OK,Plain letter envelope; what about other(Hallmark) cards?

<p>I know this is probably a dumb question. We've been very plain in the letter envelopes we've sent.</p>

<p>But wondering around Hallmark, and the Church Youth (Bless 'em) got a group of cards to send.... And they are in every color under the rainbow.</p>

<p>So... are cards from the greeting store supposed to be beige/white envelope as well?</p>

<p>(Man, if the answer is "of course" then my kid is definitely gonna put on some chest inches from pushups). Oops. :eek:</p>

<p>i think he'll be ok... he'll push a lot no matter what so it doesn't really matter, and it's worth it to hear from home.</p>

<p>i never had any problems with colorful cards, much to the chagrin of my friends back at home...</p>