Ohio State Vs Clemson Vs Virginia Tech Construction Management

I was recently accepted to Ohio State and Clemson in my desired major of Construction Management (CM). I am waiting to hear from Virginia Tech’s Myers-Lawson School of Construction in a few days. I believe I will get in, and money is not necessarily an issue. I have been told that Virginia Tech has the best Construction Program yet many people say to go to Ohio State and Clemson because they are the “better schools.” I have 2 questions hopefully you all can help by answering this discussion

  1. Does it actually matter where you get your CM degree from?
  2. Are Clemson and Ohio State actually “better schools?”
  • Thanks for the help I really appreciate it!

“Better schools” is way too subjective. Have you looked up rankings for your program? Graduate employment results? Have you visited? “Better” is up to you…the school that matches what you want, where you feel like you fit socially, culturally, where you can thrive and succeed. They are definitely all three good schools. Since you know your major and job path, look into those rankings. Congrats on 2-3 great acceptances!