OK for EC's not to correspond w/potential major?

<p>I’m a junior this year & my interests have been really diverse, and what I’ve wanted to do has changed a lot over the past 3 years…now I’m looking into journalism & possibly poli sci/women’s studies. As a result, my EC’s are kind of all over the place…ballet/yoga, officer in Student Business Services Club (SBSC), volunteering in the office of a nonprofit org, vegan activism, and Model UN/Model Congress. Because of scheduling conflicts with SBSC I’m not able to join my school newspaper, but I’ll be able to take Journalism senior year. Do colleges (BU in particular, I guess) really care if your EC’s “match” what you want to do?</p>

<p>…bump =)</p>

<p>Doesn’t matter. As long as you’re doing something and not bumming your way through high school ;)</p>

<p>Yes, I agree with toms1266 … your ECs should show a few deep areas where you have a passion, and better yet, have moved up into leadership roles to help others. It’s okay to be broad, but you should have something that stands out to show that you can take an interest or a skill to a deeper, more meaningful level. Joining the journalism team is okay, but meaningless in the big scheme of things if you only tossed it in for your senior year. Perhaps your writing skills can be applied to one of your other interest areas? Can you write an article for the non-profit that can be sent to a locals news organization? Can you take your ballet or yoga interests deeper and teach a class to younger students? Did you take a leadership role in model congress or lead a significant project in the SBSC? If you’re a junior, take one or two of your interests to a deeper level.</p>