<p>By some miracle my ED application was able to go through (rec's not submitting, forgetful counselors, etc). So now I'm just looking for your opinions on what my chances are! I've applied to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the College of Human Ecology.</p>
<p>Hispanic male with a household income of 54k (prior to taxes, only dad works)</p>
<p>ACADEMICS (comparing with #2 in class for reference; don't have #1's specifics, sorry)
Class rank: 44/516
UW GPA: 3.6111 (number 2 has a 3.9268)
12.3889/18 Weighted GPA (Number 2 has a 14.66) Here is the scale used.
90.6111 Numeric GPA (Number 2 has a 95.29)</p>
<p>PSAT (207): 70 CR / 65 M / 72 W
1st SAT (1990): 690 CR / 650 M / 650 W
2nd SAT (2120): 770 CR / 670 M / 680 W
AP: WH 3 (challenged the exam sophomore year), APUSH 4, English Lang 5</p>
<p>Senior Courses: AP: English Lit, Stats, Macroeconomics/US Govt, Biology
PreAP (honors): PreCal
Electives: Theatre Production, JROTC III</p>
Columbian Squires
-Membership Chair 3 years
-Chief Squire (President) Beginning 3rd year
-Deputy State Chief Squire 1 year
-State Bursar Squire Beginning 1st year
-Organized a Parish Youth Day attended by 100+ youth
--Submitting this as my Squire of the Body of Christ project (currently only 84 worldwide)</p>
-Vice President 1 year
-President beginning 3rd term
-County Ambassador 1 year
-Won 1st in District Leaders 4 Life competition, qualified for state (could not attend due to prior commitments)</p>
-Won Superior Cadet Sophomore year
-Citizenship Award Junior Year
-Our program is top 1% nationwide (590/600 CFI)
-Platoon Leader during our CFI inspection
-Block (Varsity) Member of Drill Team
-Honor Guard XO
-Led a collection drive in my company to support an orphanage in Mexico and local homeless families
-Currently Charlie Company Commander</p>
<p>National Honor Society (President)
Rotary International Interact Club (VP, charter member)</p>
-Altar Server at Church 7 years (considered a "Senior server")
-Member of the youth missionary/service group
---Member for years, traveled to Cambodia for two weeks and volunteered at an orphanage for children with HIV/AIDS
-Helped to start a high school youth group at the Parish (attended meetings with potential adult leaders, Knights of Columbus representative, and the parish priest)</p>
-Texas Boys State Delegate
--Ran for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and won party nomination, lost general election however.
-Knights of the Roundtable member (student liaisons w/City Council, chosen by Student Activities Director)
-Theatre Production (must be accepted into class)
-National Hispanic Scholar
-AP Scholar
-Venture Scholar
-Organized and led a collection drive (clothes, food, etc.) for local homeless families through my AP English class.</p>
<p>Strong recommendation from my: AP English III teacher, second rec came from our JROTC Senior Army Instructor.</p>
<p>Not included on App (received following submission):
Executive Board President (club for club presidents, sport team captains, etc)
Student of the Semester
Chamber of Commerce Junior Ambassadors CoC/City Council liaison</p>