<p>difference between a political figure and parents. not the same.</p>
what really annoys me when they have names like _<strong><em>Dad or _</em></strong>Mom, seriously make a screenname thats not based off your kid
<p>I find that "My S does this" or "My D wants to go here." thing is far more irritating.
It's hard to resist rolling my eyes each time I see a parent post that.</p>
<p>For that matter, what on Earth does "DD" , "SD" and "DS" mean, anyway?</p>
<p>DS/D=Dear son/daughter</p>
<p>The thing that I find weird is when their name is <strong><em>Mom/Dad and they call their kid _</em></strong>__. I much rather see D or S or whatever.</p>
"My daughter is a freshman, which classes and clubs should I make her do in highschool to get into HYPSM?"
What if the kid says it?</p>
<p>then thats fine</p>
<p>My mom has a sn on CC somewhere and mostly lurks in the parental forum. Every day she'll tell me some funny story she would read; she utterly enjoys CC and will sit on it for hours (she's the one who got me into it).</p>
<p>So I'm going to chime in with the other people who say that not all the parents are out for blood, but actually like having an online refuge to discuss politics/current events or give other kids advice.</p>