a good chunk of ppl have heard of admission decision but defiantely not most. Here is why it is taking so long: I knew of my decision a week ago through the MYUM, however when i recieved snail mail today, i read one of the letters that said UM is goign through the most competetive year of UM admissions history. They said they had about 23000 apps for a class of 2500. Therefore u can imagine how thorough their analysis of ur file along with everyone elses will be. </p>

<p>My Point: just cause u have not recieved it, does not mean u have not gotten in. They are probably going to release a bath of letters in the next week or so. </p>

<p>Good Luck</p>

<p>haha! Thank you a lot acarta07. I mean, I figured it was kind of at the University of Pittsburgh/Penn State level. As in, if you have a 3.5 UW GPA and 1150 SAT's ur in. but, now that it's that competitive (Which is INSANE), i'm not sure what the he-ll is going to happen haha.</p>

<p>UM is not by any means easy to get into. 1150 SAT's are on the low range of the applicant pool.</p>

<p>ok!! I'm officially unworried. I got in w/a full ride ! WOOT Lol</p>

<p>congrats man!!! Ur SATs are sort of low for a full ride which makes me curious but seriously, congrats!!!
im guessing with a full ride ur gonna attend?</p>

<p>haha it's for music not academically lol. I am not sure. If i don't get into McGill, then...Miami! here i come! (or northwestern. but they're kinda pricy LOL)</p>

<p>actually. here's what happened so nobody gets cnofused. there are weird links or something on my status page (or were..i can't access ita nymore!) and my dad and i both thought that they meant something about a huge scholarship. WE COULD BE WRONG, please do note that lol. i will find out soon in the letter of acceptance waht be the dealio.</p>

<p>hmm, I got in, but i am still waiting to see if i get into the honors program in medicine... If i get in, its pretttty high up on my list. I will have to seeeee.</p>

<p>Jeremy if u cant access ur MYUM anymore thats not really a good thing.
Umm however if u got a pop up message saying ur in, then ur in. But if u didnt and u cant get into ur MYUM i wouldnt be celebrating :P</p>

<p>oh gahd don't say that!! i can't be in then not...could i?!?!?!?! that's odd lol.</p>

<p>Ok Jeremy well lets look at it this way. what "weird links" do u see on ur page. When i got accepted, the MYUM changed a lil but not so dramatically as in ur case. for example, instead of havign a link that said "application status" two new things showed up which said "admission checklist" and "pay your deposit" but i was definately able to access the myum even before i got the snail mail.
I need to know wat links u see?</p>

<p>i havent heard either. however, i got into UNC Chapel Hill, so i dont think I would go to the U anyway.</p>

<p>Nice.. Congrats. Yea Chapel Hill, to be honest is better than Miami and I would pick it over Miami, unless of course, Miami blows u away with a nice scholarship. Then Miami is worth considering.</p>

<p>Congratulations, Jeremy! (We talked about Miami and both got in, woo!) Still waiting for NU, though. =P</p>