<p>My son is thrilled to be accepted to Vassar ED1. I guess after the intense pressure of the last few years he has been asking if he still has to keep all his grades up. I think he wants to relax a bit and enjoy last half of high school.
Have people heard of Vassar rescinding an ED1 offer because of grades. He is talking about getting Bs where like the rest of you he has been working to get A s in Ap and honor courses
I realize this is a high class problem, but what do people think?</p>
<p>Well it is senior year, and (most) teachers also became relatively lax second semester.</p>
<p>But I think its important for your son to stay around his current gpa… if he was smart, he would’ve taken easier classes for 2nd semester… but w/e</p>
<p>I don’t think he is in any danger of being rescinded if he gets Bs. That being said, your son really should try to keep his grades up… it’s a good thing to do on principle, avoids the possibility of those Bs turning into Cs and Ds (I had a friend who had that happen in a class… she was fine, but it was a stressy situation for about a week), and is particularly wise if he’s interested in taking AP tests and trying to use his scores for credit at Vassar.</p>
<p>“Well it is senior year, and (most) teachers also became relatively lax second semester.”</p>
<p>I sure as heck hope so, because right now my son’s teachers are grinding him into the ground. You’d think this close to the holidays with college apps still taking time for seniors, they would let up some. He has already been admitted ED to his top choice, but is feeling a lot of pressuer to keep those grades up high.</p>
<p>maintain above a C average and you should be fine.</p>
<p>First, congratulations. I am sure he will love Vassar as does my D.</p>
<p>All good suggestions in the other comments especially regarding any AP or advanced courses in areas that he may be taking at Vassar. I would add that he should keep working so he remembers how to when he gets to Vassar. Course selection is indeed where he might care to indulge himself with some slacking off (basket weaving anyway?..though that sounds hard to me personally).</p>
<p>My daughter entered college in fall of 2008. Her senior year of hs was anything but easy. I think your son should work hard and make time for fun as well. Slacking off is not the answer. There is an element of self pride here.</p>