<p>AP Calc the day after tomorrow.</p>
<p>I'm sitting here on my 6th day without wisdom teeth taking ungodly amounts of drugs. Here's hoping for a 5!</p>
<p>I think if I see another vanilla milkshake I will vomit.</p>
<p>Does anyone else have really odd nightmares while on Vicodin? Most of mine involve death.</p>
<p>... never been on vicodin... but maybe the drugs will help you relax for the exam? I know a kid in my AP Bio class last year was high as a kite (I know not the same kidn of drugs you have but still) for the exam and he still managed a 3 (I expected him to get a 2) so thats pretty good!</p>
<p>Wait the pain hasn't gone away yet for your wisdom teeth? After five days?
Did you get a dry socket or something?</p>
<p>hah it actually doesn't hurt that much anymore, only when the advil starts to wear off after the alloted like 4 hours. The problem is that I just started eating and standing up yesterday. So I can't really function and/or walk in a straight line.</p>
<p>good luck! i tried to take the act while i was on vicodin after my shoulder surgery. it didnt go too well.. however, that could have been because my r arm was immobilized and i'm r handed..</p>
<p>Oh, Vicodin. After I had my wisdom teeth out, I was on Vicodin and OxyContin for like two weeks (according to my surgeon, I'm a "slow healer"), and it was insane.
Whenever I think of vanilla pudding, I want to vomit.</p>
<p>Yeah, I had them out and got Oxycontin and within 12 hours of the surgery was walking around. In a lot of pain yes, but walking around. Of course then I got monster dry sockets that required the surgeon to pack this wierd tasting gauze into the site. Most painful experience of my life, but they felt better afterward.</p>
<p>"Does anyone else have really odd nightmares while on Vicodin? Most of mine involve death."</p>
<p>ya, thats actually the one experience i remember most from getting my wisdom teeth out: i noticed that while on vicodin i would remember every dream i had when id wake up, and most of them were straight crazy. i read something about how vicodin affects your sleep like this, somewhere...</p>
<p>good times though.</p>
<p>hah yeah I remembered mine in vivid detail as soon as I woke up.</p>
<p>My family was a little weirded out when I woke up and said "oh dad, I had a nightmare that you died". When in that nightmare he was there the entire time and people were like "OH I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S GONE!" and then would go talk to him.</p>
<p>There were many others too.</p>
Wait the pain hasn't gone away yet for your wisdom teeth? After five days?
Did you get a dry socket or something?
<p>Actually, I didn't have any problems with dry socket, but my extractions hurt for over a week. Granted, I was already in my 20s...</p>
<p>I had some strange dreams on the vicodin. My girlfriend drove me home right after I had them pulled and stayed at my apartment with me for a few hours. She said that I would wake up, ask, "Am I bleeding?" and then go back to sleep before I could get an answer.</p>
<p>I had one dream where I was getting my teeth pulled. Lame.</p>
<p>While getting my teeth pulled, I had a dream that I was getting my teeth pulled. It was really weird, for like a day after that I had thought I woke up during the surgery but then remembered the room I was actually in for the surgery...didn't match the room in my dream haha</p>
<p>The most amazing thing was how I woke up after my surgery in a different chair. Apparently, I managed to make it to the chair, but I can't remember walking there. </p>
<p>It was like I was teleported through dentistry magic...</p>
<p>Has anyone ever been really, really high on laughing gas? It took kind of slowly on me, so I kept asking my dentist to turn it up when he pulled two of my teeth (not wisdom). Next thing I know I'm dreaming of playing wiffle ball. I only woke up when he poked the needle into my mouth to inject the novocaine, then a few minutes later I - and I'm normally pretty squeamish - listened to the sound of metal grinding against my teeth as he yanked it out of my mouth. I just sat there and giggled softly and didn't care at all. It was amazing.</p>
<p>wow wiffle ball, that's odd.</p>
<p>and UCLAri I think you and I have had similar toothpulling experiences. I ended up in the "recovery room" which was like the size of a closet with a bench and had no idea how I got there.</p>
<p>You know, I really don't get how that happened. It was kind of interesting though. I never want to repeat it, but the waking up on the recovery room bench was kind of fun, in a druggy sort of way.</p>