<p>Hi guys, I just joined the forums, and I am curious and nervous about where I stand,. I really am still not sure about the college system in America and this is all very foreign to me and difficult to understand so the information you give will be very valuable and much appreciated thank you.</p>
<p>First of all here are the list of colleges I am interested in. I think they are pretty realistic, but if not you can let me know.</p>
<p>-Carnegie Mellon University
-Washignton University in St. Louis
-Cornell University
-Johns Hopkins
-Brown University
-Columbia University
-Duke University</p>
<h1>Personal Info</h1>
<p>Race: Turkish(been US for 6 years)
School: Public
State: West Virginia
Grade: Just started senior year, getting ready for college apps and SAT and ACT again.</p>
<p>My GPA has constantly been 4 for the last 3 years.
Junior Year:
Weighted GPA: 4.0 (Had 1 B in AP Bio, the rest are As)
Class Rank: My school doesn't do ranks but I'm pretty confident I am in the top percentile ~10%</p>
<h1>Senior Schedule</h1>
<p>The academic (the ones that should matter) classes are:
AP GOVERNMENT (not sure whether I should take this)
German 4</p>
<h1>Past AP CLASSES and scores</h1>
<p>-AP BIOLOGY(was very challenging in our school, 6-9 hrs per week)
<h1>Extracurricular Activities </h1>
<p>-German Club 4 years (club does not have officers)
-Art Club 4 years (club does not have officers)
-NHS 1 year
-Debate Club 2 years
-Tennis team 2 years - going to be varsity this year</p>
<p>Community Service
-I have around 30, working to get up to a 50</p>
<p>I do not know if summer camps count but here are the things I have done:
Freshman Summer:
-Attended West Virginia Uni Engineering Camp
Sophomore Summer:
-Attended Georgetown Uni Computer Science Camp
Junior Summer:
-Attended Columbia University Biomedical Engineering Camp
I also have certificates for all of these programs</p>
<p>I have also interned in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University here (WVU), next to a professor. If that helps.</p>
<h1>Test Scores</h1>
<p>SAT (will take again in October)
-CR: 600
-Math: 600
-Writing: 560
-Composite: 1760</p>
<p>Sat Subject Test (Will take Math and Physics)
-Biology: 690
-Math: 540 (definitely retaking)</p>
<p>ACT (retaking in fall)
-English: 29
-Mathematics: 29
-Reading: 29
-Science 26
-Combines English/writing: 25
-Composite: 29</p>
<h1>Intended Majors</h1>
<p>Right now I'm still not sure but the major ones I want are:
Mechanical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering</p>
<p>I would appreciate any answer or advise you give me.</p>