Ohhh great...

<p>Haha, my essay pen just ran out of ink, only left with a bunch of pencils and pens with different ink and impressions.</p>

<p>Should I wait until tomorrow to finish my essay and go to CVS and buy more pens or...</p>

<p>finish copying my essay over? Already have it all typed out on my laptop...</p>

<p>i don’t have half of mine even TYPED on the computer. they’re somewhere in the crevices of my fissured mind.</p>

<p>just wait until tomorrow o_O it’s not gonna kill you if you send your app a day later</p>

<p>Haha: I’m quite sure the admissions officers don’t care what kind of pen / pencil you’re using, as long as it’s bold, easily readable and not a ridiculous color (yellow??). If you’re a crazy perfectionist (like me!) and beat yourself up in your sleep about not using the original pen, then wait until tomorrow, or go out to some store and buy the necessary pen.</p>

<p>although i’m quite sure they’re not going to deduct points for using 2 different pens…</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Being typical traditional asian parents, my parents absolutely hate it when I don’t finish something the day I start haha…</p>

<p>My sister just did some crazy out of the pants trick, I think she breathed on it or something and it started producing more ink again…</p>

<p>^ dont’ people normally do that? O_O I do that on a test when my pen’s running out of ink and i don’t want to switch pens because i have an almost-ocd of going crazy when i see two different pens used for one assignment.</p>

<p>my parents are so un-asian SOMETIMES XD they just want my stuff finished a week ahead of time, but they don’t reinforce it that much unless i barely have anything done.</p>

<p>hmmm what do you think admission officers would think if you wrote your essay in a different color? like glitter or gel pens? pink, red, gold, silver? do you think they’d think it was unprofessional or just plain cute?</p>

<p>im thinking of writing mine in hot pink glitter gel pen. no or yes?</p>

<p>@ Senay:</p>

<p>Hahaa, good luck with that.
Maybe if you write it down with bubbly, swirly letters and heart-shaped dots on your i’s, they’ll like it. ;D</p>

<p>lol @ divealive</p>

<p>…maybe not.lmao</p>

<p>It’s extremely rude to write an essay with TWO pens.
Glitter Pens. Enough said.</p>

<p>Is it better to write neatly or just type it out, or both?</p>

<p>So far I wrote it out neatly in PENCIL, should I rewrite over it in pen??
It takes me forever to write things nicely… Lol</p>

<p>You wrote in pencil…? Ya I would re-do it lol.</p>

<p>yah, I kept messing up on my other ones when I did them in pen for some reason, but when I did it in pencil, it was much neater and nicer.</p>

<p>O ok then I guess its fine. I typed mine then just copy it onto the paper so I don’t make much mistakes. Had to use white out once on each one tho.</p>


<p>i LOVE how you guys are having a serious discussion on the type of pen you are writing your essays with. this thread just made my day…</p>

<p>hmm no its a gel pen that has glitter in the gel</p>

<p>First impressions are everything.
You really can’t impress anyone with a color pen.
We don’t live in Legally Blonde.
No need to get mad. I was just trying to help you.</p>