<p>If you were premed, and these two schools cost the same, where would you go?</p>
<p>Ohio State University- Columbus</p>
<p>case-western reserve is known for its strong science programs and thus also its pre-med prep.</p>
<p>Hailing from Cleveland, I think that Case is way better although you may enjoy OSU better</p>
<p>Keep in mind that, for med school acceptance, it may be better to have a good GPA at OSU - as long as you study hard enough to do well on the entrance test - than a decent GPA at Case Western.</p>
<p>case western :-D</p>
<p>Easily case western. Case western is known for two things: science and preprofessional programs. It has a top med school, and far smaller class sizes than OSU.</p>
<p>i’ve heard, however, that case-western can be a little boring and dull, so you definitely have to look at the scene at both schools. It’d be way better to have an exciting life at OSU with a high GPA than a dull life with an okay GPA at case-western.</p>
<p>I’m not sure why some are seeing such a favorable gap in the sciences for CWRU over Ohio State. Ohio State has more National Academy of Sciences members on faculty, its hard science departments rank higher than Case’s across the board (in both USN&WR rankings and the last National Research Council ranking) and Ohio State conducts far more scientific research than does Case.</p>
<p>I’m not saying Case is poor or even mediocre, but it’s a misstatement to say it’s a clear cut above Ohio State for sciences.</p>
<p>Its not surprising that OSU has more NAS faculty members, considering how much larger the school is…</p>
<p>I think people are mainly referring to Case’s smaller classes/more personal attention as a reason for choosing it over OSU. Its probably pretty difficult to get decent advising at a school as large as OSU.</p>
<p>anyone else care to respond</p>
<p>Why would they cost the same?</p>
<p>^ Case offers great merit aid, so I suppose it could potentially cost as much as OSU. Or, perhaps the OP just wishes to remove that factor from discussion</p>
<p>I’ve lived outside of Cleveland my entire life and researched in the Environmental Engineering lab at Case, and both of my parents, two of my uncles, and my cousin all graduated from Case, but I would probably choose Ohio State, mostly for the social aspect, since you will probably get the same caliber of student in OSU Honors program as at Case. The one benefit I see to Case is that you would probably have more access to research opportunities.</p>
<p>I go to OSU and haven’t found that to be true.</p>
<p>If I had to choose between them, I would make the choice based on which environment I preferred (and thus would best succeed at) and if thought I would be in honors at OSU. OSU is a huge research university, with generally good grad schools, and I think undergraduates really benefit from that. However, if you aren’t in honors class size and scheduling can be a pain for your first year or two.</p>
<p>Case. Access to Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals beside emphasis in sciences makes it an easy call.</p>
<p>It’s also important what kind of environment you’re looking for, because if you’re miserable or not a good fit, then your grades are going to falter.
Case is less of a “social” school than OSU, as more of the students are going to be entirely focused on their studies (or so I’ve heard).</p>