Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Not yet

The email talks about how Ohio State has extended their deadline for the Morril Scholars Program and that I should apply to the program by February 1st.

My D got it todayā€¦have not opened it yet

Yes. I live in Central Ohio so it was a short trip. There was not much info in but it did have the following information: In the next few weeks my specific school will be sending me a welcome letter, a separate merit scholarship letter (excluding Morrill) will come soon an Financial Aid will be released in February.

I am still in evaluation, but my S21 applied for Morrill same time as CommonAppā€¦ No email

Alsoā€¦ Iā€™m wondering if anyone has new insight? Iā€™m still in evaluation, but on the Scholarship Universe question section this question and answer are lockedā€¦ why would they be, if not accepted? Confusing!

ā€œWhich Ohio State University college(s) are you admitted to or enrolled in?ā€

ā€œArts and Sciencesā€

Says as of Dec 3ā€¦

Mine is locked too but it says because my school has provided the info and it canā€™t be changed.

Where does it say that? Interesting. I donā€™t see thatā€¦

Boo. I hope she finds a place perfect for her.

Thatā€™s a hard no for us lol

So I guess tonight we find out if decisions are released every Friday or weā€™re all waiting until Jan 29.

I am guessing they wonā€™t come today since Buckeyelink will be down at 5pm through Sunday for maintenance

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ā€œEarly Actions decisions will be sent out weekly between those two dates. The latest you can expect to receive a decision is January 29thā€

  • Got this response in an email to admissions.

Excellent! Thanks for that info.

Curious how it will work tonight with the system shutdown.

I assume they will release mid-afternoonā€¦then shut it down.

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Did the admission office send that out?

Is it possible that we receive a decision before the site maintenance?

I told my son not to expect a decision until Jan 29.

I hope Iā€™m wrong.

S17 got an early acceptance
S19 got a last minute deferral, then was denied
Who knows what will happen with S21

To those who have gotten an acceptance, did you receive an email, or did you have to check your portal?

i checked my portal