Oh joy, my essay score is up!

<p>I got a 10. Same as last time. I expected it.</p>

<p>34 English/Writing combined.</p>

<p>How did you do?</p>

<p>I got a a 10 last time, but got a 9 this time...oh well</p>

<p>I got a 10 for the third time in a row.</p>

<p>Got an 11; same as last time and both times on the SAT lol. I'm glad it doesn't count because it actually brought my English score down from a 36 to a 35!</p>

<p>Got a 11, same as last time.</p>

<p>I got a 11 :) pretty good for my first ACT with Writing test huh?</p>

<p>I also got an 11, up from 8 the other time.</p>

<p>8 to 10 w00t. didnt even practice or anything.</p>

<p>i got an 8 :(</p>

<p>are they suppose to be in the same place as your composite score?</p>

<p>the people who just got their scores wont have em yet... try next wed</p>

<p>hey if i got a 10 on a different ACT and a 9 this time can i still use the 10 if submit this score?</p>

<p>Your ACT essay score literally does not matter at all to college admissions. Submit whichever composite score is higher.</p>

<p>10...kinda mediocre compared to the 36 composite.</p>

<p>7... again.
I've gotten a 7 for my essay on my last ACT, and my SAT.
I just can't seem to write a good essay on these stupid tests.</p>

<p>cluck09-you taking it again?</p>

<p>how much of an impact does the writing score have?? like would colleges reject u if u have 31 composite but a crappy 8 act score??</p>

<p>i got an 8. fine with it thought because i got a 31 comp.</p>